It's getting harder to love this game with each passing day

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by InoxGecko, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. t31os

    I feel the same, but i stand by my point. Don't let forumside or the game get you down, take a break, go do something fun and come back with some renewed enthusiasm, i'm sure SOE(or more specifically the developers) are doing the best they can to work through the game's issues and bugs.

    PS2 is my main game, but i have other games, movies, TV, people, and various other things i'll focus on if PS2 is bumming me out. Don't be defeated! :)
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  2. Keldrath

    Well, from what I experienced with the patch, I liked the shield changes, and hitching is pretty much gone for me.

    I didn't have any problems with the patch, everything was fine.
  3. Calisai

    I'm glad the patch fixed hitching for you... because I never had any hitching prior to the patch last night and it was pretty awesome to experience. :confused: So, there's that. :(

    Oh, and solid shields that you can't see through... Yea... great for the bottom of biolabs and AMP stations... I gotta drive in blind... running over anyone behind the shield cause I can't see em. Infantry better stay away from those shields, you're going to get run over constantly otherwise, and i'm not even going to apologise... In fact, I'll say its the infantries fault from now on.
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  4. Keldrath

    I just really like the whole, if you can see through it, you can shoot through it, thing.
  5. LordTankT9

    I'm raging since CBT, it like if SOE don't want my money and just want to mock me. Yes, this game is broken for over 2 years! I'm sticking only because of idea of giant battles.

    P.S. I do thou laughed hard when was shot by Giraffe Vanu guy, leave them like that, they augmented themselves with alien stuff, so this must be a trade-off.
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  6. uhlan

    Well, I think there are some valid points made in this thread and, as per usual a lot of crap, too.

    The game is two years past release.

    The focus is squarely on the PS4 version right now. It is optimized for those components and we are getting code from it to play on the PC.

    I have no clue how that relates to the myriad PC systems owned by players, but I'm sure it can't be a smooth transition.

    Trying to get the game to run fluidly in spite of those difference comes down to the greatest common denominator kind of thing.

    No one will truly be optimized and some will even be kicked in the teeth by the game.

    I don't think many people are full time on the PS2 version, Higby has even alluded to this in his recent podcast.

    What really worries me (since I'm still a fan of the game) is that the devs are going to waste a lot of time chasing their tales trying to patch what they break everytime they do something. All new content, then, will keep taking a back seat over and over.

    With fewer people working on the game, more and more things like this will happen.
  7. t31os

    I've got some stuttering and those freezes are still occurring(after today's hotfix). FPS counter is reporting a constant 60 FPS(with small dips into the mid 50's on busy occasions), but i can see judderyness in the frames, even when it's a constant 60.


    I'm hoping SOE push another hotfix today to try and address freezing at least before the weekend hits, else the freezes are just going to spoil the weekend(for me at least) time spent on PS2.
  8. Dethfield

    When i first started playing, i really wanted to be a dedicated tanker, preferably hunting for other tanks (Michael Wittmann in SPACE!). My time with SMG's armor division, during its prime, was some of the best times i've had in gaming in a long time. But after that, its been a slow but steady decline with the rise of Redeploy-side and nerfing of tanks in general. I enjoyed playing the MAX as well (walking tank i figured), but even that has become more trouble than its worth.

    Combined with the bugs and problems already mentioned, it feels like Planetside 2 is more of a chore than a game. A shame, because the game really did have alot of potential.
  9. ElastaPlast

    There are lots of bugs shown in this video, it's just SOE cannot distinguish between them, so it appears we only see one in their video. It also explains why so many bugs appear with every new patch. ;)
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  10. maxkeiser

    Still love the game. Had a really fun play-session this morning.
  11. Thelarian

    They have probably made enough money of this game to make up for the development and are using it just to test/fix their engine for everquest next and and that day z rip off.

    Also what's up with text editor on forums randomly capitalizing words now?
  12. Solidpew

    There's a good reddit thread about this issue. I'd be happy if SOE spent the next few updates focused solely on bugs and not on new content, since the bugs are reaching new levels of bad. Some of the worse are synced client crashes in squads/platoons (possibly server side), dead bodies not falling on the floor and keeping their standing models, heads apparently popping up in places they shouldn't be, etc.

    I haven't seen it as bad on my screen, but I've seen and heard enough from my lessened playtime to realize that this stuff can't be allowed to exist in the game. It's too gamebreaking.

    edit: and of course the hitching, but this is a sympton I haven't gotten recently. Thankfully for me, but unfortunately for others.
  13. NanoBitSplit

    I was going to make a smarmy comment about how the cash shop works fine of course, until I realized that with the current state of the mega-goy Anniversary Bundle that counts as broken too.

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  14. Morti

    It's easy to walk away when things turn sour.

    I'll still play Planetside after they patch up the holes, but for now I'll stick with any of the other many games I bought during the steam summer sale.

    It's really not surprising that nobody wants to play right now with such long hitches.
  15. LibertyRevolution

    The patch on 10/30 crashed me so hard I had to manually hold the power button on my case and hard reboot.
    Monitor went to no signal, fans spinning 100%, completely locked and non-responsive..
    I have not had that happen before in the almost 2 years I have been playing.

    Rebooted logged back in, soon as I went into ADS on the yellow dot I just unlocked, frozen... had to end task, called it a day..
    I know better than to play on patch day.. why oh why do I bother to login on patch day..
  16. Paqu

  17. Bazmatties

    Either we don't understand SOE's revenue stream or they have no clue how to make money. Last I checked additional content is hardly needed to enjoy an FPS. It is the gaming experience that makes or breaks the game (e.g. performance). There are still people playing fps games from decades ago (tribes, doom, unreal, etc...) simply because the game physics are so much fun. If you could just create fun game physics on the scale that this game is set on you would have a successful product.
  18. NanoBitSplit

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  19. Psionic Storm

    I love the game but the serious, and glaring issues, have started affecting me. Sure I'll keep playing and buying memberships and Station Cash, but what we really need is one patch focused on fixing as many old bugs AND new bugs (which come with every patch as surely as the sun rises from the East). I'd imagine alot of people quitting due to the new freezing issues which I know you guys are working hard on, but please please please for the love of Higby, fix it!
  20. Maljas23

    Well since this is the only game of it's kind, its not that hard to understand that updates can throw some things out of wack. It happens; It will get fixed. Please, don't blow things out of proprotion. MMOs always have problems after game updates. Planetside 2 is no different.

    That said, I am still greatly enjoying this game because it offers me an experience I can't get anywhere else. I do wish they would focus on more serious stuff(Halloween event is stupid imo), but I still have fun.

    With the ES buggies coming on the horizon, along with the Thumper and Rocket Rifle, my body is ready. More weapons, more content for me.
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