Just got that 5th BR100

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WaaWaa, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. WaaWaa


    TR Connery is next. Going for that 6th one. Am I da first? ItzMurda beat me to 5th one by 1-2 days when he last posted his 5th one.
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  2. BeefySleet

    When was the last time you saw the sun...?
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  3. SeanFree

    Have you ever been outside Waa?
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  4. Sossen

    The grind is real.
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  5. Sossen

    You have spent about 33% of your time the past two years in this game.
  6. WaaWaa

    And it's only gonna get worse br20 - 100 for dat 6th BR100. Here we go!
  7. WaaWaa

    I have to think all the guys from TENC (my outfit) because I think BR80-100 was pure battle bus rampaging with heavies and MAX's just wrecking everything, as well as those double furies going.
  8. DaMann22

    Congrats WaaWaa. Hope you have just as much fun if not more on your 6th.
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  9. Schizomatic

    Bro, do you even have time to mast*rbate?

    And don't try and tell me you can't while playing, either. I know you one-handed gunners have lots of free time with the other hand while racking up certs.
  10. WaaWaa

    Thanks dude I actually am having fun.
  11. WaaWaa

    Yes there's time for that and more on our teamspeak. It's good times.
  12. Paragon Exile

    I want to like this, I want to congratulate you, but you must realize that's a bit excessive?
  13. travbrad

    How do you get so much score with so few kills? Quite impressive cert farming there.
  14. Killuminati C

    Congratulations man. Good luck on your 6th!
  15. EliteEskimo

    Hopefully your passion will continue onward if/when there is a PS3/Planetside Next in the future. It would be cool to see you around then.
  16. Unsp0kn

    Excuse me while I go kill myself.
  17. Xasapis

    I don't really find it excessive. Some focus on one character, others play with more.
  18. Jac70

    I've been playing since launch off and on and I haven't BR100'd my one and only character yet :eek:
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  19. Paragon Exile

    I'm referring to raw play time.

    He's spent something like a third of his recent life playing PS2.
  20. \m/SLAYER\m/

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