I've never heard anyone defend 'Redeployside' so why do you continue to let this kill the game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frostiken, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. BengalTiger

    My outfit is somewhere in between those two groups.
    Using overwhelming numbers isn't really Hardcore Organized - in fact it's the easiest way to get things done, all that's needed is more bodies than the bad guys have bullets.

    That's a really good point.
    Unfortunately, someone from SOE ran a squad once and figured that moving the waypoint is a chore and not fun, so now we have Phase 1 of the Mission System, while people who actually like the RTSSide of PS 2 are stuck with sending messages via /leader (rarely using /orders), and discussing battle plans with their own unit always starts with:
    "OK guys, open the map please..." in voice chat.

    This does deserve its own topic.

    Redeploying one base back and spamming explosives between 4 rally points that mark a kill zone is organized, but I wouldn't call it hardcore yet.

    Well, my outfit usually has 5-10 people online, so if we don't go organized to a degree, we may as well not go at all if there are defenders.

    We do Gal (or Val) drops, but never with overwhelming force.

    Further question:
    Why did SOE bother with ground vehicles?
    My guess is they didn't know that competitive people would just teleport around everywhere.

    Without travelling the old fashioned way, the sense of scale gets lost pretty quickly - PS 2 becomes a series of small battlefields to choose from on a strategic map, and everything beyond that is more of a 3D background than a part of the game itself.

    In a pure RTS this would work, but over here there is no global winning condition, so starving the enemies results in starved enemies (and not winning the war), who don't enjoy the game because of it.

    This deserves a whole thread on its own I guess.

    Just like infantry focusing on one building, the ESFs can patrol above one base. This can give local superiority in both cases, at least temporarily. Working together with AA units, there's quite a bit to be achieved, at least locally.

    If planes need to be off radar, then there's vehicle stealth.
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  2. Takara

    This game will never know the love and amazing feeling you got from PS1....when an empire loaded into a facility in force and entrenched themselves after destroying the spawn tubes. Only to have a single or team of infiltrators sneak in and hack out a repair gun and bring the spawn tubes back up in a base only to have your team who was fighting from the outside suddenly start spawning back in their own base and having to fight their way up from the basement to the control room to rehack the control console!

    PS2 generally requires so much less thinking :-( Well I do have fun playing the game. I think of how much more fun it could be and it sometimes makes me a sad Spandex wearing weirdo. It's why vanu mostly wear masks...to hide our frowns at what the magrider was in that game...and what it is here!
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  3. Whiteagle

    Thing is, this IS already in effect, but there are two problems with it.
    The first is that the system simply can refresh fast enough to stay on top of the Hex populations in real time.
    The second is organized groups abusing Redeploy in conjunction with Squad Leader Spawn, where only the Squad Leaders Redeploy to a Base needing Reinforcement and then have their entire Squads Spawn on them.

    Perhaps, this would certainly be worth a try...

    I personally hate it when my Squad Lead jumps across the Map into a "big fight" because all that re-loading is murder on my RAM.

    Again, this is pretty much how it worked in the Original Planetside, along with a multitude of methods for Capturing a Base...

    Indeed, it's baffling how much the Original got RIGHT that the Sequel for some reason REFUSED to do!

    Buildings at least had the excuse of being a bunch of copy and pasted assets ALA Halo Forge Maps, but that still doesn't excuse poor Base Building and Map Layout...

    Well this is the biggest problem right now, we've got nothing besides a huge Team Death Match Shooter...

    You can't honestly defend Territory in this game, because all the Factions have footholds on EVERY Continent AND are forced into such close proximity to each other so that every Front is a constantly ACTIVE fight.

    God damn, we don't even have working WARPGATES, which in the Original were a network of gateways which linked one Continent to another, allowing a Faction to move entire platoons of Vehicles from one Front to the next!

    Yes, while I can understand the lack of Vehicle exit-entry Animations for the purpose of saving limited Game Resources, it is things like this that gave meaning to Tactical thinking.

    It's the same with Doors; While their animated opening and closing were an issue when it came to Client-side Hit Detection, I see little reason their purpose of restricted entry couldn't be taken up by re-purposed IFF Door Shields.

    The lack of a REKT and the Proximity Control Consoles are also understandable; The REKT required Inventory Management, which clashes with the faster pace of PS2 and with such poorly designed, open bases, standing still to interact with a Console that was often in full view was suicidal.

    Matrixing in?
    Yes, it also gave you yet ANOTHER incentive to protect a particular Base, in addition to the numerous Base Benefits each Facility gave.

    Eh, the sense of scale is already pretty buggered up...

    For one, Bases are more often than not within rifle range of each other with DIRECT LINE OF SIGHT, let alone requiring a vehicle to get from one to another.