It's amazing how bad this game is without alerts.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GoyoElGringo, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. radrussian2

    taking bases is fun, achieving something is fun. dont pretend your subjective veiw of fun is the rest of ours. i get frustrated when my faction doesn't push forward even though we have every opportunity to. its not fun for me and probably many of us to sit around endlessly killing in the exact same base for hours on end.
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  2. JudgeNu

    I like alerts.
    But hate losing alot and feeling like most of NC is just plain terrible.

    Not having alerts is somewhat horrible.
    I don't have the dreaded feeling that we will lose again and my seething hatred for incompetency subsides, a bit.

    But a new hatred emerges.
    The passiveness of alot of most to do anything but farm or find a way to take the "easy road"
    Don't get me wrong I don't mind getting some certs or finding a better way.
    But dam.

    Esamir was at a "stalemate" most of the day and I found it nauseating.
    With Hossin/Amerish either locked or barren It was either Esamir or de_dust2 24/7.

    I avoid the biolabs.
    They only give me the sense that everyone there is no better than 5 guys in the corner of the map stat padding.
    The new biolab doesn't seem like it makes much difference.
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  3. FateJH

    What is this "new Biolab" thing that people keep talking about in regards to Ikanam? It seems like the same claustrophic camping grounds that the base type has always been.
  4. LibertyRevolution

    If that is the one I am thinking of then:
    There are no teleporters in the substation bases, the teleporters are now down stairs in what was the vehicle bay.
    Oh and if you do teleporter up, there is no shields. So you get instagibbed by 5 AI turrets and a few maxes.
    There are no jump pads in the substation bases, they are now between substation bases, and they are one way, only up.
    So once you are up, no turning back, you will die most times before you can even ADS.

    It is now even more a defenders paradise.
  5. maxkeiser

    Alerts need to come back ASAP.

    They give focus to the game, and give platoons, outfits and factions a set of goals to work for in a competition lasting a defined time.

    Best bit of the game, and the most fun battles I've had have always been in alerts.
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  6. Smoovious

    Alerts would be ok if they were actually triggered by the status of the continent...

    If one faction has 75-80% of the continent, then by all means trigger an alert. That seems alert-worthy.

    but just to sound off an alert for no reason other than some random timer went off? pfft...

    -- Smoov
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  7. JudgeNu

    I wonder what the forums said about alerts before they were implemented.

    Changes made to the game are changes to help overall gameplay.
    When people complain about such and such, they maybe don't realize why it is like that.

    Like the lattice.
    I didn't play when there was no lattice system.
    I am sure there was gameplay issues that called for a lattice system.

    Someone should make a 'Comprehensive Guide to the Evolution of PS2 Gameplay'
  8. Bloodlet

    Agree OP. SOE please fix it.
  9. Cest7

    They did this. It resulted in alerts on all continents at all times and no normal alerts spawning so it was removed.
  10. Unhallowed

    I can't stand Amerish any longer. The lattice seems to have been designed by an attention starved, down syndrome afflicted, seven year old with ADD.

    Ghost capping whichever other continent is available is about as appealing as lighting myself on fire then putting it out with a fork.

    Fix it, please.
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  11. Degenatron

    First, the devs are on vacation. They got two weeks off, so don't expect any changes until after the new year.

    Second, I hope this is a lesson to everyone that complained about alerts.

    Third, people are saying that there is no reason to cap territory and in the same breath saying they are sick of playing the same base all day. Gee, ifonly there was a way to lock continents through territory conquest....oh wait, there is! You want a change of scenery, then play the objectives and win the map! If you are content to just farm kills, then shaddap your whining! You can farm kills on any map, they don't have to change if you aren't going to make the effort.
  12. iller

    While I don't exactly miss Indarside24/7, and a week away from it was nice, I gotta say there's BIGGER problems popping up now

    And this has been the only thing happening on Connery every motthogbying night.

    This is the official map of West Coast & not-good-enough-for-Briggs SouthPacificans. Half the clegging PS2 world lives here now.
    Every single fight now is either around Xelas if you're in spandex, or somwhere between Bloodworks & DrunkDivision's permanent new strip clubs to the west. (which usually ends up being just outside our Warpgate).

    The NC are those abused spouses who think that's just how their partners express themselves and just keep coming back for more. Atleast when warpgates rotated, it wasn't THIS bad. But with nothing to do in the game besides watch the Directives counters slowly creep up to 1000, the NC are habitually overfarmed now and don't even realize that there's things they could be doing to stop it.

    PS... here's a ScreenShot from the TR skies sponsored in part by their permanent 50% ChinaBall discount
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  13. HadesR

    In a fight tonight trying to regain the cap point from TR ..

    Looked at the map:

    " Hmmm 48+ v 48+ so why are there only half a dozen of us trying to cap the point "

    Looked closer at the map:

    * Rest of NC huddled round a single TR sundy farming it *

    By the time i'd noticed this and said something in /re it was to late .. 30secs left on the cap ...

    There's losing bases and then there's just giving them away

  14. NoctD

    The southern WG on Amerish is supposed to be the best WG to have. If only the NC actually bothered to hold on to Subterrenean Nanite Analysis, they'd have a great easy farm. I know I was there sometime in the past week, but no, they had to let the VS drive them out of it.

    There are other silly fights going on so don't think its just the NC - one whole evening the TR and VS fought at Ikanam, and the TR really wasn't pushing to capture it, and the VS was just farming in return. I just sat at one of the satellites, pulled a MAX, and worked on my VS MAX directives for vehicle kills and air deterrence. It was such a USELESS fight!
  15. iller

    Well in that case... the SCU should then be located on the ground too like it is in Tech Labs...
    If not the SCU itself, then atleast the shield generator for the SCU should...
  16. Jeffrey

    How SOE can save the game, stop nerfing everything and bring the game back to the original content.
  17. Tyrant103

    Sorry if this is hijacking, but when did they remove alerts?
  18. GoyoElGringo

    Maybe when the last update dropped?
  19. zaspacer

    This game is all about farming. That is how SOE has tied incentives, that is the reward treadmill that people run on. Even the Alerts are just another form of farming.

    It's an MMO with grinds, what do you expect?

    Notions of "progress" in territory conquest fade away for most once those players have done them a few times. For the game to "evolve" past what it is now, it needs developers with Vision (to see something else), Comprehension (to be able to figure out how to make it), Interest (to actually make it), Ability (competence to actually make it), Approval (to actually get the green light from management to do it) and Budget (to have the resources to do it). Good luck with all that.
  20. iller

    was only hinted at as a glitch by Higby in Twitter. ....Kinda thing you'd expect to see posted on the Offficial fo..... oh wait NVM.
    WTF was I thinking