Jaeger's Media

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Haskaal, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Haskaal

    There are several great fights that happen out there on this server, and I'm sure there are many who records and screenshots parts of those great battles! Share your screenshots or videos that pertains to our Jaeger on-goings.

    (I'm sure this would better belong to the Off Topic area, but I placed it here so it would be more interactive with our server.)

    I'll start:


    (Credit to DoctorOrdnance, agent00kevin, Dulu, Jaspah, and Jord for taking these screenshots.)
  2. NC_agent00kevin

    I'll play :)

    TR Gal Bombing The Crown:


    Shooting a Scythe down with a Lightning:


    Edit: LOL @ the next to last screen in Haskaal's post! Its a shame I missed that.
  3. PureSalad

  4. doombro

    Vanu is about to gate TR, we crush their forces at the final hex.

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  5. Dagonlives

    Much of this video took place on saturday during the Amerish offensive. Acutually Haskaal 1:13-1:18 is a PoV of the 3 gal drop we did on LEGN. We hope to be getting more Point of view videos up soon! Hope you guys like it.

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  6. Panaku

    I made this montage of Infiltrator/Scythe gameplay last month, mainly for editing purposes so don't expect great gameplay but I hope you all enjoy it!

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  7. NC_agent00kevin

    Saw myself on the wrong end of a TR gun in the killfeeed at 1:14. There will be payback. :p

    I died a lot in the battle at North grove, but fared a lot better at NC Arsenal. Because we had our Arsenal. :D
  8. Mark467

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  9. Ground Pounder

    Here's TRAF's latest recruitment video that Weatherford put together.
  10. Mark467

    *This is on Matherson*
  11. Dagonlives

    I self titled this one: BRSN is still looking for good pilots.

  12. Sylas

  13. Maer

    One of my guys made this video last week. Absolutely incredible. Makes me a proud outfit leader to know such exceptional individuals prefer my outfit over others.
  14. Com.on

    Nice video!
  15. PureSalad

    This was insanely impressive compared to almost every other Planetside 2 Montage I've seen. Levelcap is the only one that has a montage worth comparing the editing skill too.
  16. Maer

    He's a monster, and the editing is fantastic.
  17. KidApathy

    Lets all give some applause to the soon to be first BR100 in Turretside 2!!! #1 Turret farmer NA
  18. Haskaal

  19. KidApathy

    Lol no, if i had been running 50% premium and boosts from the start I would have beaten Sylas definitively. Also, maybe if i had farmed turrets in empty bases :D I much prefer playing planetside and killing people, where I clearly have Sylas smoked.
  20. SpaceMilk

    these are all really good. Maybe you guys should be professional Planetside 2 Photographers!