Just an observation - Outfit ruled servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PutteFnask, Apr 14, 2013.

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  1. Advanced Darkness

    I'm going to have to stop comparing this game to planetside 1 but just imo what youre observing is due to the game still being incomplete and lacking alot of content or should i say continents. We had 10 continents. There was also Core combat if you liked it and you wanted some even more unique weps or vehicles.

    As this game stands now for some odd reason people are pouring waaaay too much money into a game prob less than 1/3 the size of its predecessor. We werent all trying to get into one cont. because thats where the action was. The action was all over. If you thought your faction was "alone" on a cont. and you started capping youd find some resistance really quick.

    This F2P model these companies are going with only benefits them. People are still content with playing either garbage games set in a galaxy far far away or a bunch of grossly incomplete games. Until people stop falling for pre launch game hype, including following which ever youtube video has the guy with the biggest mouth, and start being more objective from the start and holding their money until the game really proves itself all we're gonna get is more of this. Wait its coming, 2 months and this is coming, 6 months and youll have this.

    I could only imagine how many people would return their copy god of war # when they realized it was incomplete and those people would only have paid around $60 for it..not $600.
  2. Twido

    There is always two sides to a story... being threatened and told that they should leave the server seems extreme, almost unbelievable.
    I assume this is not related to the other TK thread from last night since your stories don't match up, but I would urge you to talk to the leaders of said outfit and reason out your differences.
  3. Hosp

    Of course it's a dick move. But this a case of better to ask forgiveness than permission. The zerg doesn't move itself no matter how much you try to tell them. And if you don't like the fact you might be considered a zergling and get shot, well, there are 3 continents for you to play on. It terrible, it's mean, it's (insert negative connotations here), but, like it or not, it's another of the many unfortunate truths we have to put up with to play this game.

    But remember, I also said lattice is coming and this issue will be less of an issue.
  4. Zotamedu

    You know you can give orders right? To tell the entire faction on the server what's going on. So maybe let everybody in on the grand master plan.
  5. DG-MOD-02

    I am going to close this down with a reminder that Blacklisting is not permitted on these forums. If you feel that a player or outfit is violating the ToS/EULA of the game, please follow the directions located within the link of my signature to properly report the player in question.
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