Put a bubble around the room that will allow infantry to shoot down spawn camping air units but still allow tanks and infantry(or just infantry) to pass through to kill that infantry. It still retains the combined arms aspect. If you have just a lib camping a spawn room, now you can safely leave the building to shoot it down as long as you are in the bubble but you have to watch out for ground units that can take you out by going into the bubble.
I don't think any weapons should fire through, being able to shoot down any aircraft within 500m while being invulnerable to them is a tad unbalanced...
Then it is just an extension of a spawn room. The only good thing I see about dome shields is that it prevents air units from spawn camping but the implementation of it was too drastic. It shouldn't cover a whole base. Currently, if a tank tries to spawn camp, it can be shot at through the windows of the spawn building but there isn't a solution to prevent a lib from camping a spawn building. So by putting this bubble it prevents the lib from camping but it prevents it from creating a no fly zone because ground units can go in the bubble and attack them.
The no fly zone would be incredibly, ridiculously massive due to the range of AA Also, I feel dome shields are a pointless implementation. Only poor defended bases or drastically underpopulated bases have a problem with what this is trying to fix. Anyone who is staying trying to hold a base in either of these positions is just asking for this, it is easy to avoid and If teamwork/initiative is involved you wont be attacking them from your spawn in that base anyway. This is just a quick-fix band-aid for very minor problems in the game, which aren't really caused by the game, more so the players bringing it upon themselves. I have no idea why they are on Amp stations either, they are some of the most fun bases to play in I find it idiotic people sitting in a base that is being camped and then complaining as there are plenty of other options, they are not forced to stay there.
I believe domeshields are a solution (and probably not the best) to a real problem: spawn rooms rooftops do not protect infantry against rocket pods. Liberators and ESF got an easy time at blasting away HA that try to lock with rocket launchers. Unfortunately I'm afraid current implementation will unbalance things on the other side: ripping Aircraft to shred while under the dome should be freaking easy. I still believe they should make domeshields such that they block fire in both senses, and they should be powered by generators. Current setting just creates a no-fly zone where bursters and lock-on rocket launchers can farm pilots.
Or put spawns underground away from vehicles...and make the capture points above ground and some below ground as well! viola!
Well, technically a spawn room is meant to be just that, a place you spawn. If you are fighting a losing battle in it or camping there, you are not doing things properly, that is why i say they are pointless... Especially because the current ones are not meant to benefit spawns, but to lock a base from aircraft :/
Yes, but our spawn rooms are designed in a way that reaching the rooftop is a suicide because every freaking sniper, tank, soldier and ESF can shoot you, so it's often impossible to counterattack from there. It has Always been like this and it has Always been a problem. Don't know if you were around in the first weeks or during beta, but spawn rooms have already been changed once because of this but devs basically failed and nothing has changed since then: shooting from the spawn room rooftop is more or less like turning into an easy target for all splash damage weapons, and there's no way to come back inside but jumping down... Domeshields will somehow improve the situation for the defenders, but the fact they can fire from inside the dome sounds crazy to me. I wonder how will Aircraft be able to even get close to some bases.
But my issue is the size of these shields. they should not cover a majority of the base. They should cover just the part that gets camped, the spawn building. That way Libs and Gal Gunships can still maintain their usefulness in assaults on facilities