It's amazing how bad this game is without alerts.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GoyoElGringo, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. FateJH

    The TR FINALLY got past Ikanam and the Bastion. Glory Hallelujah, I get to fight in different bases.
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  2. GoyoElGringo

    I don't disagree with you at all, but even if the game is all about farming, it is still a better experience with the alerts. At least then, we can farm at different bases. That's why I called it a crutch.
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  3. Tyrant103

    When was that exactly? I haven't been playing much ..
  4. Takara

    Ah....back in the day when we had 10 continents to choose from...and there was actually a reason to take a base. Half of it was empire pride. The Vanu on Emerald went with the A.S.S. Directive! Mostly because well...spandex and butt! Amerish Searhus Solsar! The days of shouting "FALL BACK SAVE THE A.S.S!" When one of our precious home contents was under attack...*smiles* aaaah the good old days.

    Losing a base generally meant something. In PS2 bases are so close together and you can pull vehicles from every shack around the map. They make them next to worthless.

    Though I will say back in the day we had 10 conts to choose from there was usually only heavy fighting on 2 or 3 of them with small skirmishes on one or two others. But it often lead to far more tactical fun. An out fit would actually head in behind enemy lines and drop a Tech plant's generator to prevent them from pulling tanks anywhere on the continent until they came to root that squad out of the generator room and get the base's tech ability back online. Often times they could hold it long enough to move the combat front in their empires favor...a true meta game. That this game still lacks 2 years in...but that game had day 1 on release. :p
  5. zaspacer

    I agree. It is better with the Alerts. Which motivate more people into more interesting gameplay.
  6. that_darn_lurker

    The only thing that can save us now are PS1 motion detectors, spitfires, and mines
  7. Takara

    You can't tell me you wouldn't be impressed each time you walked into a base that was just secured by your fraction and see Motion sensors, spitfires, and anti tank mines so thick you could barely see the base on the was a work of art! And there was beauty in seeing 20 engineers running around with respect foreacother and each one taking a different part of the base to lock down! You actually felt safe in a base owned by your fraction in PS1. In PS2 you feel mildly less paranoid.

    In PS2 they just run over and kill your AMS then stick theirs there :(
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  8. that_darn_lurker

    Yeah but that wouldn't be MLG. No one wants to watch a stream of some dude tending to his base defense. The people want to see YOLO rocket primary headshots and maxes on LOLerskates.
  9. Takara

    I foolishly play a game for my fun....not random stranger watching.
  10. Bloodlet

    Soooooo any ETA on fixing Alerts?
  11. Crator

    Alerts suck! What we need is intercontinental lattice with empire home continents (involves removing 3-empire footholds and making warp gates functional)....

    *I do agree that alerts do help promote territory control but I think the real Planetside features should replace them!

    MLG in Planetside, what a joke!
  12. TheFamilyGhost

    I've resigned myself to there being no strategy. I like the fights. Take what you can get, don't expect the game to give what it doesn't have.

    Could you imagine WW2OL strategy in PS2? omg...the tears...the tears...
  13. GhostAvatar

    No Indar server, best server.
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  14. Bloodlet

    Could you imagine people in this day and age going several towns back to get a tank to drive up and fight with after like 10-15 minutes of driving just because all the closer bases to the front were out of supply? As you said...the tears.
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  15. PBVentilation

    It's a lot more boring to me without alerts. I liked mixing it up some cert farming and some pride in helping to win alerts. I've been in a fair amount if nail bitting alert battles when the platoon leaders would get really excited and you could tell they were working frantically to try to cap the one last base in time. Just listening to platoon chat very few people get animated and excited without alerts including me. It was really nice to have the flow between more relaxed and in game certing and experimenting and fighting to win alerts and feeling a part of a massive mission.
  16. Mythologicus

    Alerts were okay. Big platoons coordinating to get things done, win the alerts, yadda yadda. But that was it. They were just okay. Occasionally there was a good battle somewhere, but then one side would decide it wasn't worth it anymore and redeploy elsewhere. Then you'd go back to sitting around waiting for a base to cap, and also waiting for the enemies to fall out of the sky when they realise they're letting you capture a bit too much territory (and then they proceed to overpower the hell out of you).

    Without alerts, the back-and-forth battles are...actually kinda fun. I miss the battles I was involved in when I started playing, and these are very much like those. First of all I love that Indar and Hossin are locked (on Connery). I like Hossin, but played a bit too much of it. Indar sucks. There have been some really good tank battles on Amerish recently, and lots of pushes with various different forces. The fighting is fun, even if it is rather pointless. Alerts were a bit too affected by continuous redeployside and one-sided facerolls as part of a giant game of time- and territory-management for my liking.