[Initiative] Reviving Amerish and Esamir

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codex561, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. Ronin Oni

    screw Indar
  2. Ronin Oni

    Impossible to.....

    U WOT M8?

    Amerish is easier to defend.
  3. Stormsinger

    Esamir - Lots of one sided battles, dependent on who owns the tech plant. Vehicle fights are typically over fast, whoever has the most potent pile of tanks can push faster... and then get out of them once they arrive. Bases are confusing, when I have to look at the map and squint at each potential exit point, there's something wrong. Running in circles within the prison walls sucks too. Vehicles can still fire into most bases when placed well, and the Lib buffs make it so there are 3-4 or so hovering over every contested base.

    Amerish - I've had quite a few fun fights here, but only during alerts. New bases have fun designs, but are too attacker oriented, there are very few that are actually defensible. Every time I find a fight at an unfamiliar base, I have to stop and simply shake my head when I realize how far vehicle terminals are from the spawn, especially the ones that allow access only from the attacker's side. Having to pull a light assault just to find a way to the terminal is obnoxious.
    The revamped continent is easier to drive then the pre-change version, but it still takes a 10-40 minute trek on sleds over butter-coated landscape to figure out how to get to some bases. There needs to be more clearly marked roads on the map, and hills intended to be impassible need to be more obviously so. Having your sundy, flash, harrasser, mbt, etc, stall out on a 15 degree incline, only to be forced into a full-throttle reverse that sends you skidding down the mountain at 400kph is probably even more irritating then 64 bit client crashes.

    Indar - For a continent originally designed to be a terrain and mechanics testing region, they definitely did a good job here. There's an excellent variety of terrain, bases are close enough together that you dont have to navigate the buttersand for overly long to get where you're going, there's plenty of landscape features to use for strategic buttersliding and cover. Multiple tech plants ensure that each faction has a reasonable chance of having one at any given time, and all the terrain features ensure Air has enough cover to work with versus lock ons. The one main complaint I have about this continent is the claustrophobic flight ceilings, which virtually guarantee that ESF's will be in lock range even when flying at the very top. Also, the new quartz ridge is an absolutely perfectly designed base, assuming the goal is allow your enemy easy access to vehicle terminals, control points, and cover while blocking friendly vehicle participation. Seriously, stop with the theme of easily taken bases - I want to play Planetside 2, not Rock Paper Rocketlauncher-to-the-face.

    Indar is the least obnoxious for ground vehicle play, and some of the oldstyle bases are actually defensible. Take the terrain and most of the old base design, apply it to a region with Amerish-height flight ceilings, and bases as spread out as they are on Esamir... the day this happens is the day I blow 500 bucks on station cash.
  4. Goden

    With caps that are up to 350meters away from the spawn room?

    I don't think so.
  5. Hoki

    I've been living on amerish since the revamp. There is no indar.
    • Up x 1
  6. Jack the Smack

    If Esamir had snow storms and actual snow falling from the sky during conflicts, that would be amazing. But right now it's a boring tundra with blue skies. Indar and Amerish are far more graphically enticing, but Amerish is a ***** to drive around in a vehicle. Too many winding roads
  7. Pikachu

    You'll have to wait until Nexus. There is snow storm at the warpgates and in the ice cave. Btw 2 times I have had a snow storm particle cloud spawning in front of a mountain on Amerish. :confused:

    I would like Esamir more if there was 3 tech plants.

    A massive open ground continent with huge areas of snow with a couple rock ad mountains.
    And yet there are no tank battles because only one empire can have tanks....

    Oh and Esamir walls are just :mad:
  9. Pikachu

    Where do you see huge open areas of snow? Besides the rivers and grass lands where no battles ever takes place.
  10. Bortasz

    you Forget Crossroads.
  11. doombro

    I've gotten into several, but they all it ended too fast to be memorable. :(