Joining you guys soon :)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by XRykerX, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. XRykerX

    hey, sorry but what do you mean?!
  2. Ronin Oni

    Yeah, lots of us play tons of other FPS.

    Trust us, you're going to die.... A LOT.

    You've never been shot at from so many directions before. Believe me. It takes adjustment.

    Plus the base battle flow takes a lil getting used to. And just how fights work in general when 2 massive zergs collide.

    He means what I just said :p

    Doesn't matter if you have a 4-8 K/D in BF4... you're gonna die ;)
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  3. TehEngineer

    I have to chime in here, been playing online FPS's since QuakeWorld Teamfortress, been clanned most of the last 15 years (no joke, qwtf, q3tf, etf, tf2) I've got twitch skills and good awareness, but, this game, it's totally non-forgiving. You _will_ die often, and you won't know how (well, you will know who and what weapon, and maybe from where, but this won't help a lot). Others have said level up engy and medic skills, hang back and support for a while, this is great advice. Oh, and welcome to the never ending war :)
  4. Paragon Exile

  5. Paragon Exile

    OT; Good to have you OP!

    I hope you like spandex and cargo pants!
  6. Xyphus

    Sage advices here, I'd listen to them...

    I had just recently came back (like 3 days ago) from playing up till BR17 back in 2012 (yeah I know, its nothing)...Still relearning the game. I wished I had someone tell me, only now after PAINFULLY taking what seems like forever slugging it out to BR25 over 2 days did I wise up and play support to get used to the flow and the combat, and things now make sense, again. MAX + ZOE + Nebulas...I am in love :D

    Wife laughs at me screaming at the 'puter all the time hahahaha.

    Sometimes I wonder why I left in the first place, this is still the best FPS out there bar none...Even BF4 will not prepare you for this game. Yah like a lot of ppl here lots of experience playing FPSes and spent a lot of time in competitions...Dominating in BF4 without vehicles is easy for me. But wow I am humbled by the for the lack of a better word, sheer fury of this game.

    Just don't even think about KDR for a while :D

    BTW what happened to The Crown, seems different now...
  7. Iridar51

    Oh no, you didn't!..
    ****, he said the C word. Everyone, in the bunker, now! GO GO GO!


    • Up x 5
  8. Iridar51

    Yeah, usually I inform people when I use their stuff, but that particular part has so many of you guys that I conveniently forgot to do it :rolleyes:
  9. Paragon Exile

    It's not that, I'm just surprised you consider my post "Among the best advice"

    Much obliged.
  10. PastalavistaBB

    Somebody playing on Ceres can explain it more detailed, but Ceres is the least populated Server (After Briggs probably). So Cobalt would be a better choice. Miller was the most "Hardcore" server together with Mattherson, still is quite challenging. You might consider that. Woodman is kinda boring.

    Whatever you do, don't chose NC as your main character. There's a huge NC overpop on every server. This game definitely doesn't need more NC. VS would be a good choice too, but there are servers with VS overpop, especially after Hossin got released. TR is the weakest and least populated Faction atm, so chosing TR would actually be the right thing to do.
  11. EagleGuardian

    There are quite a few good TR outfits on Ceres available. Some of them are pretty competitive, whereas others are a bit more casual. Note that some of them require you to use TeamSpeak 3 to join in.

    Some well-known English-speaking Ceres TR outfits are: BAWC, RMIS, HKON, TTRO, WDUH, G0 (Groundops).
    If you prefer to speak French: FREC, VIOK.
    If you prefer to speak German: IPT, GETR.
    If you prefer to speak Russian: TGRT.

    Note that there are many other outfits out there, so you might just want to join a few open squads and see which outfit you like best :)
  12. Bonom Denej


    Good at FPS or not, this is not your typical FPS. You're going to die, a lot.