Is AI work better done with a vanguard or lightning?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dunkman, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Dunkman

    HE or HEAT?
  2. GhostAvatar

    Tricked out Viper Lightening, if you want to farm infantry and there is no real tankers around.
  3. MFP_TK_01

    I would go with lightning. Smaller ,more maneuverable, and the viper isn't that bad of a gun for a default. The HE cannon is ok but it really doesn't hold too much ammo. I always seem to run out towards the end of a base capture or right when something big is about to happen.
  4. Lamat

    A lightning in most situations.

    At a tech plant, a vanguard with heat and C85 Canister :D
  5. Chipay

    Rule of Thumb: Unless you're a Prowler, the AI job is done better by anything but your MBT. PPA harasser > PPA Magrider. AI harasser > AI Vangaurd and Viper/HE Lightning > EVERYTHING.
  6. NikkoJT

    As an infantry, I find the best AI is usually an AP Lightning.

    Bloody sniping bastards.
  7. eldarfalcongravtank

    a lightning has a higher rate of fire as it can reload quicker, but a vanguard has higher direct damage and a larger splash radius for its HE/HEAT cannons. basically, choose what you prefer
  8. Axehilt

    Lightnings are a solid choice, but really a good Vanguard loadout will be overall more useful.

    If you pull a Vanguard with HEAT/Kobalt or HEAT/Basilisk, you're going to kill quite a few infantry while being considerably more durable than a Viper Lightning (and better equipped to take out enemy hard targets when you reach them.)

    I haven't tried C85 Modified since the patch, but maybe that's actually useful now too.
  9. Pikachu

    *Bam-bam-bam-bam-bam-bam, reload*