Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by YellowJacketXV, May 5, 2022.

  1. YellowJacketXV

    Thank you, so very much, for this ammo type.
    I have never been the greatest shot, with only a third of my shots being headshots in a firefight with 1000+ hours. This ammo type makes it so I can not only contribute better to my home team, but also opens up better options for hipfire and increased mobility.

    Now it more better feels like I'm raining a torrent if lead on someone rather than praying they don't push the 'C' button.
  2. Somentine

    Aiming for the legs is only slightly easier than aiming for the head, though? At least with recoil and CoF, if you aim for centre mass you can get some lucky 2x dmg hits in. KCAP is a total of 1.3x damage, reduces your HS damage, and takes up an attachment.

    I guess whatever works for you, but seems pretty counter-productive to me.
  3. Liewec123

    i think its fairly niche, but there are situations where this ammo will be good.
    like if you plan on looking down a staircase with a doorway at the end (like the one near the generator in biolabs),
    the first thing you'll see will be the enemies legs, so Kcap is pretty much just free damage!
    but yeah other than that i don't think i'd use it.