Is this game really 'Massive scale?'

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codex561, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Codex561

    Is this game really 'Massive scale?'
    And before someone comes out and says "Yes it is, just look at the map!" let me explain what I mean by this.
    To help me illustrate and you understand I will use a map from
    We are going to observe the fight between NS Material Storage and Howling Pass Checkpoint;
    What do we have? We have reavers lolpodding ground peasants while the AA dispatches the scythes and at the same time a VS armor column advances. With all that some wise ones go flank from Crimson Bluff and try to get control over the upperground.

    Combined arms? Yes.
    Epic? Yes.
    Massive? Well... not quite sure about that.
    The fight would be EXACTLY the same if we had THIS map instead:
    The rest of the map is just white everywhere.

    Now you might start seeing this as a series of deathmatches which you can leave and join another at any time!
    But once VS do a strong successful push, the map will shrink even more down to just Howling Pass. Now it is EXACTLY like a death match.

    Now, Where exactly are those neverending massive scale fights?
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  2. Phyr

    They move.
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  3. NC supporter

    Well it all bogs down to player instinct. If people choose to direct fights to facilities where their team can have a distinct advantage than obviously balance will be lopsided. However, if players decide to fight at a place where the playing field is huge with each side at balance then you have scaled battles. Scale is always there to a certain extent.
  4. MasterCheef

    Why is this a "PSA"?? do you even know what that means?

    also- this is not an RTS. No matter how massive the scale is, you cant fight in more than one place at the same time. And whats your point anyway? You think they are going to spark some kind of epiphany at SoE and make them redesign the game?
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  5. Alarox

    Do you just not know what [PSA] means, or do you not care? Not trolling, being honest.
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  6. Codex561

    PSA stands for public service announcement but nobody uses it right around here,
  7. Alarox

    I do, and so does every other reasonable person.
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  8. LT_Latency

    You would have a point is those where the only players on the whole server
  9. Wobulator

    It's massive, but there can only be a few frontlines.
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  10. Elrobochanco

    Not sure what the point was here. Was this a PSA about not knowing you can leave a base or push a lane?

    Also I wish there was forum policy that if in the first 10 posts of a [PSA] thread nobody said "I never knew that" or something to the affect, the poster got like a 3 day forum ban and the thread moved to offtopic.
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  11. Udnknome

    well... it actually is RTS if you have a massive outfit and communications set up correctly through TS or mumble. Leading multiple platoons through communications orders while sitting at the warp gate watching the map change colors.
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  12. FieldMarshall

    Is the D-Day Assault on Normandy really 'Massive scale?'
    And before someone comes out and says "Yes it is, just look at the map!" let me explain what I mean by this.
    To help me illustrate and you understand I will use a map from World War 2

    We are going to observe the fight between the Allies and Germany;
    What do we have? We have MG42s spamming ground peasants while the AA dispatches the air and at the same time a German armor column advances. With all that some wise ones go flank from the right and try to get control over the upperground.

    Combined arms? Yes.
    Epic? Yes.
    Massive? Well... not quite sure about that.
    The fight would be EXACTLY the same if we had THIS map instead:

    The rest of the map is just black everywhere.

    Now you might start seeing this as a series of deathmatches which you can leave and join another at any time!
    But once the Allies do a strong successful push, the map will shrink even more down to just Omaha. Now it is EXACTLY like a death match.

    Now, Where exactly are those neverending massive scale fights?
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  13. Chipay

    D-Day was a fight of more than 3 million humans fighting eachother on a Coastline of a few km's. Planetside doesn't even get 2000 people on a continent.
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  14. FieldMarshall

    Except if you narrow it down enough, its just a few people.
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  15. tekknej

    D-Day sure was less massive than Planetside. confirmed. seems like there was never any massive epic battles ever. Higby is basically inventing that stuff for humans, finally. gonna go polish my Higby decal.
  16. DK22

    try humping it everywhere you go, it'll feel pretty massive then..
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  17. Munq

    Gotta admit, FieldMarshall owned OP.

    But at the same time I understand what OP means. The battles don't feel all that massive because the battles always occur right next to objectives. The lines of battle are not moving by few meters at a time, they move a base at a time. Fights in between the bases occur sometimes but they don't last long, barring the fights where players can literally spam with all weapons from one base to another. Lack of cover and being instagibbed whether you are tank, infantry or plane make it impossible for long lasting fights in the fields.

    We will never get battles like Planetside 1 used to have simply because SOE wanted to make Planetside 2 more like "modern" shooters. It will never be like PS1 because the design choices they made are core to the game. It would be better to just remake the whole game at this point and call it something else instead of starting to fix things from the top all the way down to the base of the game. Reworking the game like that would probably kill it off completely or atleast drive away very large portion of the current playerbase.

    Modern = extremely streamlined FPS that mainly focuses on gunplay rather than maneuvering, team composition, specialization and objectives. Think of CoD and you get the point.
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  18. FABIIK

    Differences between DDay and PS2 include the impossibility to attack supply lines.

    In that sense, OP is very right. Territory that is not directly on the frontline is empty. In a large scale fight, fighting should happen ALL OVER THE MAP, which is only 8x8 kms.

    The possibility to break supply lines would go a long away to broaden the scale of the game.

    Right now, fighting only takes place on a frontline that moves back and forth from warpgate to warpgate.

    Between the frontline and the warpgate ? nothing... :(
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  19. SacredRay

    You should play on Mattherson then. Anytime I go on Mattherson, players are fighting over bridges and fields just to get to the next base. Combat is so fluid in Mattherson that I regret not having it as my main.
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  20. Pirbi

    Is the ocean "epic scale"? Do clownfish still hug the same anemone?