Ethos has formed a new Recon Squad, and we are looking for like-minded individuals in ANY and ALL outfits, as well as anyone NOT currently in an outfit. We will be linked to Ethos for air deployment and have Vent access via Sgt. Blackbird's channel as needed, but the unit will be active in service to the entire NC community on Jaeger and will consult with Jaeger's outfits for strategic guidance but be largely autonomous on a tactical level. Our Intended Role: --Monitoring enemy movements/traffic as an early-warning system. Our primary responsibility will be to serve as "eyes on", when and where they are needed, for the entire server. --Advance force to prepare major targets for assault. This will involve not just the usual blowing up of generators and hacking terminals/turrets, but also serving as a diversion in order to minimize enemy resistance where it counts. --Disrupting/stalling enemy assaults against major friendly positions. In addition to serving as a diversion, this will also involve setting ambushes and rapidly deploying against flanking forces. Please bring explosives. --Being outnumbered all the time, every time, like it's our job. It will be. Recruiting Requirements: --Fairly advanced (25%+) in Infiltrator and at least one other class. Reaver skill and certs also preferred for potential aerial recon operations... Flash also helps for moving quickly with a low profile. --Willing to work for the good of the entire Jaeger community. This is a LOW-CERT work environment, so you'll need to make your money elsewhere. A lot of our time will be spent just staying alive in dark corners of the world, while we round up and relay actionable intelligence for the NC outfits to work with. If we are involved in a major battle, we will be in before the farm starts and out before the base caps. This is a community service project--if you're looking to get rich, move on. --Independence, courage and/or fatalistic streak. As the unit will most likely be a mix of outfits on any given night to stay fully staffed, you won't be answering to me or anyone else--we will serve the consensus of active NC outfits when we are operating. As such, it will be far less important to follow specific instructions, which will be few and far between; it will be far more important to understand our unit's objectives and norms of operation, and to work toward those without waiting for any prompting or hand-holding. This is NOT to say that you should not be a team player... "I Am an Army of One" is so 2002. Know your role, communicate well, and dodge bullets. If you are currently already in an outfit and would like to train, please have your outfit leader speak with SgtBlackbird about dates and times that you can be "on loan" to train with us. If you are an outfit leader and either did not hear about this during one of our recent faction gatherings or would simply like more information about our current plans, please message me in-game: Moneypants. Looking forward to helping you all get the drop on those other guys..... --Moneypants--
I work hand in hand with my buddy Money here, it's ridiculous what they accomplish. Absolutely ridiculous. Their intel has saved our ***** more than once. Wish we had more recon boys.