[Suggestion] Introduce more things to promote conquest

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anonymous Qwop, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. Anonymous Qwop

    Currently, the only time a faction will care about territory is during alerts. Outside alerts I have noticed more people caring about farming rather than actual conquest. Directives, KDR, and high cert cost only support the farm. Don't get me wrong I love a good day on the fields of Farmside 2, but I love Planetside 2 more.

    Here are some things to add that would promote conquest

    1. Increase the reward for winning an alert. For example, the winning faction gets 100 certs per player in addition to the same continent bonus. The player would get all 100 certs only if they were on for the entire 2 hours. Alert domination should be reduced to 75%, and domination bonuses for alerts should be 100 certs in addition to the normal 100 certs and continental bonus.

    2. If a faction owns 60% or more of a continent at any given time, they should be given half of the continental lock bonus. For example, say VS owns 70% of Esamir, then they are given 25% off of ground vehicles.

    3. If a faction owns 15% or less of a continent, then they are given a resource penalty of 15% for that continents resource bonus. For example, if VS owns 10% of Amerish, then consumables will cost 15% more than normal.

    4. Add an overall exp gain that is related to the total amount of territory a faction has across all 4 continents versus the total population of a faction. Here is how I am imagining it:
    Pop Territory Xp bonus
    Low Low Medium
    Low Medium High
    Low High Very High

    Medium Low Low
    Medium Medium Medium
    Medium High High

    High Low. Very Low
    High Medium Low
    High Medium Medium

    This could just be a multiplier of the xp multiplier the game already has in place, so that it wouldn't be to hard to implement.