Jaeger Alliance

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Whiskey, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Whiskey

    I am proposing an alliance of TR outfits on the Jaeger server in order to better coordinate our efforts of crushing the VS and NC insurrection.

    This would be an informal alliance with all outfit leaders that participate having equal say in all alliance matters and based on mutual support and cooperation when our outfits are in the field.

    So far since my arrival on this server I have seen very little TR team work. I admit I play this game to relax and have fun, my particular brand of fun involves winning. So I am putting this out there for a couple reasons:

    1. See if any interest exists

    2. Foster a healthy community based on mutual respect and friendly competition.

    Please leave a note here or message me. If this looks like it will happen, I will put an embassy forum on my outfit web site and set up ambassador ranks. We can discuss voice servers and all that once we decide to move forward.

  2. Whiskey

    Those that have contacted me, thank you! We will go froward and win. The rest can just follow in our wake.
  3. 0positivo

    Would be awesome to see this happen
  4. Warjunkie

    Great initiative, however for it to work the people involved need to be cool, calm, and collected, and respect the fact that other Outfits have their own leadership with their own goals, some who do not take well to being ordered around. Our heated discussion last night in leaders channel left a bitter taste in regards to the way you "request" assistance, however Terran Team Six [TT6] is still willing to assist with the bigger picture when the bigger picture makes sense to us as well.

    Just for claritys sake, you requested assistance on Indar when the POPULATION there was at 22%, and the population on Amerish was at 44% (I know I checked). The continent was already lost when you requested assistance (I know I checked). you then erupted in anger when I advised that I was going to keep my Outfit Platoon(s) on Amerish, because we were doing well.

    The continent YOU happen to be on is not more important then any other continent, and you should take into account the size of the elements you are working with, and the size of the element on the other continent, because I had over 70 people from my outfit alone banging out Amerish alongside TRAF, and another Outfit I cannot remember their acronym.

    Dropping all of our hard work, and progress on Amerish was not a decision I was willing to make, and while you can certainly be upset about it, you should refrain from trolling, and flaming, because you did not get your way. It doesnt bode well for the message you are trying to convey here of "mutual respect", and "courtesy".

    Be a bit more patient, and you will certainly go far with this. Good luck to you guys, and if we can assist let us know.
  5. Whiskey

    I am going to mostly ignore the above post. Were I you, I would get with your outfit mate HateHate666 (sp?) and have him continue to be the liaison with my outfit, he has our respect and we look forward to coordinating with him. He already has access to my forums and when (if at this point? not sure) I see him again I will give him the TS info.

    We honestly want to coordinate with TRAF as they seem to be the most organised outfit on the server at this point. They always get it done and I really (as does the rest of my outfit) love seeing them show up.

    Other than that, this idea sort of died in the womb and I am pursuing a different approach to this topic entirely. The wall of text was largely inaccurate, and impertinent.

  6. Warjunkie

    Your post proves my point exactly, and I will be sure to advise Hehateme666 to cease further contact with you as you are clearly unable to accept CONSTRUCTIVE feedback. Believe me when I say that TT6 is fully capable of accomplishing what we need to without individuals like you who feel that they are above others. I am sure people reading this exchange will form similar assessments, but I will leave them to their own thoughts.

    You say this died in the womb? I don't think anyone would have ANY trouble figuring out why.
  7. Whiskey

    Shame, Hate is a good leader and well respected. But, cheers!
  8. Holydragon

    Just a gamer feeling your pain. I am HolyCommander, leader of EZ Company on NC. The outlaws of NC!!! I read a little of your posts here and chuckled to myself. I saw you had an interesting chat on the leader channel. Reminded me when I went off on a lot of people on it when they insulted me and my Outfit for using Orders chat for recruiting. Most leaders here dont like that and Im sure many others dont but I dont care what others think when I try to use all necessary means to help my outfit within thew game.This is WAR! We need every advantage we can get to win(without hacking of course). We have over 400 members due to that and it works. My views are that if it is available, I will use it. Most of the leaders here are either immature, jealous or down right nasty people that love to argue. Unfortuantely for you guys, EZC is pretty organized (most of the time when leaders are on) and we usually dominate. Most of the other leaders here use orders chat to insult me while I help the faction. I dont know what happened to you guys but I feel for you as a gamer...

    For the good of this game, I hope we all can get along within our own factions. As it is, EZ Company usually plays alone. SGTBlackBird is the only other leader I usually work with. Hope we all can get our stuff together and work together for EPIC BATTLES!

    While I wont wish you guys luck, for obvious reasons, I do hope we all can work things out a bit within our own.

    Have fun all, it is a game. Remember that! Play nice with each other and wonderful things will happen!!!
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  9. Logram

    What we're experiencing here is growing pains, that's all, as with all new relationships it takes time to get to know each other and how we like to do things. What we have to get going here is the right people getting communications going with each other. Both Warjunkie and Whiskey are leaders, they're generals. They aren't in that position because they sat by and took orders, they made them for themselves. Of course, this was going to cause some head-butting.

    But what we can take from this for sure, is both Leaders want what's best for our faction. What we need to find here is the middle ground for the alliance, and the total sharing of information from all parties.

    Rather than telling each other what we need to do, we should be asking where we can assist you, or where you can assist us.

    For all alliance matters feel free to get in touch with myself (LogramTR) or TRoosevelt.

    Strength through Unity.
  10. Warjunkie

    Very well thought out, and put together post Logram, and I agree completely. TT6 will work with any Outfit out there, and we believe we can do so without berating people in leaders chat channel who don't necessarily follow our EXACT train of thought in the field ;)
  11. Logram

    Yes, Warjunkie. As you would know, things can get pretty heated in the midst of battle. Information gets missed, comms go sour.. etc

    I only see this as a hiccup on the path to a stronger, more organised TR in the future. As soon as we can get those communication lines open we can start putting our words to work, and show exactly how crushing we can be when all our guns are pointed in the same direction.
  12. Ronin Oni

    Hey, GotDaMovesLikeJaeger here, one of the leaders of [ARGO] (A Really Good Outfit :p ).

    We are interested in setting up combined efforts. We've definitely seen a need for larger combined efforts on the server, and as we have no super-sized zerg outfits that pretty much leaves it up to us smaller outfits to coordinate larger offensives.

    It won't be easy, I'm sure egos will bump on occasion. NBD. Brush your shoulders off and try again another night. Just remember our real enemies are in purple and blue ;) We won't always get along, we won't always agree on everything... but we can always agree on who to shoot :D

    Oh, and we didn't lose Indar last night... we started to, but pushed back hard. No worries :) Had a GREAT fight for like an hour from The Stronghold pushing towards the NC WG, though only a couple of us (ARGO) were on still (I did see some TRAF and a couple other outfits represented in the fight though... it was a pretty big brawl.)
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  13. Whiskey

    yeah we never did lose Indar, I remember your tag, and if you want to PM me or one of the members mentioned above (In logram's post) I can get you our TS info.
  14. Whiskey

    Yeah well put, things get heated, I am stepping away from the coordination thing and letting my silver tongued devils handle it. I am far to direct/abrasive/whatever you want to call it for diplomacy. At any rate, we hope to soon provide you with some epic battles, which you will of course lose, :) but they will be epic.

    Take care man, see you out there!
  15. Logram

    Thank you to all the TR leadership that has contacted me so far, The strength of the alliance is constantly growing it seems! As stated before, PM Myself or TRoosvelt either in game, or on the forums and we can open up some lines of communication!
  16. EnternalShade

    Not a welcoming experience on the Fox Company TeamSpeak. I would hope that one of the guys that where on there would help me find a way to contact someone about this as I was interested. Rather then I was asked to get out of the channel when I asked about the Alliance Thing. You may be in a battle or something in Planetside but it's not excuse to turn people away for just asking simple question. I would never demand someone to leave the channel at all when they ask a question just simply because they are in "The Heat" of a battle ext.
  17. 0positivo

    can you please PM who did that? We were very clear to offer every possible assistance, and I'm extremely sorry that happened.

    I do also suggest to post in the alliance section in our forums about looking for alliance info/just putting your name in... for now it's there, once we get this thing going for real we'll involve everyone to get some neutral ground forum to use
  18. Logram

    Echoing 0positivo's post....

    I'll be getting to the bottom of that.

    Also, I will be on most of the day from now until tonight if you want to jump into our TS again. Again sorry that happened. That's not the message we want to put out there.
  19. Whiskey

    I sincerely apologize on behalf of whoever did this. If you will please PM me the information I will get to the bottom of this. I will not accept this behavior from anyone and I refuse to be represented like this. Please accept my humble apologies.
  20. Haskaal

    Great initiative. It is always good to see people organizing and working together to progress towards the bigger picture or achieving the ultimate goal, even if it IS coming from the enemy. It'll be a sight to see the day where all the major TR outfits are working in unison to capture a tech plant. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors of teamwork and unity.
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