Is Medic a viable option if my main interest is killing?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LAM1975, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. LAM1975


    Very (very) new to the game, so please go easy on me.

    I've played solidly for two days now and decided that I liked the mobility (not speed but access) that a Light Assault has and I've enjoyed getting into places that made killing easier (Did I mention that I'm truly terrible at these games and need all the easy kills I can get?).

    However, last night, for the first time, I visited the VR room and loved the default Assault Rifle that the medic uses. Bare in mind I'm very new, but it felt like it had good range, it recoiled far less than the Carbine of the LA and I was able to take down targets far quicker with it.... albeit they were stationary (but I was moving).

    Given that I can drop some passive regens for my team mates at choke points and resuscitate if someone has fallen next to me , is the medic a viable option with a view to the medicine side of the business being secondary?

    OR.... are there options in the LA class that I'm missing, like better guns or other things. It might be worth mentioning that I have the forward grip and the x4(?) scope with the red dot.


    On a slightly separate note; I've been looking through all of the Youtube videos that Wrel created and have followed his LA Cert guide so far, but I'm curious that there are a number of 'suit options' for defence - Frag/Small arms etc..... but it appears to me that you can only equip one of these at a time.

    I've played a little DUST514 previously and you were able to upgrade suits for more slots. Is that possible here or do I simply have to make a choice.... grenade/ammo/regen defence?


  2. Jedesis

    "Combat" Medic, go figure.

    I'd say become a medic at first to up your cert gain, then go from there.

    "Better guns?" They all have their pros and cons, though I do not know why you are using a 4x scope?

    For suit slot, I'd say lvl 1 nanoweave (allows an extra bullet) or ASC (Adv Shield Capacitor). I personally use maxed out ASC because of my run'n'gun play style. And yes, you can only equip one, It'll be a bit OP with maxed out nano and ASC.

    Question your play style, do you get up and close as LA? I don't know what faction that you're playing, but the Lynx for close quarters will shred anyone. Equivalents here:

    Good luck ;) Btw what server do you play on?
  3. Lord_Avatar

    Yes, the Combat Medic is a very viable option as far as killing potential goes. Assault Rifles are widely regarded as the best class of infantry weapons in the game and your AOE self heal gives you additional staying power overshadowed only by the Heavy Assault.

    As for suit slots - you need to make a choice as only one can be equipped at any given time. Different loadouts for different scenarios will be of help there.
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  4. FocusLight

    For all intents and purposes, Combat Medics are Medium Assaults with exclusive access to Assault Rifles and medic tools. You are the middle-ground that all other classes are balanced around - you got the all-round of all things, mobility, firepower, utility etc.

    So go have fun with your Medic. Get a foregrip and 2X scope for your basic Assault Rifle (all 3 are good all-rounders that you can rely on working, though not better than any specialized weapon) and give some love to your medic tool and AOE healing ability. This will enable you to not only kill effectively, but also heal and revive well - effectively doubling your 'targets' - live enemies and dead allies both give you certs.

    Just try to remember to think like a Medic - stick to 'mid-range' engagements, if you get to close you die to SMG's and shotguns more than you kill them, if you engage from to long you get sniped and out-gunned by long-range carbines etc. Mid-range is your sweet-spot for your default Assault Rifle, and a good range to assess of it's safe for you to go revive or heal allies from.

    Also, if your going into close quarters, equip your shotgun - you get a semi-auto one for free when you start.

    Finally, equip a flashlight on your side-arm, if you suspect a stalker infil nearby flip it out and find them.
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  5. LAM1975

    Thank you for the quick replies.

    I play as VS and I'm on the EU server 'MIller'.

    My error on the scope. I have the HPR X1 scope with suppressor and forward grip.

    My initial observations between the weapons was the the VX6-7 (I bought the starter pack) felt a lot more 'scatter gun' approach whereas the Carbine (default and tested the start medic one) was far easier to control both up close and at range.

    Where do I fight???? well..... I honestly can not say I have a strategy to speak of. I tend to sit on a roof or two thus I tend to be at a reasonable range which again emphasizes my lack of control over the recoil of LA.

    I see from your chart that I am almost certainly going to be out of optimum range of my weapon. This also highlights a weakness in my game where I am struggling to ascertain distances. Most games I play tell you the distance to your target somewhere on the screen. Unless I'm missing something (highly likely) then I don't see it here.

    Did I read that correctly a 6.04 K/D ration? or was the fullstop after 'mobility' in the wrong place ;). I think I might have broken 0.06 K/D last night.....

    How on earth do you manage a 6+ K/D? I know I've only been in the game two days but that feels like an eternity away at the moment.... similar to watching Wrels videos. (side note - I think I might need to review my mouse DPI/Sensativity setup).

    One thing I hadn't really notices was the difference in mobility between the Medic and the HEAVY..... if I'm not going to be leaping from roof to roof.

    In relation to the chart, is it up to date? I only ask as I was looking at the Serpent vs the VX6 (that I currently use) and there is nothing there to suggest that the range is better on the Serpent, the damage at the two measures is the same and the line chart looks identical. The Serpent fires faster yet the VX6 has fast velocity. Am I missing something, if so please advise.

    Regards LAM
  6. Xasapis

    Give me a tell when I'm online tonight and we can play a bit together.

    The main difference between the Combat medic and the Heavy assault is that the former is not a front line trooper. You need to pick your fights better, position yourself better and don't take the chances HA sometimes have to take (like storming a heavily defended doorway).

    Medics can range from complete derpers (those guys that run around like headless chicken with their medic tool out) to absolute terror machines (those guys that kill whoever their squad didn't manage to kill and then bring everyone back to life). The later is why the medics get the hardest hitting and most accurate weapons in the game.

    In terms of weapons, I prefer the Terminus over any other AR in the VS arsenal (I have them all auraxiumed, except the Darkstar). VX6-7 is a carbine, did you mean H-V45? If so, the H-V45 is strong at close quarters, but lacks versatility. In all cases, you want to go for headshots (or at least upper torso & neck shots if you can't consistently hit head), which is the best way to deal with HAs, especially with the weaker assault rifles in the VS arsenal.

    As for the Serpent and VX6-7, no you're not missing something, they are very identical. It's just that the Serpent faster firing make it a bit less controllable at range and you get a bit more punished for misses. Personally out of the two, I prefer the VX6-7 (and I have all the carbines auraxiumed again, I suck at RL).

    If I had to offer an advice in order to improve, I'd say sprint less and walk more. It will allow you to read the battlefield better, plus your accuracy won't be penalised from coming out of sprint. Just keep in mind that walking also makes you an easier target for snipers. Also, at the beginning, either follow others or at least try to go in pairs to whatever objective you are trying to reach. Two people shooting at the same target will almost always bring him down faster than going after him in a nice and manageable conga line.

    Last advice, if you are frustrated just change fights, don't bang your head in the wall and build up more frustration. Especially if you play as a soloer.
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  7. nehylen

    I concur with the opinions about the class above overall and strongly advise you to drop the 4x scope on the Pulsar VS1. I did the same mistake at first, but the scope is not good for most situations, and the first shot recoil is a bit too brutal for proper use.
    You also have to consider the "flinch" mechanic (the shock when someone shoots at you), which is going to have much more impact if you're using a scope.
    The best sights are usually the 1x reflex sights, or 2x on some guns. IRNV sights if smoke/night conditions can be good too.

    The chart that you've been provided doesn't seem all that accurate to me, and it's quite screwed up by the nature of starter LMGs, also by the fact that the author considers history of the game over practical use of the weapon (see "gap filler" on the carbines).
    For instance it states that the Corvus AR is the mid-long range option, and CME AR the long range one, while it's more the opposite, and indeed the placement of the VX6-7 and Serpent is questionable too.

    There's one thing that does make the VX6-7 a more apt gun in close range, in its better hipfire cone of fire (CoF) at 1.75 versus 2.0 for the Serpent (lower being better). That difference will be fully felt if you use a foregrip on them, but mostly fade if you use the advanced laser sights on both.

    The distribution among ARs is as such:

    • mid-long range: Corvus and CME
    • close quarters: H-V45
    • generalist: default Pulsar VS1 and Terminus
    • specific variants: Equinox (lower dps Pulsar with underbarrel attachments) and Equinox Burst (Pulsar VS1 with higher vertical recoil and less horizontal recoil )
    - CME is mostly made for longer bursts in which it remains very stable, in comparison Corvus is for slightly shorter bursts with higher damage per shot
    - Pulsar VS1 is supposed to be for medium duration accurate bursts, while Terminus is supposed to trade control for higher rate of fire(RoF)

    High damage per shot is usually more interesting at range, because you should only maintain short bursts at those ranges for best accuracy, which puts an emphasis on the first shot, taking RoF mostly out of the equation. While the CME is better suited than the Pulsar for range and moving targets (high velocity, more stable on first shot) it eventually gives in to the Corvus the longer the range due to that.

    I specified that the VS1 is "supposed" to be an accurate generalist gun, as while seemingly comfortable to use for a newbie, it doesn't live up to the task as you improve, contrary the Solstice VE3 (default carbine available to light assaults), due to a specific design flaw in its stats.
    In truth, as soon as you've learned to control vertical recoil, the Terminus becomes both a better dps option and a more accurate one, making it the best option for a VS medic in most situations.
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  8. LAM1975

    Again... thanks for another great reply.

    On the medic I have tested the Pulsar VS1 (default I believe) and as it was in the medic started pack (which I have NOT purchased) I also tested the CME. Both worked better for me than the LA Carbines, clearly this is a game function as well as a skill function (I'm learning to handle recoil).

    Was just testing the Terminus vs the Pulsar.... boy there is a kick after the first bullett!! Impressive power and rounds but I think it might be a little beyond me at this stage.

    Same name in game for you? (Really appreciate the offer too - just need to make sure the Mrs allows me to play o_O).

    I don't think I've been running to much during fights but I need to strike the balance between hip vs scope fight when up close. I need scope to land bullets but it makes me to easy to take down. On Day 2 I discovered the button to joing a group (sorry, forget the name now). I 'try' and stick together but am surprised by the lack of LA's out there or maybe the number that stay on the ground.

    Is there a way to see the range of target other than learning to judge it?


  9. FieldMarshall

    Medic is very viable as a straight up combat class.
    Assault Rifles are arguably better than LMGs as far as killing potential goes.
    Your self heal can save you if you use it in combat.

    If they go through with the PS4 changes on PC, then it will be even better,
    as you can just say "no ammo" if people complain about not getting ressed...
  10. Xasapis

    Yes, same name. Here are some useful sites and links:
    There are more than that, but these get updated frequently or don't require updates.

    There isn't really a way to tell distances beyond estimating. There are some rules of thump I've found useful in order to give a measure of distance. For example:
    (Edit: I think there is an implant that measures distances, called Rangefinder, but I didn't bother with it, since it's not that important to know)
    • The distance from one garage door exit to the opposite garage door exit in those helipad bases (like Crossroads) is 50m.
    • The distance from the edge of the helipad itself to the edge of the opposite helipad is 100m.
    • The distance from the outer vehicle shield to the inner shield of an Amp station is 150m.
    Well, beyond those distances it is strictly the realm of snipers. Even over 70m sometimes makes it hard to kill experienced people (via strafing and medic kit tanking for example).
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  11. Demetrios

    Medic is medium assault.
  12. LAM1975


    I'm pleased my understanding of the chart and weapons 'seems' on point.

    Going to check out that video now.

    LOVE the Corvus..... I think I see where this is going. I love the movement of the LA but I'm (and guessing others too) am just so much more accurate with the AR's. That said, I think I need to work on getting closer with the LA.

    Testing the Corvus against the Terminus and as you said.... once i learnt how to manage the recoil the T may be much better but right now, I'm more effective (in the trainign room at least) with the Corvus.... I see a purchase coming on here.


  13. HappyStuffin

    To judge distance.

    Like they do in real life. Use the reticle in your scope as a rangefinder. In any of the 2x scopes, all characters will fit exactly inside about 50m.

    Of course, this assumes you 2x scope. Use the VR room the verify what I am saying. It's super useful to know this distance gauging trick. Anything that is too much closer and you are probably fight inside SMG range in which case I think the reddot scopes work the best and range can be defined as "in your face" . Heh

    Goodluck on combat medic, it's a great all arounder class!
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  14. Sulsa

    Yup, Medium Assault.
    I use a 2x sight with fore grip and suppressor. I'm always amazed at how quick the enemy goes down with the medic's assault rifle.
    I do use the 4x on occasion to plink at long range.
  15. LAM1975

    Thanks for all the replies....

    Gonna test the scope vs character size asap!!!

    Sulsa - can you please tell me why you use a surpressor? My understanding is that it keeps you off the radar (great) but messes with longer ranges. Clearly this understanding only comes from reading, not testing :rolleyes:.


  16. Ballto21

    Medic can be a very viable option for combat, especially for the VS. Since youre new, and this goes against a lot of **** ive said before about this mechanic, the fact most of our weapons dont have bulletdrop can help you. This is what I would personally recommend as a player who if you took all his current and past characters has about 150 hours total played with both LA and medic (120something LA and the rest medic), these are the loadouts id use for each

    LA: close-med range
    VX6, laser sight,x2 reflex, suppressor.
    Beamer OR the manticore, either one get a laser sight. Suppressors are nice, but since when youd have to use one as LA in most cases the enemy knows youre their. Secondaries for most siituations are to finish off a target if you run out of ammo and are too far for a knife. If you run out of VX6 ammoand the guy youre shooting is still alive, switch to the pistol and hipfire to glory!

    Jump jets

    Now, since youre newer id recommend either nanoweave armor, as high certed as you can get, or the advanced shield capacitor if youre good enough at evading enemy fire, or can otherwise utilize it best you can by smart use of cover. But if you either cant at the moment due to skill level, or prefer the in your face blast them style of gameplay, get nanoweave. As you get better, and killstreaks get higher, aim gets better, and KDR gets better, start investing in ammo belts.

    As for your grenade, your frag grenade will do fine. But for the love of god please, i beg you, dont throw it unless you know where its going to land with certainty. Hitting an ally or two by accident is fine if you didnt see them, but if you miss and it bounces into that group guarding the door you shouldve probably stuck with shooting, or gotten into a better position. As you get better and dont need certs as much, get smoke grenades and blow smoke up everyones ***. Your infiltrators will love you, your maxes and medics will love you, your engineers will too.

    Invest in medkits or resto kits first, its mostly personal preference as to which one, i like medkits personally, but Get C4 as soon as you can, be the c4 faerie auraxis needs, but not the one it deserves.

    What i would do is hipfire at close ranges (about 1-18 meters) and aim down sights for everything else. For ranges higher than about 30m, start burstfireing with trigger discipline, and longer than that try getting closer, but if you have to shoot go semi auto mode and start clicking. Aim for the head in semi auto moreso than anything else, but you should aim for the upper chest close to the neck close range, so recoil aturally gives headshots, and the same idea at longer ranges.

    As for medic, this is more close/med/long. Im not as experienced a medic as others, so get a second opinion. Which you should for the LA loadout too.

    The pulsar is good, but get the terminus when you can.

    Pulsar, 3.4 chevron scope outdoors,2x reflex sight indoors, laser sight for indoors, forward grip for outdoors, suppressor on it all around. Follow the same basic idea with the terminus when you get it.

    In this one, follow the same basic idea as the light assault, but upgrade your medical tool first as high as you can (about the second to last tier is comfy, but one level below that is fine) Run the AOE heal until you get better at medic, and but two medkits for when that self heal doesnt cover it. Invest in either shield capacitors or nanoweave, but unlock res grenades ASAP, then invest in grenade bandoleers.

    These are all my personal opinions that fit my personal playstyle, and in my sneaksneakshootshoot general style of play where i want to not be seen as long as possible, this works pretty well. Although its a pain to get good at its easy to master when you catch on. Get as many sources as possible, experiment, and learn what playstyle fits you. And remember, Praise Vanu.
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  17. Ballto21

    It doesnt mess with longer ranges in a way youd notice if you have decent accuracy. What it does is lower muzzle velocity by between 20-40% (citation needed) depending on weapon type, and slightly lowing your max damage range. From personal testing with SMGs, using the Sirius SX12, this range on smgs at least is aprox 3m. Get softpoint ammo and this mitigates the effect as SPA increases your max damage range by +5m on all weapons. Meaning with a suppressed SMG with soft point ammo, youll have a pretty low muzzle velocity, but a longer max damage range, and not show up on the minimap. You should have SPA on all weapons you can get it on, and i just personally love suppressors because playstyle. Although you will have to lead targets a bit more beyond about 35 meters, or get into a position where you can shoot straight at their backs.
  18. Xasapis

    I on the other hand loathe suppressors. You lose so much stopping power for the possibility that you don't show on the radar, when most bases are dotted with motion detectors and trackers anyway. This is for the medic. An LA might find more options to use a suppressor. It's still a huge handicap for the bonus provided.
  19. LAM1975

    Awesome sauce (is really a phrase I shouldnt be using at my age but the quality and number of replies is marvelous (thats probably more like it)).

    Nehylen - I'm just 7 seconds into that video, have paused it, made some tweaks and my ability to hold gunfire on target (VR) has improved dramatically. DPI was wrong, mouse sensativty was wrong and I completely missed the 'aimed' bit :)

    Will read through the new replies now, but just wanted to get my thanks out before i forget.

  20. Liewec123

    if killing is your main aim then sure medic is "viable" :)
    but i wouldn't say it is optimal, heavy assault (HA) is the king of killing :D