I've never heard anyone defend 'Redeployside' so why do you continue to let this kill the game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frostiken, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. RykerStruvian

    Put a half-hour cooldown on redeploy. Wow! It's super-effective! Or limit redeploy to WG only.
  2. Fatal_Finn

    Was thinking about that as well but I'm not sure how to deal with it.

    Think defenders could spawn freely until it was 40/60% (attackers still the majority) and after that current system would kick in. Meaning that you could "spawn hop" to the base like now. When it reaches 40/60%, attackers' spawns would also be unlocked allowing more players to "spawn hop" in the area. 40/60% because succesful attack usually (not always) requires more players than defending.

    This is what I thought, but it doesn't really solve platoon spawning like said earlier.
  3. maxkeiser

    Extremely easy to just call two platoons to the WG, get gals and just drop en-masse on whichever base you choose.

    This is a sandbox. Stop trying to curtail freedom. If you want a defined arena, where you can be safe from two platoons appearing play BF4.
  4. Copasetic

    And that's perfectly fine. You have to pull the Gals, get everyone together, fly to that base and drop on it. That's awesome, that's how it should work. What's not fine is teleporting a platoon of guys instantly across the map. I mean you do see the difference between those two concepts, right?
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  5. OldMaster80

    If it were a sandbox we wouldn't be allowed to click one button and pop up 2 kms away 10 seconds later.

    To say it clearly there is nothing wrong with letting people redeploy but this should happen at certain conditions.
    Some platoons instead exploit this system to systematically overpop fights during alerts. This shouldn't happen.
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  6. Kentucky Windage

    It is an imperfect system that does need some attention. I could find myself playing a lot more if we actually had more of an overall meta to the game. That might actually bring some old players back and make the fights that much more incredible. I'm with you OP. I just hope they don't make things worse by trying to make things better. They're pretty good at that. That is if they even decide to address this. It'll be interesting to see what they do if the community presses them hard on the issue. One can only hope.
  7. Turiel =RL=

    No, this is not the real answer. They had a fully designed game that they simply threw into the trashcan in favor of producing a half-heated Battelfield-clone! All of the problems that occur in Planetside 2 have occured in Planetside 1 about 10 years ago and they all got solved convincingly. It is not an accident that more and more solutions from Planetside 1 found their way into Planetside 2 after all. That is because they worked out well!

    Three examples:
    • In PS1 people could actually carry more grenades, but they did much less damage. TTK wasn't so short either. Yes, you could also spam AoE in that game, but not insta-gib everyone!
    • Buildings had no windows. There was no way to spam people inside just from everywhere with no place to hide!
    • There was only one spawn room in each base, but it was inside the main building near the "capture point". If you wanted to make a comeback from the outside as a defender, you could only do it with "mobile spawn points" (= Sunderer) or Galdrops. No chance to swarm the attackers from everywhere!

    Yes, Planetside 1 had more static fights, that could last for hours until a base actually ran out of energy and flipped neutral, BUT defenders at least had a chance. It was possible for a small force of well coordinated players to defend a base against a huge zerg-attack. In Planetside 2 the zerg always wins.

    I am not trying to claim that Planetside 1 was perfect, but there are lots of concepts that could be easily introduced in Planetside 2 to make it a much better game. And it would be really awesome to play that game, promised!
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  8. Tuco

    Just cause some dweeb owns a website, with a forum and 3 posts, doesn't mean they should get advantages over other players.
  9. RykerStruvian

    Don't tell me what to do, I'll do whatever I want.

    Put a cooldown on deploy. :cool:
  10. Axehilt

    Redeploying has basically no part in this.
    • Did the enemy immediately bolster to 50/50% population? Well that's redeployside and gosh, 50/50 sounds like a fair fight. If you lose it, it's your fault.
    • Did the enemy slam 150+ players at the base and that's way above 50% pop? Well they didn't redeploy there, because redeploy only goes to 50%. They traveled there. That's sort of the point of the game: moving players to the right fights to defend your territory.
  11. BengalTiger

    What sort of advantages does the requirement to move groups of people in vehicles rather than teleporting them instantly have?

    How are people who play alone worse off when the zerg needs logistics rather than when the they could all just mass deploy somewhere?
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  12. Xasapis

    Your second point is where the current system fails. If you are squad or platoon leader, you can effectively bypass the 50/50 rule and bring your whole platoon in your base. And that because the whole platoon and each individual squad can deploy were the platoon and squad leaders are. It is supposed to facilitate cohesiveness, but in this case, it is a back door to invalidate the 50/50 rule.

    Worst case scenario, the platoon leader grabs an ESF, flies to the base and the rest of the platoon can then respawn at the base spawn point naturally.

    The whole situation is a bit of a pickle, because restricting squads/platoons from spawning where their leaders are is counter productive to organised squad gameplay. On the other hand, because of that, they can bypass the rule that is working perfectly for lone wolves.

    So what is our solution?
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  13. OldMaster80

    Redeploy options do not get updated in real time. If a platoon is quick enough (it seems they have more than 30 seconds) they can be relocated and exceed the 50%.
    If the update were in real time the problem wouldn't exist.
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  14. Axehilt

    Very good point and I agree that's exactly where the system breaks down.
  15. Whiteagle

    I'm sorry, but Hexes were ******* TERRIBLE!
    They gave WAY too big of a Longitudinal multiplier to Latitudinal movement, allowing a capturing force to move in any direction they pleased with no means of predicting their path to mount a defense.
    There wasn't any FIGHTING going on, because all the Zerg balls outright avoided one another to instead focus on farming Capture Experience.

    Well I was just thinking about this, and I don't think updating the Original Planetside was trashed JUST to produce a Battlefield clone...
    I remember in Beta the Devs made a huge deal out of their new Forgelight Graphics Engine, which is what makes the game "sooo pretty..."
    One of the BIGGEST issues in the game right now is how performance is bottlenecked in large fights, which if I were to guess probably stems from all that information on where all the little details are that the netcode has to handle...

    ...Plus, we actually did have Windows in the Original Planetside, BECAUSE THAT ENGINE COULD HANDLE TRANSPARENT TEXTURES!!!

    Hell, last night I had to use Redeploy as one of a half dozen lone wolves shutting down Vanu Ghost Caps on North Amerish, and I actually lost a few Bases simply because it took too long to Spawn Hop a Base or two at time to respond.

    Meanwhile, "Reinforcements Needed" was dumping everyone down around at the NC Warpgate, where a Zerg was starting to Back Cap the Smurfs Territory leading up to the Vanu!

    Honestly, if I knew of a way to actually DO it, I'd re-weight the Reinforcement Deployment Values of Bases so that Distance from Warpgate was greater, but that would probably just lead to giant stalemates in North Amerish and Esamir...

    Well this is less an issue of Redeploy as it is a symptom of how larger numbers are too advantageous given our limited latitudinal options...
    Since every Faction has a Permanent Foothold on every Continent that results in a constant Three-way Split, a Zerg coming your way forces you to deal with it HEADON because you have very little in options for maneuvering AROUND it.
    With out at least equal Numbers or HIGHLY superior Skill, you can't counter that...
    Many claim that this is what made the Hex Territory System superior, but in reality it just made the opposite the problem; Everyone went around specifically avoiding Opposition and just Capturing Territory.

    What we NEED is an Intercontinental Lattice, so if the Vanu are Zerging across Hossin, a squad of TR can instead Back Cap behind them via a Warpgate or other Link coming in from a different Continent.

    Well that is physically impossible...
    You have to understand that when it comes to Global Telecommunications, there is STILL lag, however minuet.
    Then you have to factor in the Processing time the Server have to take decide WHERE to put Redeploy options ON TOP of that, which can make updates take up to a minute to go out.
  16. Jaquio

    Ultimately, the redeploy mechanic errs on the side of immediate action.

    The powers that be have decided that they would rather have small areas choked with action negating overarching strategy rather than a more strategic game that potentially alienates casual players and new players who don't know how to find a good fight.

    I can't say I really blame the developers there.

    I understand why people don't like it. Heck, one of my favorite memories comes from the first weeks, a massive battle on a big plain in Amerish between two large forces that were actually moving in vehicles and on foot from one base to another. It was a lot of fun and doesn't really happen with the game as it is, but oh well.
  17. Whiteagle

    Well there really isn't any ROOM for Grand Stratagem in the Game we have currently...
    You either fight Faction Y or Faction Z, and that's it!
    There is some Local Strategy, sure, such as falling back to a particular Base that is much easier to defend thus allowing you to exhaust the Enemy Zerg into dissipating, but there aren't any Continental Goals other than "Push everybody else off."
    We need a Intercontinental Lattice so that if one Faction is focusing all their manpower into a singular push on a Continent, the others can react to this folly by distributing their forces elsewhere to Capture all those undefended Territories on the Flanks.
  18. sjtw_w_stot

    I'm still relatively new here and never played PS1 so have no input on the games origins, what worked, what didn't but as a fresh pair of eyes to the game... the redeploy as it stands, sux. IMO bases should need to be resupplied by sundies (not unlimited equipment terminals found at every base). You should have to spawn at the Warpgate and find transport to the battle cell, not redeploy x2.
    Most of the time for me PS2 is; roll up some legally prescribed medicine, pull a sundy, spark that snit up -- sit back and zerg. Not exactly the signs of an FPS.

    But as I said, I have no idea on the games history as to what has been tried and failed.
  19. Mitheledh

    You say this as if the Forgelight Engine couldn't handle transparent textures.
  20. Whiteagle

    Well from what I have heard, in the Original Planetside they started with Spawns and Equipment Pulls draining the Bases NTU Silo (more on this in a bit) at the beginning, but that was a disaster as Bases were having their Nanites drained to quickly to properly resupply, either through simple over use or Enemy Hacking Terminals to offensively empty the Base.

    That said, the Original Planetside is now FREE, so I encourage everyone to check it out to at least see what all the fuss is about.

    Now, Nanite Technological Units (AKA NTU), was basically the fuel that Bases in Planetside ran on.
    You needed at least some NTU in the Silo for the Generator to power a Base, or else it would go Neutral.
    NTU was also used up over time to Repair everything IN a Base; Wall Turrets, Infantry Terminals, Medical Stations, Spawn Tubes, Vehicle Terminals, and the Generator itself.
    In practice, you could basically shut down a Base just by damaging its various amenities , putting pressure on the besieged occupants to make a risky supply run from the nearest available Warpgate.
    Warpgates in the Original, besides transporting Vehicles and Infantry between the various Continents on Auraxis, freely provided these Nanites within their shielded domes, which for all practical purposes were just meter levels on the NTU Silo and the Advanced Nanite Transport (Or ANTs, that only "refilled" the NTU Silos by deploying in front of them).

    Last I heard, IT CAN'T!!!
    They basically have to use anti-aliasing to make a solid texture LOOK transparent.
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