Is TRAF a good outfit?

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by SpaceMilk, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. SpaceMilk

    I am now with no team and looking for a outfit. I easily noticed TRAF on a battle today pushing NC to their warpgate right after I was kicked from my outfit.
    Best battle ever.
    Any way I saw alot of TRAF and they all looked like the main driving force. I see them in the air (my main role) in tanks, on the ground sniping, sunderers, everywhere.
    So I like to ask:
    Is TRAF a good outfit?
  2. Haskaal

    Yes. They're pretty damn organized. Today right after we took North Grove Post on Amerish, 3-4 gal ships dropped in right on top of us as we were preparing to move out. All of them FART. I saw them do this to my outfit 3 times, and we only held them off on the third encounter. I don't know how they are to everyone inside TR, but from an outside perspective, I would definitely recommend this outfit for you to join.
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  3. Curse_Gamerkin

    Just join us, it doesnt hurt to join and try. we doesn't afraid.
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  4. PaperPlanes

    They're large enough to make fights revolve around them, I can't speak on their organization since I'm VS, but if you're TR it's probably not a bad group to join up with. They seem to set goals and focus on them as opposed to most TR outfits which seem to just like taking Crown or Skydock and camping it for certs, so that alone earns TRAF a lot of respect from me.
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  5. NC_agent00kevin

    Agreed. I was there. They took North grove and we moved to NC Arsenal, where we held our ground. They seemed highly organized and coordinated. They hit us with Air, Armor and tons of Infantry all at once.

    I see them a lot in the battles that actually mean something as opposed to the cert farming battles. From an outside perspective, they seem like one of the better TR Outfits.
  6. SpaceMilk

    Yeah I just joined.
    It is VERY organized and really fun.
    I got in just in time to do some AIRCON on Esamir.
    They are a pretty cool and make the big battles.
    My last outfit was cool, i liked it, but they weren't large and to describe them "the guys who throw rocks over the fence" because they are small.
    TRAF is like "the guys who break the fence and charge through the backyard"
    That is as best as I could put.
  7. Dagonlives

    TRAF is an interesting outfit. It seems to suffer from the zerg mentality for many of their platoons (such as the public ones I joined when I was new to Jaeger) while one of their platoons (the cream one) is usually quite well managed and acts as a spearhead for their less coordinated brethren.

    Still, they have a number of interesting little quirks that everyone who has been around Jaeger long enough seems to have figured out:

    1. If a fighter crashes into you while you are flying as TR, its 50/50 that it was a TRAF one.

    2. Part of the reason they get so much flak and hate from other TR outfits is due to their aggressive recruiting (spamming all channels such as orders and regional)

    3. The fact is that they are simply so large that if they abandon an offensive, the entire continent falls. This has lead to numerous scenarios where the TR are on the cusp of conquering Amerish or Esamir, and then TRAF pulls out when we have 2 or 3 remaining territories to cap to go to the crown on Indar.

    4.They also are not very good at coordinating operations with other outfits on the server, leading to a little more animosity, when paired with the fact that they frequently advertise even inside the platoons operated by other outfits.

    My outfit has become quite skilled at helping them break stalemates that inevitably build up when such a large concentration of forces without strong direction is sent forth.

    That being said, the benefits of TRAF:

    1. A massive community

    2. The TRAF members I have met that are actively invested into the game are friendly and welcoming.

    3. Tank columns. Gargantuan god damn tank columns.

    4. They give new players a welcoming outfit.

    All in all, Weatherford seems to be a solid outfit leader, and is doing a good job considering he has an outfit of 600+ people. Go ahead and give them a try. Several of our outfit members are former TRAF and they are solid and dependable.
  8. Haskaal

    Scratch that, it wasn't TRAF, but mainly BRSN in those galaxies at North Grove Post. We fought both of them so there was confusion in my statement, sorry. But those coordinated, 'blitzkrieg', style drops we faced were definitely from BRSN since I now recall. Before North Grove though we definitely fought a well coordinated force, most of them being TRAF. Regardless, I still recommend this outfit along with BRSN and TT6 for medium-scale tight operations.
  9. Dagonlives

    Thanks for giving credit where credit is due. TRAF acutally takes a lot of credit for things we get done ;/ . We watch their outfit closely to make sure we can support them as best we can. If need be I can pull up the video proving that was us :D I would enjoy watching it again.
  10. SpaceMilk

    BRSN and TT6 are good outfits.
    I used to be in TT6, basically the smaller version of TRAF.
    TT6 is a really good outfit though.
  11. NC_agent00kevin

    Haskaal made a 'Jaeger Media' Thread. Sounds like the perfect place to post it! Id like to watch it from your end too :)
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  12. Dagonlives

    We are actually working on a recruitment video right now from footage pieced over the last two weeks. We are definitely including that drop! Stay tuned for it.
  13. Ground Pounder

    The BRSN video looks prett damn good. Well done Troops!!
  14. capocapone

    TRAF also known as BARF has a prob of Tking others..And it will happen when their is no NX or VS around so.I think the outfit is BARF.I have told their leader but nothing happens so if you get TKed check to see if its a BARF i mean TRAF member,never heard of them till i was Tked along with 4 others while cappin a base in the (badguys around) and it was traf members,also took out are sundie to deploy theirs and so on etc...i think they should be NC or VS since they seem to like to kill TR alot.Just this morning i just watched a traf member named BUDDALUX or something kill a few tr at a cap for nothing and his freind tryed to C-4 my i dont like them at all.Never will.I don't know how big they are and don't care.
  15. Basileus

    Trying to decipher what you are saying is next to impossible. Please please please take a break from planetside and these forums and go freshen up just a little bit on the english language. We are a very large outfit, weatherford made it very clear to you that we do NOT condone that kind of behavior and gave you the proper way to get in touch with leadership to solve the problem. You choosing to ignore that is your problem, not ours. I like the whole BARF thing, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you came up with that yourself? *golf clap*
  16. Dagonlives

    They aren't THAT bad man. I mean I think every has been run over by a TRAF tank or hit by one of their ESFs at some point, but a good part of that is simply because they are so bloody big its to be expected. It's almost a little endearing now.
  17. SpaceMilk

    Accidently pressed like onstead of reply lol.
    Just so you know, the leader is WeatherFord.
  18. Ground Pounder

    Actually Cap you TK'd me 3x after I killed the jack *** that ran over my mossy on purpose then tried to run me over. You don't destroy friendly vehicles, especially when we're getting +10 to resources trying to prevent an NC triple cap.
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  19. Weatherford

    In defense of some of the posts I've seen here:

    "[TRAF] takes credit" is bull. I have never once done such a thing. You get the idea that we take credit because we are successful. I'm in it for the server, not for [TRAF]. So, I have no idea where you got that idea.

    No one in [TRAF] is allowed to use /orders for anything but its intended use. As far as I know, I'm the only one who even uses /region to recruit. I always have and will continue to do so because I care about keeping our outfit active.

    The only reason we don't work with other TR outfits is because of their inability to do the bare minimum in show up for a weekly outfit leader (Jaeger High Command) meeting that I tried to get started or even post events / ideas on a TR Command Steam group where all outfit leaders have equal administrative power. This failed because most of the outfits that came have now disbanded or grown resentful of [TRAF] because they have started after I tried this.

    We're open to working with any TR outfit on Jaeger and you know that our Captains ([TRAF] outfit leaders) have been to your Teamspeak servers to try and make it happen.

    We are large. We are organized. We are not conceited elitists.

    If you want to work together, communicate with us.

    In gratitude to some of the posts I've seen here:

    Thank you for all the kind words about our outfit. It means a lot to me that all of the work I've put in has contributed to so much fun on Jaeger.

    I know that we will eventually work with other outfits with the same principles of organization, cooperation, and fun; large or small; enemy or friendly.
  20. Maer

    As an outfit leader, this is my take on things.

    The size of your outfit matters. You can't build something exceptional without raw materials. No matter how you recruit, in capacity or manner, you're getting people wrought from the zerg. You end up with a large group of malleable people, and depending on the leader, structure, and amount of time committed, you can turn them into something awesome.

    TRAF seems to be in the raw materials stage. Tons of people, not quite molded or fired yet. That takes time, and they have done better than expected thus far.

    Are they a good outfit?
    They certainly could be. Which is more than can be said about most.

    Join up and contribute to their success, don't just mooch off of it when it's obvious. You'll be thankful later.