BRIT doesn't really play now that TotalBiscuit has cashed his UES paycheck. Only really big TR outfit is ODAM.
Who? This blows. Waterson has already a consistent 40-50% TR world pop, and they are merging it with another server that has a High TR pop? What the ****?
and IDDI Has hackers in its outfit, confirmed ones too still playing even though they've been reported.
I hate to break it you you, Lamp, but it is no different on Jaeger -- TR's solution to all problems is to throw tanks at it. And if that fails, throw more tanks. Should that for some reason fail, you forgot to throw enough tanks at it, so throw some more. The TR zerg is only going to get worse...
Every faction uses a tank zerg here and there. NC actually brings some of the bigger tank zergs I've seen.
Tank zergs are fun. Dropping a platoon of men armed with anti-armor kits on top of them is hilarious, and makes for good footage. Waterson = three times the tank zerg. Should be good times.
So. On jaeger vs pretty much owns amerish and esimir while nc and tr fight for the crown. Is this similiar to watterson?
We have LESS than 40-50% TR pop on Jaeger (Highest I've seen is like 38% and that was with a lot of TR and other fact's big outfits not on)... so the pop % of TR on Waterson will go DOWN in that case. Does seriously nobody remember how adding ratios works? I know 7th grade algebra was a long time ago (well, for me) but hell, it was also pretty easy. We let you hold Amerish and Esamir cause we got sick of the back and forth ghost capping. We just want to fight.... so... Indar.
Probably, from what I can tell, you're a scythe pilot and I primarily run vanguards. Only two things I die to, air and other tanks.
Yup, Sorry Jaeger NC and TR, but you will end up with a lot of XOO guys deconstructing their vehicles when they are about to die.
First off, we do not condone this method of play. We fight and die like everyone else. We do not cheat. I will personally boot anyone out of the outfit who cheats. Get your facts straight before you call XoO out on something like that. I'm not going to continue a flame war on this, but I will stand up for my outfit when someone calls us out for something shameful. If however, you really do find members doing this, get it on video and I'll take care of it. Secondly, don't act like you TR are innocent. We encounter so many hackers and cheaters when we play its not even funny. I'm not saying the VS dont hack...but thats besides the point. Get your facts straight before posting comments about our outfit. If you have hard evidence, I'll gladly take care of it on my end, but don't go shaming us when we don't deserve it.
Yes, with the exception that we have neutralized Indar and have kept it that way for 1 week straight now, and will continue to do so!