Is this FPS too hardcore and should higher lvls be given a handicap?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wave, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Jogido

    nah, I like the death screen. It gives be something to look at when I wait for a rezed instead of getting kicked to the re-spawn map automatically :)
  2. Iksniljiksul

    Hardcore for me is perma-death, realistic consequences for one's actions, with at least some attempt to simulate reality.

    This game is completely dumbed down, and is Planetside in name only. The game is just a huge team death match . You're on crack if you think the bases still matter. Plus there is no where near the number of players in this game that you think there are.

    I've completely given up on trying to believe this is an objective based game. Now I just play for certs and only for certs, because that is how the game was designed to be played. This is not even a competitive game, there is no level playing field (this game engine is amazingly easy to hack as well).

    This last patch killed any sense of spirit left in the game; it's clown shoes. It's a laugh. Nothing more.
  3. Hosp


    Not Hardcore. But it's doing a good job of scaring off new meat w/ its high(er) entry barrier. Players, particularly non-paying ones, need a little more of a boost to both, enter the game decently and then stay competitive with the fully decked out players. Otherwise, it's a long slog for them to get there and they may just prefer to try out that fancy new game that comes along rather than stick with this.
  4. ColdCheezePizza

    VengeanceD: "This is on point. "

    you mean 'Dis' is on point :D but yeah pretty much the most spot on post I have read in here in a while

    edit: can't reply on this browser for some reason
  5. Liquidrider

    Anyone who thinks it is easy for beginners I beg of you to re-roll a new character and play with no upgrades. It is painful!

    I was getting burnt out on a faction and created a new character on a different server, I think people underestimate how dependent they are on some upgrades they've achieved. It isn't a cake walk.

    I don't believe a handicap should be given, but I think cert progression for low BR's should be increased till BR20 at least giving them a fighting chance for certain upgrades.
  6. hawken is better

    The actual FPS aspect of the game isn't really hardcore. It's constantly having to deal with all of the scrubby, insta-killing trash that turns away new players.

    As someone who solely plays infantry, when I'm about to log in, my thought process is, "Am I going to be allowed to have fun today? Am I going to be allowed to find any fights today? Am I going to be allowed to leave the spawn room today?"

    I can easily see why new players would be turned away from the game, but the actual FPS portion of the game most likely is not it (sans shotguns/rocket primary).
  7. Taemien

    The only part I got out of this, meaning I only glanced over it... is that he wants High BRs to not have the kill screen.

    If this is the case, sign me up. If all I need to get rid of that crap is get beyond say BR 20, then I'm for this. Seriously we need a toggle for this thing. But failing that, if getting to a certain BR is all we need to get rid of it and its not higher than 60 than I support it 100%.

    Let the noobs slug through it if they need to. But veteran players like myself should go straight to the deploy screen since we've earned it.

    By the way my post comes off as sarcastic, but I assure you I am being 100% serious. And I know what I am saying has little to do with the spirit of the OP but I really don't care. I want this kill screen off MY client. Everyone else can keep it if they want it. I don't care if it shows a GPS shot of where I am when I kill someone. I just don't want to have to suffer through seeing it myself.
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  8. Meeka

    Play DayZ Standalone on Hardcore.

    That's Hardcore; one death, you lose everything you worked for. :)
  9. Keyski

    I rerolled NC and I was OP as a BR1.
    When I went vanu though I had some troubles though.

    That new class quiz really really helps out new players though. I got a new player hooked because of the the T5 AMC gun he got. (Sidenote, he hates it now since they changed it's sound for the worse).
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  10. phreec

    There's nothing truly hardcore about this game lol.
  11. Naowut

    Hi, I'm a new player.
    This game has a minimap and therfor its piss easy.
    The only thing thats making this game frustrating are the constant nukes from the airplanes.

    And tbh the minimap and killcam/deathscreen is exactly why you cant have fun. The moment I kill someone 50 people start aiming my direction.
  12. Tuco

    Hey I have an idea (raises forefinger) increase TTK.
  13. Tuco

    Yeah it does seem so random and meaningless without the tools to defend like the PS1 AMS, PS1 mines, PS1 spitfires, PS1 motion detectors.
  14. Tuco

    Oh I see, so character progression creates a problem, and the only solution the devs can think of is a plethora-tactic destroying death cam.

    I have an idea (raises forefinger), get rid of character progression instead.

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  15. IamDH

    Stan Lee's Superhumans : MLG Man

    @OP: Hardcore? Ehhh i dont think so. There is no denying there is a problem when you first join the game to make that transition between typical CoD shooter and having situational awareness/looking at minimap. I think this makes planetside special and should not be removed or changed to help new players (see: Killcam)
  16. Eugenitor

    Character progression and "levels" just do not belong in the FPS genre and never had. It's a transparent attempt to make people keep playing. And it works because the people who play this are zerglings on a treadmill who have never known anything else.
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  17. VogonPoetMaster

    Never played CS I take it. Full auto with an assault rifle is a quick trip to the graveyard, even at close range.
  18. GoyoElGringo

    I don't believe the death screen map handicaps high level players. All it really does is keep those people, and lower levels as well, from farming oblivious new players.

    Could it create bad habits? Possibly, like it could be a crutch that inhibits the development of situational awareness. However it's better for everyone for those players to use that crutch and stick with the game than to leave it all together.

    I've seen it countless times in more "hardcore" games. New players get decimated by veteran players repeatedly, and only a handful stick around. This would be fine if the games didn't eventually die completely. The only way to keep a hardcore game alive is to keep making sequels and adapting to the times(see fighting games), which still leads to a very small, but dedicated community. The only problem is, something like that doesn't work in an MMO, which needs thousands of people online to be any fun. And when it comes to shooters, most big companies seem to be weighing their sales against games like BF and COD, which means no sequels if the game doesn't sell well(which is usually the case because hardcore games don't compare to COD/BF in sales figures).

    So with as much fun as it is to camp a tower or some discreet spot and shoot clueless people in the back, it doesn't really do any favors for anyone in the long run.
  19. wave

    I dont think you understand. What I was asking is if it would be a good idea to handicap higher level players by TAKING AWAY the death screen map to give lower level players an advantage when they first start.
  20. zSkunk

    Wall of text as I need to let you know why players quit.

    Beginners will give up no matter the handicap, the game is / has been broken since beta for most of them.
    Now I have to introduce myself or you will be mistaken me, I ve been playing FPS games for more than 15 years I can say I m top of the line. Meaning I got sick aim, movement, having constantly 3 steps ahead my opponents etc... I could go on and on and explain but I know you don't give a f*ck about the details.

    For players like myself, that is playing infantry 90% of the time, the game doesn't give you enough reason to play as it is more frustrating than anything. Got a couple of friends to try it, they all came to the same conclusion.

    It is, simply put, a mess.
    The netcode/server is hilarious when there's a big population in an area, but still acceptable and isn't my biggest concern.
    In the peak hours, but not only, the amount of tanks/aircrafts is staggering, infantry players are there to feed the other's.
    Don't get me wrong I enjoy and welcome them, as it breaks positions and dynamic of the infantry lines which is,I think, essential in the game.
    Performance issues are for real, experienced players can't stand freezed frames, poor fps with high end PC's, beginners are not likely gonna stick with it either.

    Well I had a lot of things to write down but it may get confusing so I'll keep it short.

    If a good player doesn't have a lot of options to enjoy the game / is feeling powerless, imagine the beginner for a second.
    Not only he would have to train, he would have to do it with the constant frustration of examples said aboves.
    Only then to realize he might as well be playing the game for 5 years, there is nothing he can do or progress to supress it.

    I took a long break 2 mounths after PS2 release (was 1st on Mallory server without knowing it, non membership) and came back from time to time. The game still has the same core problems.