Just one intelligent answer please!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by qiunn, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. qiunn

    Scenario. I come up behind an unsuspecting heavy (I am NC he is VS) I am directly behind him 10 feet away. I start to unload into the back of his head (every shot confirms a hit) he pops his shield ( I now have toughly 10 shots into his head) he turns as I pop my shield. All I hear is PING , I am dead, and he runs away with half his shield still left. Please help me understand why this happens 80 out of a 100 times a night?
  2. Iridar51

    Can you record a video of this?
  3. qiunn

    I can try, what software will let me do that?
  4. Stormsinger

  5. Gundem

    If you have an Nvidia card, you can use Shadowplay to record really short segments for a smaller performance hit(10 minutes to 30 seconds if you want)
  6. Razzyman

    Hard to say for sure without a video, even with one I'm no expert :p. I can tell you that you received all the damage info from the game in one shot and the enemy got some headshots in, hence the ping. If you got all hit markers you may have had some hit registration issues (though to be often most folks who claim to get 10 hits in a row often are shown to miss half the shots in a vid, can't say one way or the other), hit registration has been a bit funky lately.

    As for his health after a few folks have reported issues with that screen. I remember one in particular where someone went a tell to the player that killed them asking them how they had so much health left and the killed said he was actually almost dead, the screen just didn't report right.

    My guess is at the end of the day you missed a bit or two and some had latency was involved on someone's end that had things going on that didn't show on your screen (him spinning and getting some hits and headshots in on you). Then the final straw was likely the death screen misreporting his actual health level.

    Either that or he popped a lag switch when he heard the first hit, spun, wrecked you while you did nothing on his screen then let the system send the info. At least that's how I feel it happens sometimes when I get angry :p.
  7. qiunn

    I guess my real question isn't why i am dead, my question is why is he not dead. Of course I am not a perfect shot but with as many times a night i catch someone from behind and unload into even their torso they don't die. I get the fact that there are some very very good players who can twitch play out of that and turn and legitimate kill me, but not 70% of the time.
  8. Azawarau

    Tried it

    Heavy survived that and 2-3 shots and killed me with a sliver of health

    My rage

    TTK with headshots is lower than the human reaction time. The problem is with you, I'm sorry, I've never had problems dealing with heavies. It's just something people like to pick on and you just joined the herd.
  10. Alkasirn

    :eek: So this sounds suspiciously like a problem I've been having for quite a while (and a problem GoldenCPU brought up until he went off the deep end and nobody took him seriously.) Assuming it's a similar/identical issue: It seems to be some sort of routing issue. Some things I have found that seemed to have helped to some degree or another:

    Easiest thing to try: Play on a different server, especially if it's farther away from you. While I get the "PING-dead" thing 80% of the time while connected to a server where I consistently get 52-58ms ping, if I instead connect to a server on a completely different continent and get 150+ ms ping, the issue is resolved entirely. But then this creates the problem of it being more difficult to play during primetime.

    Kind of easy thing to try: Use a different DNS. I'm still not sure how effective this actually is. The first 3 days or so after I changed DNS, this issue went from happening about 80% of the time to more like 30% of the time. Lately, it's been just as big of a problem as it used to but also I've seen more complaints on the forum and in-game about there being lag so ???.

    Hardest thing to try: Find a VPN with a good balance of cost and latency and use that to connect to Planetside 2 instead. Then the whole "PING-dead" thing happens maybe 1-2% of the time and I imagine that's around what everyone else experiences.

    ...with all those PS2 videos of someone running into a group of 30+ people and nobody ever reacts to them being there, I'm starting to wonder how many of those players were actually shooting at them on their screen to no avail, if the player was even rendering on their screens to begin with, and how many of them still play today vs how many quit due to the spooky-and-often-misused-word, "lag".