I've never heard anyone defend 'Redeployside' so why do you continue to let this kill the game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frostiken, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Mitheledh

    So when I walk up to a shield and look through it, it's not actually transparent? I just think it's transparent?

    Also, have you considered the possibility that the reason there is no glazing in the windows is because they want you to be able to shoot through them?
  2. Whiteagle

    The way I understand it, it's flickering the texture on and off so fast you only partially see it, like the rotors on a helicopter...

    Well the original post I was quoting claimed there weren't ANY Windows in Planetside 1 and that this prevented the interior of rooms being spammed from the outside.
    In actuality, there WERE Windows on the Roof of the Technology Plant, but they were transparent walls that you couldn't shoot through.
  3. Touchmaballs

    How about at every vehicle terminal you can spawn a low cost drop pod that flies like an esf but slower with no ram damage potential. Removing squad deploy after a certain range, redeploy defense spawns available to sl and pl when there are more than 5 in squad/platoon.

    edit drop pods shouldn't be able to land anywhere near deployed sundies
  4. BengalTiger

    After checking a recording frame by frame...

    A gate shield is in each one, it doesn't flicker and it's possible to see through it.

    The flickering would only work at high frame rates, at 20-something FPS people would be looking at strobes rather than semi-transparent shields/screens/cockpit windows/smoke/etc.
  5. Whiteagle

    Well then I understood this wrong...
  6. DrBash00

  7. Turiel =RL=

    Well, let me tell you the truth then. Planetside was supposed to draw heavily from the Battlefield community. The concept was similar: Just make everything identical, just much bigger. The goal was to take over the whole market.

    Planetside has weapons like Battlefield (check)
    Planetside has game mechanics like Battlefield (check)
    Planetside has bigger continents like Battlefield (check)
    Planetside supports more players than Battlefield (check)

    If you love Battlefield, tell me a single reason why not play Planetside instead?
    There is none! It's the same game, just much bigger!
  8. Ikarius77

    This is a well known issue... and also with well known good ideas to fix it...

    * reduce number of bases.
    * increase cap points in big bases, spreading it to avoid cluster "zerg" combats.
    * Elaborate a system to make territory matters.
    * Redesign deploy sistem to encourage transport columns, armor/air escorts and strategic/logistic gameplay.
    etc etc etc....

    Question it's... right now.. SOE simply seems aren't interested in makes these big, necessary changes, they prefer to encourage fast action / more casual gameplay to attract the largest possible number of players.
  9. Whiteagle

    No no no, Planetside TWO tries to draw heavily from the Battlefield Community but fails horribly at this.
    The excuse for Planetside TWO being made in the first place was to be a proof of concept test for Sony's new ForgeLight Engine, and the fastest way to do this was to make a poorly planned out Battlefield clone and slap the Planetside Franchise name on it.
  10. OldMaster80

    Attracting the largest number of players makes totally sense. I think SOE's board is glad devs took this path.
    My concern is they could keep the action fast without screwing all the traditional Planetside's depth. They could for instance make Instant Action less a russian roulette by removing the countdown and giving players the time to decide if it's a good battle to start. They could decide to drop with a pod right in the battle, or start from the closes spawn room.

    Once this is done they would have no excuse to keep that crap they called Continental Reinforcement System which is the freaking root of evil. That's hurting the game a lot.

    This is what the game has become. Look what TR orders were yesterday evening during prime time (Miller). I've cancelled the name to prevent flames and bad discussions.
  11. Ronin Oni

    Lovely new cert line for AMS shield that kinda trumps C4 fairy runs
  12. ColonelChingles

    There is a difference though between attracting and retaining.

    By making PS2 F2P, casual, and a BF/CoD clone, sure SOE can attract many players.

    But do they retain them? Probably not. Because you can't out-BF Battlefield, and you can't out-CoD Call of Duty. As soon as the newest BF/CoD comes out with shinier graphics, these casual players will leave in swarms.

    Not only that, but by dumbing down the game they also fail to retain the older, more mature players who really just wanted PS1 with tighter shooting and controls and nicer aesthetics.

    At the end of the day, you don't make money by attracting players, you make money by retaining them. That's PS2's ultimate failure, and why when it tries to have its cake and eat it too, it's left only with fruitcake. Fruuuuiiitcaaaaaakkeeee!
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  13. William Petersen

    You do not need people to quickly or easily rush to defend a base. People should be fighting in their 'lanes', if they wish to move lanes, they can get together in a galaxy, or pull another aircraft or a flash and move themselves. If you want to stop an enemy advance, let them claim the base they're attacking and stop them at the next one in the link.

    "Redeploy" needs to be relegated to little more than an "unstuck" not a mode of transportation.
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  14. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Redeploy is an integral part of the game, only it's implemented poorly since I can spawn 1/2 way across the map at a moments notice.

    A few ideas to fix it.

    #1: The default is that you can only redeploy to the next base along the lattice or a deployed sunderer Xm away from your current location. Holding an Amp Station will let you redeploy to the next 2 bases along a lattice or directly to any Amp Station you control. This now gives incentive to actually defend an Amp Station like loosing the ability to spawn tanks if you don't control a Tech Plant.

    #2: Redesign squad deploy so that you can spawn at the base your SL is at with a 10 minute cooldown that's shared with everyone in the squad, then add a cert tree line to reduce this down to 5 minutes. This allows a squad to quickly redeploy if the SL (or someone that gets promoted to SL) is already at the base that needs defending or attacking. This timer would be independent of squad beacons which I think are fine right now.

    #3 Make instant action select between where you are needed like it is now and a base that you select that your empire owns on the continent with a 1h timer. This allows people that just logged in the ability to get to the front quickly without having to either redeploy a bunch of times along a lattice or pull a vehicle.
  15. Revel

    TR just lost an alert on Emerald because VS was able to send 96 people from one battle 3 bases away in the final minute to a cap that had 45 seconds left and would've given the win.

    Redeploy needs to go during alerts. Warpgate or closest base with no enemy presence only.
  16. I play by many names

    Not sure if trolling.....
  17. OldMaster80

    Agreed 100%. PS2 would probably benefit form moving to a deeper kind of gameplay.
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  18. Copasetic

    Sad reality is most people won't bother to do that. They'll stay in their current lane and ignore everything else, which is exactly what was happening before the reinforcements needed spawns were added.

    This is one thing I think a lot of people aren't getting, you can't make someone play the game the way you want it to be played. You have to convince them to want to play it that way, and that's a very hard ask. More likely you'll just drive them away. And I think in a lot of cases we can find a compromise that works well for everyone involved.

    Reinforcements needed was that kind of compromise. I don't see it hurting any kind of gameplay, in fact it helps create better fights by balancing populations at bases. Platoons (theoretically) can't use it to move around since it cuts off at 50% pop, but at the same time solo players who just want to keep the action going can use it to do that.

    The problems didn't start until big outfits started abusing squad deploy to bypass the population restriction on it and stomp bases. That's what we need to stop.
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  19. William Petersen

    Touchè. *tips hat*
  20. GoyoElGringo

    Make redeploy to warpgate, current base, and connected bases only, and keep instant action, squad beacons, and galaxy and sunderer spawns. The current system doesn't even work right anyway, so they might as well take a step toward making vehicles and teamwork more useful.