Just an observation - Outfit ruled servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PutteFnask, Apr 14, 2013.

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  1. PutteFnask

    Today I noticed how one of the larger outfits, on the server I play on with one of my alts, decided on a battle plan to capture Indar continent. All fun and glory until they also started TK'ing all and any other attacks going on by blowing up friendly sundys. Those who opposed was threatend with KOS, this would be carried out effectively by an Outfit with over 100 active players. Those who actually protected their Sundys was told that they're now KOS and best choice was to leave the server altogether (or at least abandon their character and start a new one from scratch).

    As I said, just an observation.
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  2. smokemaker

    Report them for griefing and start grief back.
    Then start giving the enemy their locations thru yells and alts.
  3. Vertabrae

    Sounds like what happened on Mattherson a while back. We ended up in a TK war. Best thing to do is simply report and make sure you fill in the details. Don't TK back. Believe me it best to just let SOE deal with it.
  4. PutteFnask

    I tried to stay out of it but I was TK'd as I was manning one of the AA guns in one of the Sundys.

    Record the entire event and attach to your support ticket. Also make sure not to attack back as it will not help your case, even though they may deserve it. And if they don't give you a timely response to the problem make sure to spam it on twitter and reddit. Make it public and loud they tend to care a little bit more about these issues when it can hurt public relations.
  6. Littleman

    /Report and deal with it until it's dealt with. SOE will crack down on the little $#!%s and their loyal minions for rampant TKing. Their outfit < the rest of the server. I know even if BCP or AOD's leader banned everyone in their outfit from playing PS2, they'd still have members playing Planetside 2 (that, or they'll find themselves shorter a good number.) As a flame ******ant, I don't see either outfit ever going that far, I'm just making a point. The entire outfit wasn't TKing, players just recognize the few that do and instantly grow paranoid of any players with the same outfit tag.

    This is why when it's TWO outfits at each other's throats, things escalate quickly, because now we have identifiable teams.
  7. TintaBux

    Reporting don't do anything, people getting abused and team killed all time ,and it goes on for months, without anything done.
  8. LibertyRevolution

    You need to get it on video... then report them.. then file a ticket and submit the video.
    Don't put up with it.

    I am sick of being flipped in the warpgate...
    So now every time before I pull a plane, I press pageup and record, when they grief me I file a ticket.

    You think it is fun to make me wait 20mins to get resources back for a new lib, I think it is fun to submit tickets and get you banned.
  9. PutteFnask

    I believe someone else reported the whole debacle cause the server where my Alt is on got awfully quiet in regards to the above.

    I think that SOE should implement a punishment system (if Its not there already) for Outfits that accumulate too many TKs. Just make the exp/hr drop for all members, limit resources or add a delay to their spawn timers. Perhaps flag them all as fair game to friendlies, but this has been suggested before and shot down so not really a suggestion for the roadmap.
  10. Blarg20011

    What server is this?
  11. smokemaker

    I would find a way.
    Make an alt get in there outfit, give intel to there enemy. I am an old EVE player, there are many way to cause disruption in their ranks.
    The sneakier the better.
    Mainline their vent to the enemies. Let them listen in....
    Find their leader and give his position to whomever is fighting them.
    Accidental key player tk's. ( be careful, do not out to out yourself )
    Well timed warnings to enemy convoys.
    etc etc....
    There are ways you can disrupt just about ever combat action they wish to perform.
    Between alts and their enemies, you can have them do nothing but ghost capping till they drop out of sheer boredom.
  12. Udnknome

    I'm pretty sure you are allowed to name the guild. In fact you can start a campaign on you-tube and show off their blatant disregard for they're own guild charter/rules. First though, find out who the outfit leaders are either by looking them up on Planetside universe or by Google searching their website and report it to them. Most likely they will require some type of recording of the behavior for them to act, but I guarantee, there will be action from a leadership level at the very least. (Leaders spamming members to send "sorry" tells when they accidentally TK someone.)

    Most people are carebares when it comes to joining a guild, and most would not like to be affiliated with a group that does such things to their own faction. Either the outfit will take care of the problem internally or they will lose members/power over time.

    As far as the 100 member thing, that isn't really a big deal in my opinion. My guild has over 1500 members, though only about 300 on at one time. Makes things a little difficult to govern, but I assure you -- If my leadership got word of a group doing this within my outfit, they would be figuring out a way to create their own( they would be kicked from the guild). The larger guilds do have Inter-leadership communication, and it's easy to get black-balled.

    Even we do not sway the tide of battle due to the fact that servers support 2k people each.

    This is a bigger deal than most people understand, my outfit pays extra for a TS server that will support about 600 people. This adds a lot of content to the game that just isn't in there by default. The game quickly becomes boring when you are out there on your own.
  13. Selerox

    This sounds like it's becoming a big problem on some servers. This is not EVE. Outfits do not own regions, they do not own servers, they do not have the right to ruin people's games just because people aren't playing in their favour.

    No matter how good an outfit is (or thinks it is), it does not have the right to TK other players simply for daring to be in the same area and not being as "good" as them.

    SOE need to start banning for it. Not just leaders, not just instigators, but outfits as well. Is it harsh? Not in the slightest. Why? Because if you're a member of an outfit that tolerates behaviour like this, then you are supporting that behaviour. Which means you may as well have pulled the trigger on a TK yourself.

    No-one should be above the rules. Not players. Not Outfits. No-one.
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  14. Vortigon

    This needs immediate attention by SOE - The bigger outfits do not own the server - if they TKed you repeatedly the entire outfit needs outed and sanctioned - name and shame them and report them every time it happens - I saw this in PS1 and it ruined the game for many people.

    Temporary suspension of the entire outfit is the only action these children understand - next comes bans for the leaders.

    Nip it in the bud now SOE - and ban the dictators.
  15. PutteFnask

  16. Kedyn

    It'll never happen - too much money would be lost.
  17. MissTiger

    I see a problem with your suggestion - easy-peasy to take out outfits you don't like by rolling a character just to start TKing. One person alone? No, but say you are in an outfit and one night you and your fellow outfit members roll another faction and all join the same outfit. Within days, you could get it banned.
  18. Arquin

    Which outfit are we talking about here? The only outfit I know who can regularly get that many players is probably CONZ.

    The funniest thing here is, that NC and TR joint op still failed to take Indar.
  19. Selentic

    The awful sunderer deploy radius mechanic really has got to go, it keeps players from wanting to move up for fear of losing their xp farm, or have it stolen by someone else, and just turns into an awful way for players to grief each other. It did nothing to curb the 200 sunderers at every big battle either, so there is zero reason to keep it.
  20. Darkard

    That's because CONZ decided to back hack us and then some 4 man outfit in the TR cut off the NC and pissed them off.
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