K/D All servers all factions.(repost from reddit).

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MurderBunneh, Nov 27, 2013.

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  1. Posse

    Nope, your conclusion doesn't necessarily follow those premises. Faction K/D isn't a direct function of the number of OP things a faction had, it involves many more factors, such as, how much time they remained being OP, how they affected K/D and how widely used they were.

    So the data is still worthless, for those numbers to be useful to analyze the current state of balance you have to make a lot of assumptions, and many of those assumptions just don't hold. Bring K/D numbers from the latest patch to this day and if the NC is still clearly the 3rd faction I'll be the first to recognize them to be UP (after that we'd have to analyze what factor makes them UP, because that doesn't mean that everything the NC has is worse than the TR/VS counterparts, but that's another matter).
  2. Flashtirade

    I guess I can kinda agree to that logic.
    The last big data sample I remember seeing here was the big API pull after GU14 (don't remember the name of the thread, but it should be relevant since there have been no balance changes since then) which came to the same or similar conclusions, but that got filled with a lot of the same kind of comments as here.
  3. Posse

    I think that data sample was with KPU, KPU is a terrible metric because it depends on factors like popularity, it can't really be used for balance discussions.
  4. Flashtirade

    Oh yeah. I think there was something wrong with the KPU calculator, how could a weapon owned by 2 people be used in 4 different BR quartiles?

    Anyways, updated chart. Funny that though the VS used to be the underdog for the longest time, they have the best K/D ratios in general.
    I would use Z-scores instead of % differences, but the calculations are already losing reliability since I'm using averages of averages. If only someone could provide the overall server K/Ds and standard deviations...
    [IMG]e: i forgot to force the last portion to 3 decimals, oh well
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  5. MurderBunneh

    No one says the crap you wrote. sorry I have to use the Internets most over used word STRAWMAN in this case.
  6. Ohmlink

    How are the other faction defaults comparing to the NC ones. We all know the SAW isn't as good as the Carv and Orion, but what about the assualt rifles and carbines.

    I remember hearing somewhere that the vanu medic weapons were underperforming as some point and the hyped up heavy assualt guns were to compensate.

    This would be fine if there was a reason to not field 80000 heavy assaults vs 20 medics, but thats a design issue inherent to all factions.
  7. AzureKnight

    This is just throwing this out there, but from my own experience, I'm wondering if it's the starter guns that just suck. I defaulted to a cyclone on most of my classes that could take it because I found it better than them all once I unlocked it. My KDR before doing that was abysmal except when I played recon. After equiping that gun to every class, it went up to maybe a KDR of 1-1.5. Thanks to this past weekend and the sale that included new guns I hadn't had yet, I found my KDR now averages 2-3 per game session.

    I'm thinking the problem is that people are stuck using only one gun, perhaps just the base gun. Or they assume, like I did, that one gun that is better than the base gun is better for all classes and cases which it really isn't. NC, the guns start out as decent so a thought of it being the best and possibly being afraid to waste certs is potentially high. Meanwhile, TR and VS, I notice a lot move from their base weapons.
  8. Yuukikun

    The NC masterminds knew that someone would end up pulling these numbers out one day. The truth is that NC has the highest K/D of all factions on all servers, but the masterminds make smurfs to tk other NC and reduce the K/D to then cry for buffs.

    additional info:

    K/d on my 2 NC chars, 6 and 8.
    K/d on my Vs char, 3.5
  9. Lamat

    Even if that were the case, they would still need to rebalance to account for that and have a sustainable game.
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  10. ShureShot

    I can't speak for every server, but for Cobalt this is certainly the case, as I'll illustrate below.

    This might be part of the reason.

    A simple example we all know: enemy faction takes a tower base with 48+ and 85% pop.

    If it's NC, I'm like a kid in a candy store. I know it's a cheezy tactic, but it works, so why not? Run out as an infiltrator, dump 2 proximity mines in a stack of enemies, run away. When it's against NC, I can get over 100 kills in the 7 minutes before the base flips. And most times, I'll even make it back to the spawn room, giving me results like 120/3.

    If it's TR, in the exact same situation, same base, same numbers, I'll struggle to get 20 kills, and I'll die up to 10 times. It's not even worth the time and resources.

    This has absolutely nothing to do with gear. It's just stupidity. On one hand there's the 30 odd dummies that just keep grouping up in the same spot and keep dieing the same way over and over and over. On the other hand it's the lack of smart players that stop you from doing the exact same thing over and over. TR players don't group up in the same stupid way, they are much more aware of the possible threats, they will place their own claymores to block your routes, .... But the NC don't. Not even a year into the game. They are just begging to get farmed. There really is no excuse to let me run past 8 shotgun maxes and survive. Just bad bad bad. And I love them for it :D
  11. entlein

    And this Ladys and Gentlemen is why nobody likes the VS on Cobalt.
  12. KnightCole

    Lol, to much COD will make one lazy as to Recoil control at all.

    I think its sad that every single server the avg KD is less then 1.....Of course every one seems to think the only way to play this game "properly" is to zerg the point so as to not lose the base...any other form is lazy, noob, camping, coward, spawn room camping, not helping the team...w/e....
  13. KnightCole

    Lol my NC toon its 4.36, my VS chick couldnt get past like 2.6....my TR is only 4.4 cuz he rolls max suits and trolls people. Remove his MAX kills and he would have prolly 4.2 something.
  14. Goretzu

    Well I wouldn't say worthless, as they do show the NC has had the lower K/D ratio over all, on every server.
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  15. Yuukikun

    Well i'd say the average K/D is below 1 because people with low K/D quit the game and because of TKs. Tbh when i play on my NC chars i never recieve so many TKs as when i play TR or VS. I don't know if it's only Mattherson that has this problem but NC in matherson --> no medic to revive, TK errdyallday, which makes people who get bad K/D want to quit the game (it made me want but i gave it another chance).
  16. Patrician

    Thanks so much for that advice; as an NC player I didn't know that.
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  17. Yuukikun

    My max kills or another guy?
  18. Yuukikun

    Why don't you pull stats on the average K/D with NS weapons too to see if it's more about balance or just a whole faction being bad. I'm VS and i have better stats on NS weapons than VS ones, mainly because of the higher bullet velocity.
  19. Nephera

    all these people pulling the "the weapons are harder to use but i stuck it out and learned them and get mad kill streaks all the time" card.

    It doesn't matter how well you hold your part of the wall, if the sections adjacent to you crumble to the ground.
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  20. KnightCole

    lol wut?
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