Ooooh, thems fightin words. Esamir fightin words to be exact. Even if they dont accept your challenge Weather, I think PHX will. I'll talk to the boys, I think a good ole raucus time on Esamir will be fun. I'll see if I can't get the rest of the NC in on it as well, lets try to get this Jaeger initiative going.
Thump chest best I do. Seriously though... the canyons are my fav feature of Indar. The North is just a boring barren wasteland... SW is ok.... except that it's a plateau where the flight ceiling isn't that much higher than the 'low' ground. It also kinda feels like a poor mans mini-Amerish... if I want that kinda environment Amerish is far better suited. Actually, all in all that's a problem I believe with Indar... it has an Identity crisis. Esamir is open and flat and amazing for great big ground battles Amerish really nails the green/forest environment. Indar... feels lost. Tawrich, Zurvan, and Stronghold however feel really solid
You can help by making an effort to contact one of our outfits if you are interested in making a difference. BRSN is always happy to cooperate with other outfits-even small ones during operations. A small precise force can do what a large one cannot, which is have a very clear simple objective, like holding a generator in a tech plant. I am sure TRAF would welcome your help too. Also, Maer, you are making it increasingly likely with your words between TRAF and PHX that we are going to have a 3-way over Esamir on Friday or Saturday. You down to handle that bro? Would be an interesting day to say the least. I like the snowy place. It means my assault team gets to wear badass camo!
We already do small scale assaults in the vicinity of larger outfit operations... we do a lot of influence and satellite spawn caps... we also set up AA ambushes when enemy air gets thick... Really depends what we see going on. We don't have the man power to pure zerg though we do join in with a larger force sometimes as well. Particularly when we pull tanks.
Your outfit BoG has actually killed me a few times, in fact they are in 3rd place of what VS outfit kills me most (I keep a mental list) I will say something about the outfits. TRAF is the biggest TR outfit, but most of TRAF is actually people who just join but never join the squads. These are the people you are judging. Every outfit (including yours) has a percentage of people who join but never actually "join" or join a sqad and actually fight with TRAF. Because TRAF is the biggest outfit, it also has the biggest amount of these people. It's a simple ratio. You don't actually know which people are the real TRAF unless some how you join TRAF and a squad and take a look at the army (the platoons, battalions, AIRCOM, etc) Zerg is mostly composed of TRAF, simply because of the ratio. There are times where zergs form when 2 outfits push deep into enemy territory, and get mixed up with other outfits and lonewolfers, that it becomes a zerg. It's like how you drip a bit of white and black paint across a dirty wall. First as it goes down, it is just a drop with unmixed white and black. Then it goes over green, then orange, then purple, and it ALL mixes together. When a zerg forms you have no control over it, like how you cannot "unmix" the white and/or black. That is how zergs are (usually) formed. Small outfits like TT6 DO make a difference in the battlefield. They can be easily managed because of lack of people. But they cannot do straight up assaults. That is what big outfits do. Numbers, in game and in real life, are a big factor on whether you win a battle or not. I also would like to say that I only play on Fridays and the weekend and even then only to at most 12:00 AM. I have never played at 4:00 AM, if I did, I would feel terrible. I need my sleep.
Hey Spacemilk. I can give you an opinion of [TRAF] as someone who is not biased by wanting you to join their outfit (as I'm NC). I can still remember the first time I saw [TRAF], it was at The Bastion. I still can hear my outfit CO's words "Who's this? Traf? Let's show them who Phoenix Battalion is!" We pushed them off of The Bastion and held it, their attack was organized and made good use of combined arms. In the end though we had a good defensible position and our outfit CO was a seasoned PS1 vet who knew how to counter it. This was the first of MANY encounters between [TRAF] and PHX and I can tell you with absolute certainty that they are a great outfit with a great CO. They have earned mine and PHX's respect time and time again. Weatherford is the only commander to ever Warpgate me and the time he did it was when [TRAF] triple capped during prime time, quite a respectable feat. In the end it comes down to your preference. Do you want that small tight knit group without having new faces show up a lot? Or do you crave being a part of that unstoppable force? Both can offer you great benefits, training, and comraderie. It's a matter of preference.
I like your review. You are part of the PHX right? I kill and get killed most by the NC. PHX is the outfit I see most. And are the ones that kill me the most. I just have to say, I Congratulate your performance,
Thank you Space. I can assure that as a member of [TRAF] you will be seeing us A LOT . PHX sees [TRAF] as our unofficial rival and we always have some great battles. We have also recently agreed to work with [TRAF] on the Jaeger Initiative. Please don't take this wrong way, but I'm looking forward to trying to kill you as much as I can . Here's to some great battles!
@spacemilk Sorry, but if your outfit is allowing people to join and stay with no intention of participating in outfit activity.. why are they there? Why are they allowed to stay? My outfit only has around 60 "active" people. Weekdays we have two squads. Weekends we have three. I have kicked at least two squads worth of people who joined and decided they wanted to farm certs solo all the time. I made it clear when I started this outfit that anyone joining is subject to removal should they refuse participation. This is why everyone feels like my outfit is significant, despite our smaller roster.. because there is rarely a time when we AREN'T a presence. This is also why people have mixed feelings about TRAF and other large outfits, because you're not putting your best foot forward. You're just sprawling out all over the floor. You're just as likely to find a zerging scrub TRAF as a decent member, so first and most impressions follow that common occurrence. There is a difference between finding time to play solo in the off hours, and "never actually "join" or join a sqad and actually fight with [their outfit]". Not every outfit does that.
Well in the case of solo farming. TRAF kicks members who are not on TS or are near the current objective, off their squads. Maer, you just seem like you hate TRAF. You think they are a zergfit, which they aren't, and thats coming from a person in the outfit. And yes, every outfit does have people who don't join squads, you just happen to have a small outfit and your able to easily manage the people.
I don't hate TRAF. They are the enemy. I find great pleasure in pointing out their weaknesses. When my squad holds off a push or pushes into a base outnumbered 2 to 1 and succeeds, I want to know they succeeded against quality players. When we take a base BRSN is fighting in, there is pride in that. Even some of the larger NC outfits have their **** together. TRAF just seems like a complacent blob more often than not, and as the saying goes.. the first step to fixing a problem is acknowledging the problem. No fun in defeating a blob.
That "blob" of 12 of my specialists and routinely called dedicated air support took pleasure in securing your tech plant on Indar with 0% influence yesterday. Your BoG and mixed Vanu presence is no match, Maer. One Sunderer at a time does not work on us. I was informed that you were present. I hope you are tomorrow to defend the icey hell you call home. My Emperor pistol and I look forward to capturing you alive.
You defended against us on Thursday? Valentines day? When everyone was out getting laid? lol. I certainly wasn't there. I was at Outback Steakhouse getting a 9 oz sirloin and limited time Lobster mac and cheese. This is all I have to say about you defending our tech plant on Indar. Taken today at 4:40PM EST