Just got that 5th BR100

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WaaWaa, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. AFK1

    Good job

    You must really like Planetside 2
  2. KenDelta

    You got this man!! We believe!! :eek:
  3. Bankrotas

    All I got to say is... WHY?
  4. WaaWaa

    Yea probably, but then again I'm playing the game more because of the people who I play it with. I probably wouldn't be on as much if it weren't for them. They keep me sane.
  5. WaaWaa

    ROFL! Thnx!
  6. WaaWaa

    The outfit I'm in. I log that many hours playing with them. Were it not for them, I would have quit this game a long time ago and none of this would have been possible.

    I've also met and played with many interesting people getting br100's on different empires/server. It's interesting to see things from another perspective instead of being loyal to one empire and moaning all the time about how you think your empire is nerfed or underpowered.
  7. WaaWaa

    Mixed feelings. It has potential yes.

    It's more the people I play with and keeping things interesting by challenging myself to start from scratch and go through that journey. It's both frustrating and fun. Plus learning each empire's strengths and weaknesses has its advantages in the long run as well.

    Honestly, Planetside 1 was the game I really liked, but it had to die in order to give birth to Planetside 2.
  8. WaaWaa

    I drive vehicles all day. My gunners get me the XP you see for score. I'm a very good driver, not to brag, but it's the truth. Also we are very coordinated on Teamspeak and work very well together. It's not hard though, anyone can do it.

    Also, membership and boosts.
  9. WaaWaa

    Thanks dude.
  10. WaaWaa

    I played PS1 for a decade. Most likely yes, but you never know what the future holds.

    I definitely would like to be there and hope they take the game in a direction for small squads/outfit instead of catering to big outfits all the time. It's just the way I roll, and sometimes it can get quite overwhelming.

    Then again, the massive aspect of the game can be fun as well, so mixed feelings like I said.

    It's not really passion just good times on Teamspeak with my outfit. Like I said, without them I wouldn't have bothered to continue playing past maybe 1 year ago and through all the bugs/crashes/other fiascoes this game has gone through.