Is there anyone that DOESN'T use flak armor?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Itermerel, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Itermerel

    it seems to me that flak armor is by far the best suit slot upgrade for infantry, nothing comes close.

    prevents instant death from mines, underbarrel grenade launcher, rocket pods, absurd mbt splash radius, grenades, liberator (jk lol), etc.
  2. maxkeiser

    lvl 4 Nanoweave for me.
  3. TheEvilBlight


    Since the rocket pod patch I've not needed it as much.
  4. Evilsooty

    I don't. Saving up for the utility pouch so I can carry one more AT mine so I can blow up anything, mineguard or not. :)
  5. Compass

    You know what's more satisfying than flak armor?

    3 packs of C4.
  6. DramaticExit

    I use nanoweave.
  7. Fear The Amish

    yeah nano on my HA and bandoleer on my engie
  8. Idono

    Nope Nanoweave. I see no point in useing flak if i only get rocket poded once every 100 deaths.
  9. Yuanrang

    Random people + Light Assault and Infiltrators have generally very little use for it, because those two classes in particular should not be close to explosions. The other classes are either debatable, or Flak, no questions asked.
  10. JesNC

    I only use flak armor on the 2 classes that are exposed to vehicle spam the most, namely Engineer and HA. For Infiltrators I use the Grenade or Ammo Bandolier, for LA I also use the Grenade Bandolier or Adrenaline Rush. I don't play medic.

    So yeah, Flak armor is the best suit mod for going toe-to-toe with vehicles. In any other situation there are other, more beneficial choices.
  11. Uben Qui

    Nano Weave except on my 'Driver' Engineer... Because when repairing a vehicle you have more of a chance of getting hit by rocket pods, a lib, or a tank round.
  12. LameFox

    I very rarely die to explosives when I'm on foot, and when I do it's usually because someone threw a proxy mine at me, so if I survived with a pathetic amount of health I'd have lost the fight anyway.
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  13. Grotpar

    As long as I'm playing explosionside 2, I'm going to stick to flak armor.
  14. NC_agent00kevin

    Advanced Shield Capacitor

    Surprise! My shields are back!
  15. Talizzar

    Flak on my Engineer, usually, not always, and Nano when planning on assaulting.
  16. Uben Qui

    So far it looks like many do not use Flak Armor.
  17. quicKsanD

    I use it a lot of the time but right now with the Piston I want more ammo so I am considering using the Bandoleer. I also use the grenade pouch.
  18. Afifikas

    Nanoweave on my Combat Engineer. Just so that I have a slightly better chance of reaching that Sundy to see whether it has Mineguard.
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  19. irewolf

    I use a mixture personally, situation dependant.
  20. Itermerel

    are you aware nanoweave 1-4 only lets u survive 1 extra bullet? only at nanoweave 5 can you survive 2 bullets from a weapon that does 100-112 damage, and that's like, a pistol, or weapons that aren't even meant for long range

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  21. Ayabe

    Overtime that is going to save you more often than flak, I rarely die to mines and if I get caught in the open by a tank or ESF/Lib I'm dead either way.

    So I'll stick with what is going to provide me the most benefit based on the likelihood of a particular encounter, that means nanoweave hands down.