1. For some reason the Lancer is nowhere near as accurate on Playstation than it is on PC, it might just be a mouse vs controller thing, but the Lancer is universally considered trash on Playstation. 2. You don't have to lead enemy players when it comes to vehicle road-kills. That might just be something to do with Playstation's servers. 3. Esamir is alive on PC, wow lol 4. Construction exists on PC, making those 1 minute bases much more interesting, and making ANTs a viable vehicle. 5. Piloting aircraft is much easier on console than PC, probably due to the controller. 6. Having no aim assist makes a world of difference with most weapons, it's more apparent than before about why PC TR thinks they have bad weapons, but is the most popular faction on all Playstation servers. 7. Infiltrators are MUCH harder to see on PC than on Playstation. So I can see the PC's gripe about how strong they are. 8. Aim assist makes detecting stalkers much easier, as it sees through cloak. 9. Mouse and keyboard is much more accurate when it comes to close-range engagements, the amount of times I've been beamed hearing nothing but the headshot noise is crazy. 10. vehicle turrets and drivers are able to spin around super fast on PC, whereas there's a maximum turning speed on Playstation, and a viable strategy against most units on Playstation, is to do donuts around some other vehicles because they can't turn fast enough. but on PC, there's no way that's possible.