Is the Buzzard Going to Get Buffed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scroffel5, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. Demigan

    Ah yes, the good old skillful days when the Flash Fury was as yet unnerfed and dealt far more damage to enemy tanks and the rear armor gave a higher damage increase.

    Its times like these when your bullcrap is the shiniest Exiliant.
  2. Scroffel5

    You can't take out an armor column with a Flash. Valks with that VLG launcher are super OP, Liberators are super OP, Galaxys may be super OP, idk? They are meant to take down ground vehicles, but they do it way too well. Anyways, back to what I was saying. You can't take out an armor column with a Flash. You mention the costs of the vehicles. That means the Flash should be able to take out 1/7 of the health of an MBT before dying. If you waltz up on an MBT, you are gonna get 1 hit. There is no TTK for it when you are fighting a Flash, just as there is no TTK for sniper headshots. If the MBT isn't dirt stupid, you are getting blown up. You need a squad of 3 Flash boys to not die to it. Sure, you may think "That is only 150 nanites right there. Should they still be able to blow up a 450 MBT, stupid?" If you have 3 guys in the game spamming you down with an Amaterasu and you are a Heavy Assault with your overshield on, you are probably gonna die to them. 3 times the bullets, grenades, rockets, ect. coming at you means you are gonna get nae naed.

    You can go against it 1v1, but you won't one mag an MBT. The firerate of the Fury is 171 RPM. You have 8-10 rounds. Lets say you have 10 rounds. 171 shots per minute equals 2.85 shots per second. 2.85 shots per second means that you are gonna empty a 10 round clip in 3.5-ish seconds. Then you gotta sit through a 2.5 second reload. This is where the "no TTK" thing comes into play. They turn their gun at that point and blow you to kingdom come. They don't have a TTK. It takes 16 shots to the Rear for you to take down a Lightning. That brings your TTK to 8.1 seconds, if all shots hit, if all shots hit the rear. If you stand still for 8.1 seconds and can't hit a Flash that isn't moving, you played yourself and deserve to blow up.

    On the Vanguard MBT, the highest health MBT, it is even worse for your TTK, obviously. You need 23 shots to the rear, all hits. Your TTK is then 13.05 seconds. That is against an MBT who, if they miss with their main cannon, can just switch to their top gun and light you up.

    Sure, numbers change when you add in another Flash and rumble seat rider, but if you are crazy enough to strap a Grenade Launcher and a Heavy Assault to your 1 hit Flash, you should go for it.

    A Flash should be able to finish off a flaming vehicle. I think that even shooting it should be able to finish off a flaming vehicle. As we said before, 1/7 of the health. If no one is even in the vehicle, and the vehicle is below 1/7 of the health, its time for it to go.

    Everyone gets access to the explosive crossbow. If you sat still for a few seconds after you first got shot, not much I can say. However, what you didn't say is if he killed you or not. More than likely, the Infiltrator on the Flash won't kill you. I can probably count the times I have died to a Flash while in a vehicle on one hand, maybe two. They will dent you. They won't probably won't kill you.

    If you die to a Flash, oof dude. Again, nothing I can tell you. You need a squad of them if you want to effectively kill tanks.
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  3. Exileant

    You mean the same days were EVERY LAST ONE of the standard M.B.T. turrets were capable of one-shotting infantry with splash? o_O During the days where accidental shots 2 meters from you would blow you off your bike? You mean the days where harassers Vulcan was powered up and could take out a tank in less than a clip, shredding everything else is milliseconds? :confused: Those days?
    :p Careful your skill... or lack there of, is showing....:D
  4. Exileant

    :eek: Exactly. ;) If you find the unicorn out there that manages to defeat tanks by themselves, tip your hat to them.... Because crazy we are. o_O WE WORKED FOR THAT INSANITY!!!! Especially since they all but killed the Fury's clip.
  5. Scroffel5

    Yeah. We need to get some speciality squads back up. Y'know, squads with different purposes. Instead of mixed squads, with all types of infantry and vehicles, we could suggest one, especially for the Flash. Imagine a whole squad of Wraith Flashes, cloaked and converging on targets. Then we would really make people mad. At the same time, though, a whole group of any vehicle will destroy a single vehicle without much of a fight. Even if you had a whole group of non-Wraith Flashes, they'd destroy a few tanks.
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  6. Exileant

    ;) Honestly, I think that was the point of the game so I support this. :) Battalions are formed of Squads. Imagine 4 squads designated for a specific vehicle... :eek: I only managed to do it once, but when I say it brought tears to my eyes when I ran a full squad and everyone except 2 pulled a Liberator, I MEAN it...... The other two were E.S.F. Escorts. Flying into that base full of ground enemies, o_O I heard Rex Tremendae and Agnus Dei within my SOUL. The lag made the game barely playable but to have like 10 of them in the air dodging and bombarding, and the initial fly though carpet bombing with everyone in a line like some massive airborne snake? Or some multi segmented Bydo creature? :(*Weeps tears of joy, #Ugly Cry* So yes! A full squad of Wraiths? :D That is what you use to break armored lines.
  7. Scroffel5

    Yeah, it is a thing of beauty when everyone plays their part. I play my games like its a movie. Its a pretty epic movie when there are squads for everyone, and you gotta find your place. You may be a squad of the best pilots in PS2, or you may be the best Flash driver in the game. Now put all of those people who are the best of the best together, and you get a masterpiece. I want the Buzzard to fill its role in a squad, and it doesn't do that. Its pretty much just a Fury with high drop and a low mag that can't even kill with space damage and you need 2/3 of your shots to hit to get a kill. Sad.
  8. Exileant

    :eek: The Buzzard? Oh my friend that is the masterpiece, the trick is you have to find people who know what it is for and how to use it. N.C. would be VERY hard as most of the players are solo artists. o_O It is just like I said about Flak weapons and E.S.F.'s. These are weapons that require a vast amount of time to learn, but if you make it a point to do so, and you mess up and SUCCEED? It is OVER for your enemy. It is the only platform that can be used two distinctive ways; and can make you think there are far more of them than in reality. :eek: I would trade it for the Starfall any day of the week. :confused: It is quiet, up close it has no explosions so it can easily blend in with incoming damage. And at a distance, it is completely unheard and it has such a high arc that it is almost impossible to tell where it was shot from thanks to the explosions size and density; it is blinding. o_O It is the only weapon in the game that can TRULY be fired from cover. It is a 100% safe shot mortar. You cannot BUY that kind of kill potential. In a group? Up close it is a hushed A.P. weapon, at a distance it is an explosive nightmare with a huuuuge area of effect, STILL capable of dealing that same direct damage to a vehicle..... ;) Now park 5 of them in the other side of a hill with drivers that are good at arch calculation and 6 running around using the up close and personal tactic.... That is an anti-material squad. Who needs anything but air support at that point? o_O The only threat to them, as everything needs a downfall, is another Bike, and even that can be overcome with the addition of a passenger dedicated to your defense. That is one of you all's only teamwork weapons. :D It is kind of like our Lasher only far more practical. o_O Unless you are a monster on your own, or you have others willing to support you with the same weapon, for the average player it will not work.
  9. Scroffel5

    Its not that; you can use this weapon effectively with teamplay. You just can't use it to go after infantry. I like using it on hills. Very helpful. I had a whole team coming after me when I kept shooting their sundy on Amerish, so they had to put someone to defend it. Didn't matter, cuz then I just lobbed over hills.
  10. Exileant

    ;) But don't you see? That is the point. I does work on infantry, because YOU control the pace of the battle. If you see an entire team rushing you with flashlights, lob a few for some damage as they approach then compass flank them. o_O Odds are you will definitely choose a spot far enough away to trigger explosions and that is kills all day. :confused: But for arguments sake, lets just say you cannot hit a single target to save your life? Okay, cloak, lead, then sneak up and swap to your gunner seat. o_O Now you are up on a target or two with a weapon that will deal with them even better, or simply cloak and run them over. Beyond that, there is nothing stopping you from Kiting your enemy to death. :eek: Your gun cannot be the OMNI-ULTRA-GALVA-MEGA-PRIME weapon of the game. There has to be SOME downfalls to your turret. :p Even if that downfall is basically what you have to do to survive ANYWAY.... :D Hahahahaha! o_O Will it take the average person longer to kill a target, yes. But that is a very small price to pay for being able to drop dozens of targets without them being able to challenge you before you are spotted by something fast enough to challenge you. Even then you can escape and regroup.
  11. Scroffel5

    Still would like to be able to take down a target with just the splash. I can do damage on them, sure, but I gotta make several attempts to even take down one target.
  12. Exileant

    ;) You just have to land at least 1 direct hit on someone. The arch ensures a noggin thump if you hit a flesh target. But yes, I feel your pain. The Starfall's explosion should also be a contender since it is so big and loud for infantry. The Flamethrower seems to do both well..... Show us some loving too! o_O I wish someone would have told me that the Magburner was now Standard and that you actually had to REMOVE the Magburner perk so you could equip something else.... :D NOW the Magrider is a contender. FINALLY....It only took 5 years but dang it, it can now hold its own. :p I am so happy. I wish I had not wasted my certs on the Ant now though... I could have used those new upgrades to test out in battle. Recharge seems like it should be like a timed limiter release however, like 3 seconds worth of boost to get gone, but I will have to see how it acts. :eek: And the Graphics look really good all of a sudden. I mean after the update Ant update I cold sort of see a change, but now it really pops!
  13. Scroffel5

    You are right. If the explosion size was way bigger, though, then you could take out a crowd of people. That would be cool for a mortar style weapon.
  14. CobaltTR

    So, mostly ignoring the people who insist on using a pretty color and emoticons to get their point across.

    The flash is indeed a thorn in the eye with its invisibilty alone, adding a weapon on top of that seems to be overkill to me. Specially when those weapons are unbalanced, as pointed out the Buzzard is worse than NS counterparts and personally I totally dislike the Pillager as well due to its self damage. As usual in most cases the VS counterpart is OP and we have the group of colorboys trying to defend their nonsense because they just absolutely crave being OP.

    Imo being able to drive people over in an invisible vehicle is power enough to the flash. If you want to destroy tanks with it i'd suggest you get good at dodging. Similar to the addition of the killcam removing weapons from cloaked flashers is simply a QOL improvement, less rage for most is good for all.
  15. Scroffel5

    You can drive over infantry, but thats bugged as it is because you have to run them over on their screen, which means leading them and that is annoying as is. The Flash should be able to damage vehicles in my opinion. It should be a glass cannon. Powerful, but easy to destroy. Sounds like what a Flash should be. They should be very mobile too, so they can dodge, but when they get hit, they should be dead.

    Edit: How often do you people die to the Flash? I almost never die to a Flash unless its a Renegade flash, and I certainly never die to a Flash trying to blow up my vehicle. Why do people complain? Can you give me some insight to that?
  16. Exileant

    ;) Okay, I got it. How about Scale damage? Up the closer you are the more effective your A.P. and direct hit damage less effective the damage to the basically anything that does not detonate the motor is pure boosted A.P. The farther you are from the target, the more splash damage you attain; o_O HOWEVER..... This will reduce direct damage as the mortar's velocity will have slowed considerably. This will make it easier to deal with soft targets but force you to actually fight vehicles. :p Personally I like being able to do both at any point in time but that is only because I learned how to tame the beast. :confused: This second way will give the average player a way to get some kills without having to become a Coffee Achiever. Understand though, this is giving N.C. Another easy weapon... The ONLY reason I do not mind, is they took my advice on making the Magrider's booster standard equipment. Which completely kills the argument that the staff does not read these forums to those who said they do not. LoL

    ;) Insight: Scroff, it is one part envy and one part pride for seasoned players. :D Nobody would want to admit they got their tank killed by a single Flash. Solo or otherwise, it is mortifying. I have never, and I mean EVER lost a tank to a flash in a heads up fight. :eek: It takes a special kind of breed possessing stupidity, bravery, skill and arrogance to even start a fight like that. :p I am one to pick a fight against multiple tanks. o_O When people see stuff like that, and then I (or someone with equal skill) winds up winning, they confuse player skill with equipment. :confused: Everyone measures skill according to the skill they possess. "This person is THIS much better than me." This scale is the end all and BE all for some egotistical people. "There is no possible WAY this person is this much better than I am so it must be their equipment." "It is too powerful!" :rolleyes: Instead of doing the logical thing and realizing the equipment being better can also mean they are SET UP WRONG.... They bypass all of this and cry that the item that beat them is too powerful.... The worst of this batch though are the ones that claim they can do the same thing but just don't because they are above it... They are lying. If they can do the same thing, then they know exactly what to do in order to NOT have yourself in a situation to die by that tactic. :eek: LOGIC! When you die, it is YOUR FAULT. o_O Very rarely will you come across a situation where the problem cannot be solved by you adjusting what you do regardless of what tactic your enemy employs. If that were not the case, Vanu would never get any kills like EVER. Hahahahaha! :D Mm..... Good thing Cobalt ignores people who use color and comic faces to get their point across.
  17. Scroffel5

    So up close we are looking at a one hit kill if its a direct hit and farther away the splash gets higher as you go? How does it affect damage to vehicles? I like it.

    And yeah, when I am driving any vehicle other than a Flash, I never die to a Flash. If you get murdered by a Flash, you are probably a dingus.
  18. Exileant

    :D Back in the days of learning, yes, when I killed a tank they were dinguses; but now, the meter is more so 60/40 Dingus's game, because I fought to get my skill that high with them. Since I am one of a proud few, I can agree with that statement. If you got killed by a single flash, there is indeed a 60% chance, a dingus you be. :p Hahaha!
    o_O Mmmmm, I would say a 2 shot body thump up close given the logic this game is trying to follow. In reality Absolutely, up close an A.P. weapon should be fatal upon direct hit. Starfall should kill in a single bolt directly given it pierces TANK ARMOR.... However for the sake of so called game balance and whining, a full barrage. If all 3 connect should kill a soldier, this will reward the skilled with 2 kills a clip and most with 1, before they have to cloak and regroup. So If they would be willing to upgrade Starfall to a 3 bolt kill, then yes a 1 head-shot hot noggin thump, and 2 to the body. ;) Remember the prize for infantry would be your mortar ability. So for splash you would be looking at a 2 hit kill for effective blast radius, on infantry and half the direct damage at maximum distance. o_O This will inspire distance users to get in close to have a chance of finishing vehicles. ;) The young ones will die HORRIBLY, the gifted will thrive. It will even out nicely, especially with the addition of the Cloaking Ant. I am not going to elaborate on that. o_O I trust you already know what I am talking about, DO NOT elaborate or give the answer, this is NOT a test. I want to keep some things quiet. :D Thank ya Scroff.
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  19. Scroffel5

    hehe. If 2 hit kills for effective blast radius was added to the Buzzard, thats an oof from me, dawg. Then we could get doubles if they stand too close. Fair imo, since you only have a 3 hit mag.
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  20. Exileant

    ;) Exactly, but Starfall would need to be adjusted as well the way I said for it to be fair. o_O T.R.'s pillager? There is nothing broken on it, so it needs no upgrade, nor downgrade.... :( I love it so hard, I weep into my pillow at night longing for it's thrill. MAKE IT A N.S. WEAPON SO I CAN PLAY WITH IT ON VANU!!!!!!!!