You're quite wrong, Maer. We're tons of people, molded, and fired. We're not perfect and never will be. Thinking that you're the best thing ever is what leads to a bad attitude and people hating you. I must occasionally remind even my own members that [TRAF] is not all of TR - even when we are a large part of why TR triple-caps or makes the marks on the map. There is a balance between knowing you can do your part and thinking you are the only part. All of those personal outlooks aside, [TRAF] has never been a random invite outfit. I do appreciate your strange way of paying a compliment. The important thing is that I know we are a good outfit. TR seems to stick it to the VS on Jaeger quite often. ;]
The VS on Jaeger are frequently 1/4th or 1/5th of the online server population. I can't even express how many times I log in to 26%/37%/37%. You should be more concerned about the NC who, unlike the TR, have a ton of new outfits doing exceptional things. You're weighing your mettle against a joke of a force (No offense, Vanu), and there's a reason NC has held almost triple your territory over the past month and a half. I might claim to be the best thing ever, but the difference is: I'm striving to be. And so is my outfit. The fact that you think your outfit is not only in acceptable condition, but will also never obtain "perfection", is depressing to see. You have a lot of good players, and a lot of people in general. They could all be good players given the right attitude and direction. It sounds to me like some of them might want to seek that attitude and direction elsewhere, because the TR condition has taken hold in TRAF. "What has worked will always work, and there's no reason to change that." What a waste.
Seriously? Like tonight? You pushed VS from Crossroads all the way to the Stronghold with Indar pop. of TR 61% and VS 24%, and still could not take it as of 12am CST. I sure as heck would not call that sticking it to the VS. On top of that, there was not one VS outfit 1/4 the size of yours that you were figthing. So how does a huge, organized, zerg, get stopped by a ragtag group of VS at almost 3 to 1 odds? Dont break your arm patting yourself on the back, with that awesome statement quoted above.
TRAF and HSTL should merge outfits and crouch under sunderers all day farming spawn kill certs. Leave the heavy lifting to BRSN and whatever other TR outfits have their heads screwed on straight. I can't be bothered to highlight it tonight.. but it was summed up pretty spectacularly within a 2 minute period. Squads pushing on C point at Splitpeak Pass BRSN smoke grenade/flash bang completely demolished an entire VS squad, all died to like, three guys. Squad respawns at sunderer only to see a crouched TRAF infantry hiding underneath shooting freshly spawned infantry (Whom have spawn immunity, mind you) and immediately gets killed. Par for the course. Not even mentioning the laughable assault on the Stronghold by an entire platoon defended for 30 minutes by a single squad. Try getting out of your armor and aircraft next time.
When I see EZC, PHX, and NCUN on the objectives then I know we're in for a nice long drawn out fight of attrition. You guys definitely prevent TRAF/TT6 and a few other outfits from triple capping every night. It's always a pleasure to see you guys on the battlefield.
Maer! You know the challenge I've put forth to stage some great battles on Jaeger. You don't want to and I understand your fear! I have a new challenge for you. This Saturday we will be having one of our four weekly operation events at 8PM EST. Try to stop us from capping Esamir! I would love some more fights on continents other than Indar and is mainly why I am working with enemy outfits to stage them. Be there or lose your Magrider discount! >: D Edit* : I forgot to respond to the perfection thing. What I meant is that you should strive for perfection, but realize you have not and can never achieve it. But, definitely strive for it. You are right about the VS population on our server and I really think staging some battles outside of Indar will do a lot for the server AND our outfits.
Nothing is perfect, nothing. Of course the outfit is striving, they just know you can't be perfect, and neither can you. And what WeatherFord said about saying your the best DOES give you a bad rap and makes you look bad. BTW Weatherford, I just found out you lead TRAF ._. And usually NC have the highest population, with TR right behind, and VS further behind. What you showed up there is a uncommon occurence, at least on the weekends. It's usually 30/32/38 or 31/34/35.
This turned from a thread about whether TRAF was a good outfit to join to people arguing if TRAF is bad or not. I already got my answer so...
Our ego doesn't give us a bad reputation. Every outfit on our server envies us, respects us or looks up to us. It brings our allies up, brings our enemies down and maintains our position as one of the highest quality outfits on the server. We are a truly incredible outfit, and it's only going to get better. We are tempered in the flames of adversity, and never has there been an opportunity for us to slack off AND succeed. Large, loud outfits recruit in bulk. You can simply throw forces at something to accomplish a goal. That creates a complacency that you have to fight hard to correct. I'm not convinced that ANY of the large TR or NC outfits are putting the effort in to temper their forces as they continue to grow. It's definitely better than having untagged forces zerging around without direction. Just know that if you're not doing the best you can to organize and train your guys, you're wasting potential that smaller outfits would utilize. As for the population, it's a little more balanced on weekends. However, the weekend is two days out of the week. I can screenshot right now and show you the population at 26/32/41. Bragging about out-camping our offense on Indar is not worth bragging about, nor is capping Esamir at 4AM. The quality of Vanu forces, my own included, can be measured by the fact that we NEVER have majority pop and we ALWAYS have the most territory. Usually two out of three continents. I'm not going to keep posting here, because it's beating a dead horse. I'm sure your outfits are fun, community driven, successful forces. But don't pretend you're this elite force, because you're not there yet. And you won't be, without a serious change of pace.
"Hey, remember Fox Company? Are they any good?" "They suck, blew up my liberator! I really hope they fall apart and never see them again!" "No you're wrong. It was The Resistance Network! They are scum we try to play Planside the correct way unlike others (Followed by a few paragraphs of nonsense)!" Let the thread die after this. Less annoyance of other Outfits having to bump recruitment threads back up. It was enjoying reading the trash until people felt they had to stick up for themselves from people who state their own negative opinion with rambling.
never heard of you,but if i had to tk you,was cause you killed my bro or me a few times for nothing.And again am sorry if that was not the case but am sure it is or was.And i do not ever kill someone more then once less you are trying to c-4 my tank after you got tked for killing me, i am gonna assume that was you,
Been hit by their ESFs SEVERAL times actually... and ran over a few times as infantry as well by their treads.... but it's a zergfit, with hundreds of players many of whom are rather new and not particularly great yet... and when you throw 30+ aircraft into the same airspace over a 300sqkm outpost.... well, there isn't much room for in the first place... so make half that number noobs who are only alive so long because of their numbers in the sky and well...... It gets pretty hairy up there. There was a good couple weeks where my deaths in the air by friendly compared to enemy was like 2/1. Not sure if they got better... I just learned to avoid those air spaces. I do get smashed on the deck of a rearm pad far less often than I used to though by blind landing pilots.
eh, honestly I like our small outfit... we're extremely malleable in our tactics, have taken on several times our number, and our quality per person is rather high. I do appreciate TRAF and TT6 and BRSN for their numbers and the effect they have in the overall continental battles... but for my own gameplay, the smaller tighter units appeal more to me
FWIW the SE of Indar is by far the most defensible and zerg break worthy. Line those canyon ledges with rockets and rain down death.
But it was TR on those ledges, raining down death. Just saying, chest thumpers with 3 to 1 odds in their favor dont impress.