Is the flash suppressor useful with a laser dot?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Dedned, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Dedned

    I have an EM1 that I will be using for cqc - I put soft point ammo, a reflex sight and am working on advanced laser dot - I am not sure if the flash suppressor will be useful as the laser dot reveals your postion anyways - right?
  2. TrueGent

    If your using an LMG, a flash suppressor won't be very effective anyway; doubly so if your using the laser sight, which implies a preference for close range combat. Using soft point ammo on top of a suppressor would probably prove extra useless.

    Now, a silencer may be another story, but I don't see enough of those used to tell.
  3. Dedned

    Maybe I will just skip the flash suppressor lmao...thanks
  4. LazyBoot

    Just remember that the laser can be toggled on and off as needed.
  5. TheBloodEagle

    I noticed the weapon isn't as loud with the flash suppressor (sound also cues in enemy onto you) and if you're firing off a lot of rounds it definitely helps hide the flash.
  6. Kyutaru

    • Up x 1
  7. Dedned

    If the bug gets fixed then I may consider it...for now I will save my cert points