Hey I've been looking at the stats of the shotguns and I noticed that the Jackhammer (regardless of being a "heavy weapon") has the lowest damage of all the NC shotguns. I'm wondering if the Jackhammer is even worth using over the other shotguns? Is there a plan for a buff? Does the Jackhammer have a distinct advantage over the other shotguns that I don't know of? Discuss.
In short: Nope, not worth it. In long: It is either on-par or worse in every stat than any other shotgun in the game, except the reload times. This ABSOLUTELY makes it an awesome Specialized Heavy Assault weapon. Yes, it deals less damage than any other shotgun too - 112 instead of 143.
I DID buy it very early in the game because of my undying hope that they WILL buff it. Eventually. I did make quite a few kills with it, though. It's not that it is entirely useless; the problem is jsut that you can't use it at all once your target is more than 10m away. And that is absolutely no overstatement, trust me.
Then this shotgun needs a buff, my suggestion would be to just give it like 20 rounds to fire. It already has lower damage, lower range, lower everything than the other shotguns.. might as well AT LEAST give it a higher magazine capacity.
It doesn't have lower range, that's a general flaw of shotguns. At least from my feel/view. And friends I play with.
BUFF THE JACKHAMMER, THEN MAYBE I'LL BUY IT! Well I might end up buying it anyway. lol I like the style of it.
By the way, it's semi-automatic and has a secondary firemode that fires three shots in quick succession. Not much faster than normally though.
I tried it out. If you keep hammering the mouse button, you fire almost as fast. It's pointless nontheless, because the risk of wasting shells is pretty high, and since you only have 6 by standard, that very much hurts.
I used it a little last night and close quarters it was amazing but.. only with the 3 burst fire mode. 1 burst and people were dead.
Jackhammer user here, I've tried using this weapon exlcusively while playing HA. I think I've gotten 10 kills with it since I've bought it. Most of the time, if I open up on someone with this thing, I fire the first shot, but almost always exclusively die, even after connecting three rounds. The three round burst is useful if you sneak up behind someone and shoot them point blank. I bought this weapon thinking it was gonna be a street sweeper. Instead, it taps enemies on the shoulder to let them know "FREE TARGET OVER HERE!"