Is the cheating/aimbotting/etc really that bad?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Calmdown, Feb 6, 2014.

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  1. Strikejk

    Nope, that was completly normal. Never heard of the Godsaw ?
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  2. Bonom Denej

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  3. p10k56

    Long time passed from last update:cool:
    Weakly updates were disaster for not payed hack user and could delay for few days payed hacks.
    Ninja patch were great, at least for few days not every rocket hit your face from 100+m:)
  4. Catch23

    there is hacking. for sure. hacks sell.

    as others have stated most hackusations are due to latency and hit detection, which seems to be exploitable. some of the most famous players are much harder to kill even if they don't position well. they simply eat more bullets on average even if you shoot them in the back while they are running in a straight line or stand in the open. I don't know how they do it.
    While FPS is important, ping is more important.
    yes you can exploit a very high ping but you will lose shootouts. 250 vs. 30 ping is like stock pistol vs GD7
  5. VanuSShooter

    Lel report meeeh ... jk. Ive got about 75% of my kills as headshots and ima tell ya ... im as legit as you'll ever see.
  6. Posse

    It doesn't apply to snipers
  7. RHINO_Mk.II

    There's a difference in average HSR between the Parallax and, say, the Orion.
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  8. MorganM

    Glad to see I'm not the only one with nemesisisis... nemesi ? Oh you know what i mean! I've even elvated a select few to Arch Nemesis! =) It's all in good fun; not like I really hate these people. It's actually fun to run into them because you know it's going to be a GOOD fight. Honestly it can get boring in a small fight with a bunch of scrubs you just kill over and over and over... usually because they are hopelessly predictable.

    I even msg some of them and say something like "... we met again my nemesis..." They usually laugh and we have a good fight.
  9. MorganM

    As to the topic.... I see blatent, no question, hackers once a week or two weeks. I mean many people complaining over /yell and when you bump into them you know why... that obvious.

    I see suspisious activity several times a week. Maybe I'm paranoid. Maybe I've played since launch and you just get a feeling for what's legit, what's luck, what's skill, and what's none of these yet not totally obviously hacking. I think ESP cheats are widespread and many agree. I try to keep my ego in check. I don't send out hackusation messages. I know I get very lucky sometimes and I think to myself "wonder if they think I'm cheating because that was rediculous". I get the oocational hackusation /tell and it makes me smile that ppl think I'm that good. If it was dumb luck I reply back telling them as much but they don't want to hear it.
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  10. Frigidman

    I start to get skeptical about certain players, when I'm situated in a non-normal upper perch or corner, of a room, not moving or making noise..... and they come in already aiming at me and head shot me before I see their full body model. I mean, how did they know I was 'right there' in that spot in 'that room'? It just gets tiring to see that happen by pretty much every member of certain outfits. I tend to start to think 'bs, no one is that good without some sort of visual helper'.

    They can continually always know where someone might be, even if a base isn't really in action? They just show up, and sweep rooms always aiming in the right spots?

    Anyhow... its the kind of thing that grows on you, and ruins a server/game to the point of not even bothering to pay into it or return.
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  11. ExarRazor

    I see at least 5 ESP hackers every single time I log on.

    it's really easy to notice these things as a stalker infil.

    I also see a LOT of bull$hit everyday.

    just a little while ago an NC heavy walked into a stream of a fully spun MCG, popped his shield, stood IN THE STREAM without even trying to dodge, ate literally 75 rounds, all hitmarkers, and killed me with 3 chain headshots. not even CLOSE to legit

    I also get killed frequently by people with super-powered knives. they rip through full rank NMG, full shields, and full health with a single swing, and no they are not Shoot+knife comboing

    I see a lot of people who seem to be able to magically pull an instant 180 and kill with nothing but headshots when im running SMG infil

    I also see a LOT of people firing full auto at 50+ meters and landing every single shot on a moving, evading target.

    I see MANY sunderer's destroy from full health in an instant, with absolutely nobody nearby, and no aircraft anywhere within render range and no friendly fire. I know because I frequently drop motion spotters at said sunderers and no enemy arrows pop up. the sunderers just explode from full health.

    none of these things are lag or latency

    I know when I get outplayed or outgunned. I may get frustrated about it occasionally, but usually I just respawn and try again

    then there are the deaths that are clearly incredibly suspicious, that no amount of skill could achieve. and the worst part is most of these players are br100. they've been cheating the entire time, and are still playing.

    and a LOT of them are part of respectable outfits. of course I tell the leaders of those outfits, but they never do anything. they just reply with some horsecrap like 'git gud'
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  12. Llamar

    I have seen people exploit known bugs but never seen someone hack.
  13. Drag0

    IMO PS2 is the best policed online FPS game currently. It had its moments but Sony don't take that crap lying down. They still happen but not the worst game that's for sure.
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  14. Xien

    Months later, come back to the game after having quit cuz a friend plays. People still running through walls (and dropping C4 inside spawn rooms, no less), Sunderers still explode for no reason with no weapon cited on the killscreen, players still have ESP (in the middle of nowhere, under a tree, stalker cloaked, a BR3 ran up on my Infil and knifed him. Literally hundreds of meters in the middle of nowhere on a non-active map, 10 minutes after I'd been sitting there), players still ADS at superhuman speeds and score 3 shot kills from 50m away on full auto (and don't tell me it was 'someone else' cuz they were spotted and the only name on the killscreen was them), there's a new one out now where Engineers instantly repair turrets - that one's cute. Watching a turret go up down up down up down several times in the span of a minute is fun. But I guess it's just a "latency" issue. Like the ESF I was shooting at who flew out of view range to the north... only to kill my turrent from behind moments later coming from the south. Literally 3 seconds later.

    And of course if you say anything "git guud nub" or "umadm8?". PS2 is a hacker culture with hack-denialists/apologists enabling the bad behavior. SOE should step up and permanently ban the IP of anyone caught hacking. That is the only way. But SOE will never do that so I will never pay a dime on this game.
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  15. Champagon

    I get hackused all the damn time
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  16. Pro24

    Yes there are many cheaters. One only has to look into how many paid subscribers there are among the major sites. Some list them outright. In Darkfall, the game with the most low life of hackers, had a subscriber base in the US of about 11k after the US server came live. Just one site alone had 5k cheat subscriptions.

    To say there are no cheaters or you don't run into them often is either ignorance, which I envy you. After witnessing countless online fps tournaments ruined by cheaters I've come to the simple conclusion. Online is for fun only and will always be ruined. Planetside 2 is the most inviting game to cheaters. It's FREE with nothing to lose. There is no Spectator option so nobody can ever prove anything and the anti cheat is very beatable as is any anti cheat.

    Planetside is filled with cheaters.
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  17. Zar

    your vs i think your legit vs snipers almost aim their selfs XD
  18. Niamar

    Cheat to win, or lose and cry, it don't matter cause your going to die.
  19. Xien

    TR seem to have new hack (or maybe I never noticed it since I've only just recently started dabbling in VS/NC) that voids the recoil on their guns. How fun to be counter-sniped by a TR heavy using that stupid minigun.

    Or the engineer who was running around literally killing all the infils in an area. We could not find him. We had sensor darts down and it registered the blip. We went to the blip and there was nothing there but a boulder. Strange. And then it happened! I watched from distance with zoom as he EMERGED FROM THE ROCK, as if being born from it, and annihilated 2 infiltrators before returning to the Earth from whence he came.

    Another one I ran into was a light assault. I was running behind him, cloaked, and he stopped to ADS. I decloaked about 8m away from him and began shooting him - by the time I got the 2nd round off, he was behind and diagonal to me.

    I understand some players are really good. I understand this game has hit detection and latency issues... but there just isn't enough to explain every single incident, especially when you blatantly see this sort of stuff right in front of you.
  20. Udnknome

    Its called the BRRT attachment.. It's more OP than shotguns used to be.. but no one listens.
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