[Initiative] Reviving Amerish and Esamir

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codex561, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. Codex561

    Would it not be nice to make Amerish and Esamir alive? Large outfit leaders out there, you have the ability to do so. Just keep making platoons on Amerish and Esamir. If we could get 1 platoon of each faction on a dead continent, it would no longer be dead and others might follow.

    As the week starts try giving it a shot!
  2. Pikachu

    There is no Amerish or Esamir. There is only Hvar, Quartz, Excavation, Allatum, Regent and Vanu Archives.
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  3. -Synapse-

    Amerish is awesome, objectively better than Indar in terms of base layouts. But there's just something about a barren desert wasteland that suits massive armed conflict.
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  4. Dis

    I finally realized why Indar is so popular. Roughly 90% of the people who play PS2 barely have enough hand dexterity to tie their own shoes, so surrounding horribly designed bases in vehicles is the only chance they have of putting together any kind of kill streak. On Esamir and Amerish they actually have to ground pound at a lot of bases, which exposes them to the possibility of a one on one infantry confrontation. That simply will not do.
  5. M2_Bradley

    You forgot the Crown..
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  6. DrPapaPenguin

    I'm all for Esamir, screw Amerish though.
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  7. Thefailknight

    There's exactly one way you will EVER see real fighting on a continent other than Indar outside of alerts. Continent locking. Which Sony keeps pushing back because reasons. (Along with freaking Hossin.) That's it.Course plenty who ONLY like playing on Indar might quit but..eh. Let them.
  8. Pikachu

    What are you saying Paperlamp Papa penguin? I thought all of forumside loved Ameriish.
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  9. Beeman

    I quite like Esamir...unfortunately, the only time anything fun is happening there is when there's an alert going on. Perhaps they could just remove Indar territory control alerts from the game, since most people fight there by default.

    I don't remember ever having a good fight on Amerish, but they seem to have revamped the continent in the last couple months...so that's good. Seems a lot more enjoyable, though I've only been to a couple bases there recently.

    Either way, there just needs to be more incentive to fighting on certain continents. Maybe when each faction's home warpgate is on one continent it'll spice things up a bit.
  10. Dinapuff

    Its a play to make us go away from Indar. That way he will be the only one left!
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  11. Pikachu

    I remember before the revamp I had a good field battle or two at the center. Going towards Heyoka. Now the new satellite bases has taken up that space. I havnt had any good field battle on Amerish since revamp. My feelings to the revamp are mixed.
  12. Prudentia

    Infantry and Airfights are amazing.
    Vehicle fights don't really exist.
  13. DieHard2Live3

    I prefer Amerish for some reason.

    Well, at least continent-locking should change all that.
  14. AdmiralArcher

    actually the only reason i play on indar is because of my terrible FPS

    i play on esamir too

    but on indar i never play in the lower left portion of it because of all of the stupid trees and the stupid directional lag that i get

    if i look east my FPS drops to 1
  15. Whatupwidat

    Back when I first started playing I had a lame PC and Esamir was the only continent that I could play and not run at 5fps - but it was dead even then, which is a shame as it's easily my favourite one of the three...
  16. DrPapaPenguin

    Amerish is bad and should feel bad :p Seriously though, it's terribad.
  17. Modern Ancestor

    Common mistake im with penguin on this.
  18. minhalexus

    Amerish is pretty nice, especially for all those easy resources.

    I really like Amerish, much more than Indar.
  19. Vostogon

    The problem with Esamir is that it's a really good tank map... with one Tech plant.
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  20. Goden

    Esamir is fun to play when it is populated (which is like once a week).

    Amerish is fun if you like rat-mazes for bases which are impossible to defend. Garbage if you ask me.