Is liberator getting some love any time soon?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DrazahNede, May 6, 2013.

  1. DrazahNede

    Drastically improved Flak armor would be an interesting way to do it.

    That would force you to use ESFs to shoot down Liberators and Flak to kill the ESFs
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  2. Liquid23

    no .
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  3. tastyBerryPunch

    How about the option of removing the bottom and rear turret and replace them with walker/ranger turrets on the right and left sides?
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  4. sindz

    Lib's are prob the toughest thing ingame to balance, as they are a powerhouse and almost unkillable unless you have a squad giving it attention. When I first started playing PS2, I simply thought Libs were a bad game design, I really hope they tread carefully when looking at this thing.
  5. Shinrah

    Lib´s really got alot of hate, every patch that hit ESF´s hit Liberators even harder. Lib´s cant just AB away after commiting to an attack. And even if you sacrifice better upgrades for an Afterburner you´ll soon see that it just works as a fast exelerator and doesn´t push you past your normal topspeed.
    If you try to stay high close to the ceiling you´ll need too long to break Flakk LoS and most enemies wont even render for you.
    If you fly at low or medium altitudes you´ll get locked by AARL´s and risk being shelled by tanks and AV turrets. Currently you have to stay away from any large scale battle or you´ll get vaporized the second you commit to an attack.
  6. TheWhiteDragon

    I really regret putting so much into my liberator. I bought all the weapons for it so my gunners could have what they preferred. Put tons of certs into it that could have gone towards infantry. I've hardly used my Liberator at all since January. It was the most fun element in the game. The amount of teamwork and coordination needed for it really made this game shine. I enjoyed having to fight against them with AA just as much. Sure they were OP, but now they've been nerfed practically out of existence. They really need to find ways to make them viable in large battles again.
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  7. Decreped

    I agree, Libs shouldn't need to be at lower altitudes to just what there shooting at. But since I've been flying my lib so close to the ground I cant go back to high altitude bombing.
  8. Disparu

    Do you only come on the internet once every 17 years? If he'd called you an "oik" then you may have had some recorse.
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  9. SpcFarlen

    Libs actually got buffed in a way in terms of damage to MBTs this patch. Both the Dalton, Shredder and Tank Buster have the same TTK on MBTs pre-patch because of the new resist type added. So if anything Libs became far more viable as a tank killer (which they are) .
  10. Decreped

    You just need a personal gunner who knows what there doing. I have a friend who is my personal gunner in all my vehicles and I have yet to regret the 10k+ certs I put in my lib/prowler.
  11. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Brilliant deduction Holmes.
  12. MilitiaMan

    Libs are fine.

    If you die to ESF, get a tailgunner.

    If you die to MBT, stop hovering.
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  13. HellasVagabond

    Sorry but soon this thread should be locked as well (curtecy of your imaturity).
  14. PhiladelphiaCollins

    and mine, don't forget mine.

    lol Drazah got upset and reported a bunch of posts.
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  15. DrazahNede

    yes, that's what tread is about
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  16. Klondik3

    Quote from Peter Brolly - Planetside 2 Product Manager
    Libs probably aren't getting some love anytime soon because apparently they are still "raining down hell from above".
  17. DrazahNede

    wow, i facepalmed so hard reading that...
    I see devs are still several month behind on the whats going on in game
  18. XRIST0

    Buff the rear walker , seriously that thing is a piece of garbage . There should be no reason why esf just laugh at you while you fire it at them :rolleyes: its not even a good deterant .
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  19. S0LAR15

    The tail gun needs a small buff.

    Other than that though, Libs are fine. They used to be crazy good. Like a 1000 kills in a couple hours good. They could possibly stand to reduce the shell gravity slightly. But going back to the days when they were instant death for any infantry is pribably not going to happen.
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  20. Pikachu

    Not any time soon. They are still not finished with the MAX update and I bet it's gonna take untill next week with GU9 before they release the flamers and abilities.
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