I have played on Waterson before as VS before coming here. Curious, how do you guys feel about other servers. I personally like this one best. It is like out in the country. The EU are the city. Jaeger has good people and great outfits. Have you guys been to other servers? If so, how was the server? Waterson was okay, but TR became overwhelming.
Played a bit on Matherson before I came here. Only to BR13 as a VS. It seems to me that they hate each other more over there than here; lots of yells back and forth insulting each other, bragging, etc. It's about what I expected when most of the large PS1 outfits gathered on a single server after playing against each other for a while.
While I haven't done a lot of research at this point I have seen more than a couple of negative threads about the larger US east servers. SolTech seems seems like it would be a good match for us faction and community wise, but I fear population wise we're not a good match in the overall scheme of mergers. I hope we are but only SOE knows how mergers are going to go down and the best way to go about it. I hope whatever server we get merged with has a good community and that we start to see some great battles on all 3 continents. I've never been a big fan of Indar but it's better than capping empty bases.
To be honest, I wouldn't mind a merger with Soltech. Between TR and NC, VS don't exactly compare in terms of either numbers or leadership on jaeger. When I had a test character on Soltech, it was the other way around there. VS were usually on top in terms of population, but only barely. Could balance things out a bit.
I can't remember where I read it today, but a Soltech VS posted that their pop dropped a bit too after GU02. Once the Magrider was nerfed and the other 2 tanks got buffed, the 4th empire decided the go somewhere else. (Not my theory, I don't drive tanks mostly).
I agree, not only that, but i would like the see more consistent action on the other conts. But i suppose that is really for other reasons, hopefully the merges fix that! otherwise, Jaeger is my home
Matherson was selected as the server that a bunch of large Outfits moved to from PS1, so there's quite a bit of rivalry as well as organized ops run there constantly. Just an fyi.
I like the scale of Jaeger. It's large enough to have those OMG moments with massive tank lines and large battles, but small enough that a single 12 man squad can fundamentally impact the battle in some way. After two months here I remember the names of most of the outfit leaders on all factions, and regularly recognize high level BR players if I kill/am killed by them. It's large enough to be exciting, but small enough to have a knit community.
Why are you asking so many questions about Jaeger Outfits and Jaeger? You that curious? or do you actually listen to everyone's opinions?
I hope Jaeger stays and some other server is merged into Jaeg. I also hope it doesnt lead to nothing but ridiculous zergy battles as I prefer a couple squads vs a couple squads the most. The zerg guys just run right into your line of fire after you take up a tactical position, try to shoot through you from the back of the line just to get a kill and generally screw up any chance of a real tactical battle. One particular zergfit is horrible for this, and when they show up, I tend to leave. Because half my deaths will be from friendly fire. They are just as bad if not worse than the pubbers. I like smaller battles mainly because I get about 20fps in huge battles. If thats all i can find, I'll most likely just quit playing. Hopefully they will sort out their optimization and specifically multi core optimization before doing the mergers.
I hope they will not merge Jaeger with something else. I don't want more zerg rushes. But it would be fine to exchange some NCs. We have too much stupidity in our faction on our server.
jaeger totally needs a merge. if your not at the crown your fighting ghosts. Its getting LAME. I'm so excited about the merges. More recruits for VREV
I come in peace/war depending on faction from SolTech and we REALLY want to be merged with Jaeger. Just to let you know that we want this merge w/ you too.
Please send more space ravers to jaeger. We have plenty of spandex and glow sticks on jaeger for all you VS!
Bad news. Jaeger getting merged with Waterson. TR is getting the shaft with the TotalBiscuit following.