[BUG] ? Insta-death to Redeploy Screen

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Naejin, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Naejin

    Anyone else getting this? Lately I've been dying instantly to--well, who knows? I'm just suddenly dead, and the redeploy screen pops up. It's like, "Yes, I know you were in a Max suit at full health, but there's no need to bother you with that pesky who killed you, with what, and from where information. Trust us, you're dead."
  2. Zotamedu

    I've seen some very odd things happen when Alerts end and warpgates are rotated. I have instantly lost a MAX and once a Galaxy full of players was instagibbed in mid flight killing everyone. So something is strange. I now refuse to be in or near any vehicles and make sure to stay infantry when alerts end not to be killed by the game.
  3. NC_agent00kevin

    Yep. Its happened to me a handful of times for no reason. Spawn on Sunderer, insta-kill; no info as to what killed me. No enemies at the Sunderer, everything is ok. Just smited for no reason.

    Once I tried to take an abandoned Sunderer out of the warpgate after a continent lock; bad idea - instakilled. Though if Im already out there, I can roam around and conduct general shenanigans until there is no one left to bother with.
  4. Noktaj

    I think you are insta-killed if when an alert ends you happen to be in a territory that just switched faction from yours to enemy.
  5. \m/SLAYER\m/

    just report last-killer for hax:D
  6. Naejin

    I've been insta-killed at the end of an alert, also. Or sometimes when you loose the base and you're in the spawn room, instead of giving you the pain-field warning you just die immeadiately. Lately, though, I'm just getting insta-killed for no reason. I'm in the middle of a battle, at full health, and "boom", instant redeploy screen. I mean, maybe I was hit by a tank shell or something but I have no way of knowing. Occaisonally it will show the kill screen, but there's no one or nothing there, and it says 0% damage.

    Just weird.
  7. Lamat

    You get insta-killed by a BR 0 with no name