****ing NS-7, how does it work!?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sordid, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Blarg20011

    Here, I fixed it... kinda.

  2. Xhaleon

    The cassette magazine could eject its cartridges from anywhere. The gun closes up completely so we can't see the mechanism, so there's nothing to really say that the current config wouldn't work. We don't even know how far down the magazine actually settles into place, it could be all the way down so the top of it lines up perfectly with the thin part of the body.

    Any round going through still needs to tilt upwards to get back to the level of the barrel though. The revolvers already have lots of moving electronic parts, this is probably no different.
  3. Jogido

    uses the most advanced NERF tech
  4. ManualReplica

    Guys, calm down, it's a space FN P90, we already have real guns that work pretty much like that. :I
  5. Sebastien

    NS is really just HK.
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  6. SturmovikDrakon

    SOE's TR/NS weapon designers have obviously never held a rifle in their lives. Look at most TR weapons, casings are being ejected from top of the weapon, through the rails. 8 months after release

    NC and TR SMGs hitting your face everytime you look down the sights

    Btw that magazine is not upside down, there's actually a render of it and there's a port on the front, but how in the ****-ing world does it even chamber the round? It doesn't even look like it holds pistol rounds, but rifle rounds

    ***You can get away without logic for VS and NC weapons, but NS and TR use conventional designs and gunpowder. Their designs have to *visually* make sense. They can still look cool, but they currently look ridiculous

    The design wouldn't be a problem if it loaded like a regular bull-pup.
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  7. Sordid

    Yeah... I think it's quite clear the design process went something like this:
    "Hey, we should make a bullpup weapon!"
    "Okay. How do those look?"
    "I dunno, the magazine's behind the pistol grip, lol."
    ...and that was as far as they got with that. They didn't realize the action of the gun is also at the back, which is kind of the whole point. We ended up with what looks like a conventional SMG with the magazine in the wrong place. I mean, the whole point of bullpup guns is that the action is basically incorporated into the stock, so you get a shorter overall weapon length with the same barrel length, right? The NS-7 has its action at the front, though, so this silly magazine placement is not only physically impossible (or at least incredibly overengineered if there indeed is some elaborate cartridge moving mechanism) but also completely pointless.
  8. Stew360

    ONLY TR USE OLD SCHOOLL BULLETS MAN , Welcome into the futur
  9. YoloXXSwag420

    After spending months watching retreads argue about the core values of one fictional faction over another fictional faction, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that people will spend days trying to solve the riddle of how a fictional gun reloads and fires fictional bullets.

    I guess some people really don't have anything better to do.
  10. Ganelon

    NC use bullets.

    Anyhow, you point and shoot.
  11. TTex11

    While I understand why they don't do this (extra specific weapon models loading on characters) it would still look pretty cool if Heavies toted their launchers around over their shoulders.
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  12. Stew360

    NC use magnets
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  13. Stew360

    Have you ever heard of Sport billy bag technologies ?

  14. Bankrotas

    Wait, there're books on Planetside lore?
  15. Morticai

    Figured it out. The magazine feeds in a circular fashion sort of like a drum magazine, bringing bullets around from a spiral until it reaches the chamber, but the gun doesn't feed it like a traditional drum, instead it feeds towards the center, to an opening in the front of the mag itself. Now, you might be thinking it isn't circular, but it doesn't necessarily need to be. If we've got elevators made of magical dreams and fancy lights, I'd dare to say that we've got the super-springs needed to push the bullets around a few times and to their destination.

    That's some awesome internal framework for the magazine though. Expensive stuff, the kind of stuff that leaves you on a diet of cheap ramen, the kind with no vegetables or meat included, the kind that makes you wish you'd tried something normal.

    When you reload, if you look close enough, you'll see the barrel leading from the inside of the stock forward. The bullets get pulled into there, put into the actual firing chamber and are fired.

    It's crazy weird, but it sort of works...
  16. Spankay

    Exactly what I thought when I saw the reload in action, it was like a cassette tape player of some sort. Next thing you know it'll start playing VHS **** on it.

    The old MechWarrior BattleTech books also had a gun like that called Needlers. They are fed with a solid block of plastic and then the gun shreds slivers of plastic and fires them out.

    Mass Effect pretty much copied that theory for their guns later on.

    Apparently p0rn is a banned word.
  17. Phyr

    No, completely different series. Well worth the read though.
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  18. SpaceKing

    Maybe mag goes in so that boolets are taken from top, in line with the rest of it's workin's.
  19. SpaceKing

    No, NC use magnets.
  20. Sebastien

    It's probably more because it's one of the least important issues.