It doesnt matter what faction your in....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hodo, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Hodo

    These issues are everywhere in PS2.

    To many lone wolf players or as I call them Blue Falcons, if you dont know the term GOOGLE it.

    Case and point-

    Last night on Jaeger TR, there was 3 medics running around ignoring the heal request by 4 players, they where just using the Assault rifles and playing the medics like assault infantry.

    If you want to play an assaulter, then PLAY a Heavy Assault or Light Assault. Dont running around as a medic trying to be John Wayne because you think your the next comming of Chuck Norris.

    Next problem I am seeing.


    - I see more than often than not, people requesting ammo all the time, even though they are running across a field and havent fired a shot or they are just spamming it. DONT CRY WOLF!


    -GET OUT OF THE DAMNED SPAWNS!!!! Stop trying to snipe from behind the shield so you can pad your K/D ratio you re-re's.

    If you spawn in and you see its camped DONT try and camp the campers. None of the spawns are in great locations to try that. So spawn somewhere else or try and get out to another location. This also goes when your on the offense. DONT sit next to their spawn camping it when you see the capture point being taken back by the enemy. I have racked up more kills camping the capture point than sitting getting shot at through a shield.



    I got run over last night not once, not twice, not three times, but 8 frakking times just spawning in at a sunderer. 4 of those times I was killed by "friendly" tanks, 3 times by Flashes, once by a hostile Lightning.
    The worst thing about it was I wasnt even in the road on any of those deaths. ( I actually laughed when the Lightning ran me over, he didnt know I was there, and I think it was just as big a surprise to him as to me.)


    -Warpgate "humping" and griefing. This needs to be fixed ASAP. Its beyond stupid, its plaid. I sat outside the VS and the NC warpgate as an Infiltrator and watched the same stupidity going on that happens at the TR warpgate. Its frustrating and just childish.


    -Super Bouncey Ball Grenades!

    Seriously what the high heavens are these things made of Flubber? They bounce better than a basketball thrown by Charles Barkley 25 years ago. Has SOE seen a grenade let alone thrown one? They dont bounce.



    If you are attacking some bio lab for the better part of an hour you may notice your WAY behind enemy lines by the time you take it, and have no links to it anymore.
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  2. bPostal

    You sound angry about something but I juuuusssst can't put my finger on it.
    Some of these are valid points, but you're never going to stop people from running around like jacked up meth heads. It's in our blood.
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  3. NagaPuncher

    I think your frustrations are shared by everyone from time to time. My favorite thing to do is see 15 snipers sitting on a hill trying to kill people inside a shielded area, which I've witnessed more than once. I usually try to inform them that they aren't doing anything and it might be a good idea to move on an objective. When they ignore me I start TK'ing them until my weapons are locked. Good times.
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  4. Kia936

    Yeah i agree on you with alot of these points but the grenades are FROM THE FUTURE how do you know what there gonna be like.
  5. KraggTheGrim

    I would agree. I play as an engineer, and I'm sick of putting down ammo packs when people cry for ammo then keep running. Please learn which command you want before just shouting. Although i have learned that when a max is crying for a medic, he really means for me to help me.

    As for getting run over, yes that is so damn annoying. People don't watch where they are doing, but that also includes pedestrians, who think they can run across the road when a tank convoy is coming through.

    Hobo, as for your encounter with the lighting last night, I don't want to take credit for your kill, but last night while trying to catch up with the rest of my outfit, i did manage to get lost and ran into a Sunderer where i ran over 4 people who had recently spawned. I was very surprised and frantically tried to drive myself the heck out of there.
  6. Hodo

    I might have been one of them LOL.
  7. ElectricEye

    The people asking for healing or ammo are probably spamming their "Q" spotting. I have been guilty of that. Looking in the direction of incoming fire and spotting and there is a medic or engineer in you line of sight will do this. I will use the Proxy speak and tell them to ignore the request, though.
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  8. DeathFaith

    Until there isnt a premium server with serious ppl , im lone wolfing or squad with friends only all the way...
  9. siiix

    you know the rest i agree, i might add its impossible to get frekin ammo these days

    abut the above STOP BEING A FREKIN DUSH... this is a game let people have fun , in what in way does that hurt gameplay or you personally

    i dont know what you do in real life but sure as hell i'm glad i dont know you, must be a terribly dushy person
  10. Gavyne

    You're raging about the stupidity of people, and honestly can you honestly be surprised? Do you really think the average gamers all know about war games, teamwork, and such? But please don't get too prejudice over lonewolf players, I'm one of them, and I contribute more to the overall success of a battle than some "team" players that are more interested in farming kills & points.

    But let's breath a bit, it's a game, it really is. Sometimes people just want to have fun in their own way. If they are having a good time, then it's hard for anybody to say they're doing something horribly wrong. This isn't BF3 or CoD, the map isn't ending in 20-30mins. The fact that these are persistent battles makes it so you can ignore more what people do or don't do.
  11. PapaMojo

    In regards to your first point: CM's are "Combat Medics". Sometimes we have to shoot the baddie first before reving you, or you'll just die again, and maybe us with you.

    Also, if we rev you, please run *into* cover where we probably are, rather then *away* and back into bullet fire.
  12. JeanLannes

    You make some good points though there isn't much that can be done about some of them, people will be people after all (e.g. stupid :p ).

    However regarding the point I have quoted above I have noticed for me at least that when I hold down 'Q' to spot enemies or to highlight someone for an invite, message, whatever, that sometimes I will shout "I need more ammo". I know a few people in my outfit have the same happening for them. I just say this in defence of those people who like me try to be conscientious team-players but through no active fault of our own may occasionally incur your annoyance. :D

    That small point aside you make some good observations, I especially agree with you on the grenade mechanics. :)
  13. Seadust

    Lone wolf medic(when nobody from my outfit isn't on) here:

    It is incredibly frustrating sometimes to try and heal someone when they keep running away from you or they waste a medkit right in front of you, meaning I have to get out my assault rifle and kill the guy that kills them because now I am getting res and heal exp because they ran away from me.

    I sit in the spawns and heal/res anyone that comes in damaged since people need a safe place to get healed when we are trying to take a biolab and can't walk a few steps out of the teleporter room without getting gunned down, however it is incredibly annoying when we actually don't push out since you get ten medics trying to heal one guy

    If I have ran a teammate over it is most likely an accident due to you not rendering(this happens a lot) or walking out in front of me when im moving at top speed, I have had more problems with friendly sundies ramming me off cliffs or magriders humping me.

    I will agree with griefing at the warp gates, its pretty annoying when the galaxy your in gets a big hug from another galaxy

    As for map awareness, If we are taking a facility with no territories connected to it I will usually just pull back and take those territories

    Also, the people screaming for Ammo are trying to spot someone, they usually don't want ammo if they don't use the V keys and it doesn't show up in chat.

    There are just idiots everywhere OP, I have seen many people in squads/outfits do what you generalize lone wolf players as doing.
  14. Alareth

    I consider myself to be a Dynomutt
  15. Shylan

    All those issues have been in the game since before closed beta. Like they say: "You can't fix stupid."
  16. akajefe

    I agree with being careful with vehicles in a crowded area, but for Christ's sake, let people play the game. The people who are playing the game and having fun dont have a problem, YOU are the one who has a problem. Stop blaming other people for your problems. Why should other people change how they play in order to suite your desires?
  17. Redshift

    Who cares what class someone plays while they're assaulting something, whether they're on a medic, LA or HA, they all kill people efficiently, that player wouldn't heal you regardless or what class he's playing, saying you can only assault things if your LA or HA is ridiculous.
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  18. UrMom306

    I know if i hit the spot key (Q) while looking anywhere close to a friendly it will call out the "request ammo" or "need health". Those players could just be trying to spot enemies?
  19. Woshee

    My Pet peeve is

    Look at what you are aiming at. Just because there is an enemy in the room does not mean you should pray and spray the teammate who was infront of you as you ran in. Don't shoot until you have a clear shot.
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  20. Aggh

    Maybe if all the people yelling for heals didn't run away or decline revives they would get somewhere. Besides, playing medic like a LA that can heal himself isn't really a problem; if the devs didn't intend for that to be possible they would've made the self-heal work differently.

    Probably because they're trying to spot something and you jumped in the way.