Is this a good combo for wepon combo for a Max

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Intothekeep, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Intothekeep

    I was thinking on using the scatter cannon (without slugs) on one arm and the mattlock (with slugs) on the other. In the vr training it seems im just as good point blank but i kill a lot faster at range. So what do you guys think hot or not?
  2. Intothekeep

    On my next trip to the vr training I think the matlcok does better without slugs what do you guys thing?
  3. Badname0192

  4. Ceskaz

    Personnaly, I'm not convinced the mattock perform better than the scattercanon with slugs. I've seen people getting data saying so or refuting it.
    Except for pellet spread, and velocity, they have the same stats and I don't think the CoF of slugs are affected by the spread characteristics.
    I didn't got Mattock yet, but when I do so, it's to take profit of its lower pellets spread and pellets velocity (except if some dev clearly announces than mattock slugs are more accurate than scatter slugs).
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