Jaeger vs other servers?

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by SpaceMilk, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Razzyman

    I just saw that. While it makes sense population wise I was hoping for SolTech, just doesn't work out I guess. :( I am glad about hogher pops though and looking forward to leaving Indar. I'm not too fond of Indar personally.
  2. doombro


    Soltech should be the obvious choice. TR is powerful enough on waterson. Merging waterson with a balanced server is far from a good idea.

    I like to win, but not when it's going to be laughably one sided, and done with numbers.
  3. Infinn

    Information source???? FOund it
  4. spunchron

  5. Ronin Oni

    I think I might prefer Waterson over Matherson.....

    I mean... TE as allies? ugh

    I have my NC on Matherson already too..... I intentionally avoided same servers on my alts and none of them are getting merged together :D (though My VS Connery is rather sad panda right now)
  6. OddChelsea

    Waterson is the best server Jaeger could be merged into, no other servers compare. *TotalBias*
  7. spunchron

    Choosing between those two servers is lose/lose for TR. An organized outfit with a complete zerg mentality being led by a sociopathic ragefaced leader with little dick syndrome, or a disorganized zerg of a twitter following. I agree that Mattherson is worse, though.
  8. Ronin Oni

    I'll take the disorganized twitter-zerg any day over that racist psychopath.

    SolTech just doesn't have the numbers... they have less players than we do. If Jaeger & SolTech Merged we'd still be smaller than Matherson.

    The idea is to increase pop enough to have good off-peak fights, with peak times being waged over all the conts at the same time.

    TR are doing pretty good on Waterson right now as well, but it's not a landslide or anything... far from.

    I'm really going to miss Jaeger though.... My player name will forever be dedicated to her memory
  9. Erik

    All US servers need better pops. People are leaving in droves because of it. They have to merge the smallest servers with the largest and the two med pop servers together. They won't merge jaeger with sol tech.

    As some one who playes waterson and Mattherson, waterson is a great server. The community on mattersoni is obnoxious, soooo many trolls and non friendly **** talking, Waterson is a competitive server even with low VS numbers and has a great community. Keep in mind that with higher pops, coninents should get locked and you'll end up with more balanced fights despite pop differences. Pop differences ar far more noticeable with low numbers. Who knows, pops may even balance more as people return (to game or faction) because of better and more balanced fights.
  10. doombro

    Which is exactly why we should have Soltech instead of them.

    God help them, they have to play with The Enclave now.
  11. SpaceMilk

    Umm both?
    Why else would I make these threads?

    Sucks though Jaeger is getting merged with Waterson. TR will have a high pop. I am going miss this beautiful server...
  12. PureSalad

    I hope they changed their mind on that merger, considering Jaeger imo is already filled except for the VS population. I just can't imagine twice the amount of people running around. I almost feel it will make the game less fun, and more zerg fest.
  13. SpaceMilk

    I agree with that. I have played on Waterson when I first got in PS2. I used to see alot of zergs everyday. WHen I went to Jaeger I was surprised about the lack of zergs here.
    There isn't really any good coming from this.
  14. PureSalad

    Also another possible killer to low-mid end computers and performance. After the Render changes my FPS dropped by 40 everywhere I go. My computer is actually pretty beast, just hope with the increased population it won't furthur my decrease in performance.