Is the cheating/aimbotting/etc really that bad?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Calmdown, Feb 6, 2014.

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  1. tigerchips

    I don't use laser sight , instead i use foregrip to lessen horizontal recoil. The laser sight doesn't effect Aim Down Sights. I always make sure i aim down site unless i get caught at extreme close range. I use a 1x scope to minimise recoil effect, and a compensator to reduse vertical recoil.
  2. Kumaro

    Hmm i have rarely seen obvious cheatings most being for snipers. Nothing a good vehicle can't fix preferably dropped right on them repeatedly :p

    I mean this game has so much going on so fast it's really hard to know what's what :/
  3. hostilechild

    Couple days ago was playing as VS (rare for me) at one 96/96 fight there was an NC cloaked flashing flying around (literally flying) would swoop down and run over and renegade people then fly back off. He eventually died. Wasn't desync perfectly smooth and controlled he did occasionally warp away then come flying back in. 3rd of these i have seen in past month. (TR harasser, NC flash, TR lightning, probably some VS out there but prefer not to fight them). Been a bunch of br30-40 that just ting the hell out of you for insta deaths outside the guns .5 ttk range lately too (but go to player site and they have like 10% acc, and <1.0 kd, funny how they got so good so fast to have huge kill streaks.).

    Just redeploy and go have fun elsewhere, let them have their fun at someone elses expense.
  4. Simferion

    This, seriously.
    I always manage to concuss myself because of friendlies appearing in front of me. It could be a bug or some resistance hack. Sometimes I hear the concs sound but I'm not affected.

    Anyway I've seen grenades following me and it was quite strange.
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  5. TheRunDown

    old post is old.. but..
    Most cheat companies that make subscription based hacks with updates and all have discontinued Cheats for PlanetSide 2, I think this is something to do with the random 800kb? updates that come out nearly every day.. so they don't bother supporting it any more. Old games like CS and CoD still have a large cheating player base, because no game has a "Anti Cheat" or "Cheat Protection". PunkBuster and VAC are both Cheat detection, anti cheats are down to the Devs and not actually putting recycled coding in to the game in the first place.. Unreal, Source and CoD have so many cheaters because the those games are just recycled games of the last engine, thus making the creation of the cheat basically a copy and paste system.

    Hardly any game fixes the code that the cheater is using to cheat, most games just update it's blacklist just to detect the Injection being used or the program the cheat company provides, so normally all the cheat companies have to do is modify their injection program to be undetectable again.

    The other problem with older system games that rely on patches and not live updates is that when a cheat is detected, they Ban in Waves or they fix the Problem each update, which of CoD's state.. is very rare, once blue moon or when they need more money and throw some copy and paste Maps from older CoDs and put up for sale as DLC..

    So you normally find games with a Live patcher or games that use a Launcher to run the game like PlanetSide, cheating is less of a problem, as anti cheat patches can be produced more often.
  6. drstrange2014

    Far from it. There was a fake post about cheats being put off in PS2 a month or so back but it was just that - fake and many cheat sites are in fact coming out with new cheat programs for PS2. If you check online you can see for yourself.

    SOE don't have any 'anti cheat patches.' They rely on the same clunky software detection of third party programs that they've used for over a year now, which is one reason why their so called anti cheat measures are such a joke in the industry. That's also why there are now so many cheats in the game and more than a few of them higher BRs. Go on Emerald in particular around 1 am onwards (mountain time) every night and you'll come across them yourself. The cheats are also now active on Connery around the same time. Tonight in fact is one of the worst that I've seen so far with more than a few being absolutely blatant about it.
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  7. NanoBitSplit

    I can second this. It's not just one empire, either, before anyone starts flinging accusations. Hell, peruse some other forums of discussion (cough) once in a while and it's not uncommon to see people gloating about their ill-earned kill streaks. Anyone who thinks PS2 doesn't have a constant cheater population is asinine.

    I'm forced to wonder why PS2 doesn't have some sort of built-in spectator mode like many other FPSs have. Even if it's unavailable to the player, it can't be hard to show a player's viewpoint to a dev or GM with their special clients, so they can see for themselves just how Player X on Team Y is getting 70% accuracy and 80% headshots with Gun O, and make a justifiable ban because of it.
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  8. Utrooperx

    That's a good idea Nano...and they used to have a similar set up where a GM would do system wide announcements that he was "on-the-job" looking for cheaters and "funny stuff" could send the GM a /tell when the "one-man-army" destroyed your 12-man squad and single-handedly took a BioLab...(which happened about 3AM EST just this morning...)

    Then the "penny-pinchers" at SoE let them all go...

    I have almost 2,000 hours in this game...a BR95 and a BR94.

    I can tell when something's fishy. I left Emerald (when it was still Mattherson) because of it...and it's getting worse on Connery.
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  9. HyperMatrix

    Hackers are definitely more prevalent than one may expect. It's different from the early days of Planetside 2 when it was obvious. Now it's about recoil removal, COF removal/reduction, slight ROF incease, slight speedhack (you will NEVER spot a 15% speedhack). Then there are things like ESP that don't increase your ability to shoot, but let you know where everybody is. There's one guy that has a 54% headshot rate with LMG's. He claims "skill." As many have said...the majority of Hackusations are false. However...because the majority of false, people have a false sense that hacking itself doesn't exist. What I've found is that hacking is more common among foreign players in countries where culturally, they view it with a "Haha..he is so stupid for not using hacks. I am so much smarter and better than him for doing it" attitude.

    What's weird is that SOE doesn't share any details about hackers they identify from reports. That's...wrong, imo. Name and Shame should happen. That way you'll know they're actually banning hackers. And hackers will be called out and embarrassed in front of other players for being little craps, along with damaging their online rep/name/gamertag. So as it stands...I never know if any of the hackers I've reported have been banned or not. That leaves little faith in the system.

    Edit: As a side note...regarding the player with 54% head shot rate. I messaged him. Just to let him know that I know he's cheating. He asked me how I knew what his head shot ratio was. I said I didn't want to get into a discussion/argument, but that I'm calling BS on him and I wanted him to know that he hasn't fooled me.
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  10. WTSherman

    It just so happens that just yesterday I ran into someone who apparently had a jetpack on their infiltrator. At first I thought maybe they had used an ESF to get up on the biolab (there was no ESF in sight, but hey maybe it blew up), but when I went up there and got behind him with an LA he was standing on top of one of those little wedges that ring around near the top (those ones that are too tall to jump on, and too narrow to get on with an aircraft unless you want to get smacked by its tail when it falls down).

    Then he strafed out onto empty air, took a shot (it killed someone of course), and strafed back. Then I shot him in the back.

    Yeah, there's still some fishy stuff going on in this game.
  11. Schizomatic

    Snuck up on a Vanguard last night with every intention of planting C4 and lol'ing my way to easy certs, when his turret (1/2) spins 180 degrees and stares right at me like he knew exactly where I was the entire time. That was...odd. It makes me wonder about all those times, too, where Magriders suddenly just drift sideways or reverse over you trying to get C4 on them, as if they have psychic knowledge that you're on their rear.
  12. t31os

    Could have got there via spawn beacon, which was later destroyed. The strafing in the air is likely because the jagged objects don't actually exist as you see, but rather exist as a box or series of boxes, so you can appear to be floating on or near edges, sometimes appearing to float. There are a variety of places that you can stand that will make you character appear to float, this is nothing new, just one of the limitations on how the game engine simulates objects.
  13. Visigodo

  14. Cransoon

    I mean, I've played this game a decent amount (coming up on 400 hours total), and in that time, I've only run into a single person who was legitimately hacking. They were inside of a wall by a small base point, shooting everyone that came in, and there was no way to get to him. Outside of that, it's usually just people who are better than me. I do the usual "god damn ******* hacker" reaction. Then I take a deep breath, and realize I'm just bad. I think the number of people in this game who can actually identify someone using an aimbot is kind of low, given the fact that most people just aren't good enough to feel confident in 100% of the 1v1 fights they lost aren't their own fault.
  15. WTSherman

    Still would have had to get pretty ridiculously lucky on the pod's spawn location given how limited the guidance on them is, and the beacon conveniently disappearing is much less likely than an ESF sliding down and exploding.

    And he was far out enough that he definitely didn't still have one foot on geometry: after I killed him I used my LA (you know, the only class that's actually supposed to have a jet pack) to go to the same position and sure enough I fell.

    But hey, apparently if you get "skilled" enough then you too can levitate, walk through walls, ignore spawn room pain fields, and fly indestructible galaxies at 600+ km/h. :p
  16. Schizomatic

    Had to report an NC HA today for rather blatant aimbotting. Guy was 80% headshots on his killboard, with 30% overall accuracy and averaging 70% accuracy on his rockets. Lord knows how he managed 150% accuracy on his C4. Doing the usual thing where you ambush him from behind, and he spins instantly around and takes you out with one efficient burst. BR 68, too. All that "work" gone done the drain.

    These guys come out of the woodworks past midnight.
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  17. Shadowyc

    If Name and Shame were allowed, then anyone could be called a hacker and nothing they could do would fix that.
    For instance, I could declare you to be a dirty, filthy hacker! And if you tried to defend yourself, then you're just lying to cover your ***, because that's what hackers do. :p
  18. HyperMatrix

    I meant name and shame from SOE after they've investigated and found someone to be using hacks/cheats/exploits. Every time they do a banning run, they should publish a list of player names. Personally when someone accuses me of hacking in-game, I just play along and say sure, I love aimbots! There's no point defending yourself. Just let them report you and move on.
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  19. PhineasDerp

    Wouldn't 3rd-person vehicle view enable them to see you in these situations?

    I see things every play session that are likely hacks, and not exploits or lag/netcode issues. HAs moving at double speed, SMGs 2-shotting you from 100m+, unreal reaction time & accuracy, OHK headshots from huge distances when peeking a corner the first time. Realistically, at least 2 times per session I'm "fairly" convinced I've encountered a hacker. However, since I'm new to the game, I hesitate to report anyone until I learn the mechanics and idiosyncrasies a bit better.

    And yes, late-night Connery, these do incidents increase.
  20. z1967

    Why does this thread keep on getting necroed? SOE has one of the better (if not the best) anti-cheats in the industry. Hackers get banned in hours instead of days and even subtle ESP hacks get detected and dealt with.
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