Jaeger Alliance

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Whiskey, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Weatherford

    Hello. I'm Weatherford, leader of the [TRAF]. Warjunkie, leader of [TT6] and I have had success launching two combined operations during [TRAF]'s event nights. So far, I have been jumping in his Teamspeak and tabbing back and forth to relay [TT6]'s broad plan to my squad leaders. It makes everyone in my outfit happy to know that we are not relying on public players to reinforce points on the map that would stretch us too thin to cover. It would be great to have a more centralized location for all of us like-minded outfit leaders to speak about working together.

    Therefore, I would like to offer all interested Terran Republic outfit leaders to join me at [TRAF]'s Teamspeak at 9PM EST on Monday 12/24/2012 in the Jaeger High Command channel. It will be the top channel in our Teamspeak and only outfit leaders will be allowed, large or small.
    9PM EST, Monday.
    Jaeger High Command Channel

    [TRAF] will be having our weekly flash race rally on all continents at that time and all of your members are welcome to join us! They will start on Indar at 9PM.

    We are all already on the same team as patriots of the Terran Republic who no doubt care very much about their outfits. So I would like to think of this as more of an organizational endeavor than an alliance. We are all already allies, disagreements aside. This is very much a war of numbers and with our combined drive, manpower, and resolve; nothing will stop us.

    Strength in unity.
  2. Whiskey

    I appreciate the effort and I will make every attempt at being there.
  3. Warjunkie

    TT6 will be there with strippers!
  4. Logram

    Great initative Weatherford!

    Can't wait to hear how all this goes, plus flash races are always fun!
  5. West Texas Hell

    I have some family engagements due to Xmas Eve, however I will find someone from ARGO to represent us.
  6. 0positivo

    Hah- flash specialist here, prepare to eat my dust :D
  7. Weatherford

    Hello everyone. This is an update on the planned meeting.

    Because it was Christmas Eve we did not have any other outfits represented but [TT6] and [TRAF]. I realize this was an issue propagated only by a silly lack of foresight with the date on my part! :]

    So, Warjunkie and I have agreed to try again on Thursday 12/24/2012 at 8PM EST. Mark your calendars!

    8PM EST, Thursday.
    Jaeger High Command Channel

    We must unite with common understanding and strategy to be effective. I hope to see all of you there!
  8. Whiskey

    Yes, I offer my apologies, when I committed I did not realize it was Christmas eve. I will be there for Thursdays events. I will join Ts for the meet n greet, and I will have available members attend the in game event.

    I appreciate the understanding.