I was just thinking about it, and my KD and just about everything in a MAX is far superior than any other infantry class. More health, more damage. Mobility downside isn't so bad since you can take a beating. You can escape with charge in bad situations. You can get revived just like infantry. Healing you actually makes a difference since you have so much health. Don't get me wrong, I love using a MAX and feeling like a wrecking ball in battle, but I just can't seem to find a "logical" reason NOT to spam MAX's non-stop. Unless you run out of resources or are on a cooldown, you should pretty much be a MAX. You only need like one or two pocket engies to run back to and you are set. And my last question: Why aren't more people MAX's? It seems like they are overpowered but people don't like using them. Are they just too cheesey? Not asking for a nerf or buff, just wondering why there aren't more MAX's.
Depends on the empire, since what makes an NC MAX tick is going to be vastly different from a VS or TR MAX. As someone who plays MAX a lot, I can think of a lot of situations where I would think to myself, "Man, I shouldn't have run my MAX this time" a) You can't use vehicles - means long walks, reliant on other drivers to get you from point A to B - too often you will end up in that derp sundy that heads away from the fight straight into a squad of enemy MBTs b) Unreliable at long (infantry-wise) range skirmishes where a long-range LMG or assault rifle would better suit your purpose c) Much larger hitbox - this matters when looking for cover while everyone and their grandma spam bullets and rockets at you - since you have no regenerating shield, every hit counts - unless you run nano-repair which leaves you vulnerable to explosives d) In-fight downtime - This is mostly going to be an NC MAX problem, but no other class gets the poor Fire-to-Reload time ratio that an NC MAX has - it is not unusual for me to spend as much if not more time reloading than actually firing e) The other classes just do certain things better: - Heavies with their rockets are more efficient at dealing with armour than NC AV MAXes, heavies packing lock-ons provide a completely different style of threat to ESFs compared to burster MAXes and very very often you'll need both tools when being air-spammed - Engies with AV turrets are much better at dealing with armour columns at long range than any MAX except maybe a group of lock-down Fracture MAXes, and I wouldn't be surprised if the same size group of engies would still perform better overall - Medics (good medics) are indespensible in any fight, no MAX will be able to fill their role - LA's can get much better burst farm with the right perch, and speaking of LAs.... - MAXes don't get C4. WE DON'T GET C4 (Thank Goodness) - WE DON'T GET C4!!!!! - No recon darts, these are actually very very useful. You can't always run a scout vehicle into a fight so often times you will want a (smart) infil dropping darts. - The dumb infils don't drop darts. Dumb infils are dumb. There's plenty of other reasons why a MAX wouldn't be the best pull for a given situation. Though if you want to pad KDR, and you don't feel like using a vehicle, go pull a MAX. If you REALLY want to pad KDR, you should have been a lib gunner last year round this time. Would have gone to the bank laughing.
I don't run MAX all the time because I like being able to drive vehicles. There's also the walk/run speed issue. But if you're with an organized group that will take you from place to place and has everything else covered, there isn't really a reason not to be a MAX.
There are many reasons not to be a MAX: 1) You cant run properly equipped MAX without putting lot of certs/SC in it. 2) Resource cost. 3) Cooldown. 4) Low mobility. 5) Huge hitbox that makes you a rocket magnet. 6) Limited range. Most of AI weapons are for close/semi-mid range combat. 7) From 6) that means people will just shoot you at range. They have ironsights, you don't. 8) Dependence on engineers who might not even notice that you need repairs. 9) You can't ride vehicles. If you get stuck in between of bases or battle is over and you don't want to lose your MAX you're going for a looong run. Unless there is a friendly sundy around. 10) If Charge isn't recharged and you found yourself at the wrong place at the wrong time... you're screwed.
Oh yeah, and one more important reason. Your name is Mustarde and your infil is more fearsome (and handsome, sexy, manly, etc...) than any MAX will ever be.
Oh ya im speaking for infantry reasons. Obviously you cant pull a vehicle but infantry wise MAX's just seem better. I know Medic's are amazing though but at the same time being able to clear a room of medics with one MAX seems better than just being one medic, ya? I do agree with the AV points though, AV Heavies and AV Turrets are much better than AV MAX's.
You know, sometimes people forget that Medics can pack C4. I saw this one TR medic a few days ago who pinged my armour and then ducked into a building, classic LA move, and I even thought to myself. "You know, sometimes people forget that Medics can pack C4." "But come on, what are the chances?" So I run after this medic. 2 seconds later. I'm staring at the respawn screen, down 350 infantry resources.
peeps actually spam maxes way too often, and at times they're not needed (like being overpop'd and ghostcapping/other faction didn't pull maxes or ruining a fight that could last longer for everyone by stomping it). it's usually cheese. and during alerts it's basically faction that spams them more - wins the hex (preferably as an organized crush). i've seen once 10-20+ maxes all storming a point at once. they don't even need support classes for these "crushes", it's not like you can whipe that many scatter maxes before they whipe your entire forces instagibbing anything up to mid range. there's also people who you always find in a MAX (or other cheese). and can't play anything else decently. lame *****.