Infl-Vanu Weapon feedback 11/27

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by BigMcLargeHuge, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. BigMcLargeHuge

    Player of fairly average FPS skills here. I'm not drawn to the sniper style play I stick to short and medium range flanking. And rely on proxy mines and trickery against dug in groups.

    Artemis - Experience 14 hrs (used mods: reflex x2, forward grip, suppressor)
    I feel like I'm sacrificing too much for medium range and long range while gaining little in close to make the choice to use this weapon. The medium range and long range feels risky for me to use. Even with a suppressor it's loud and easy to notice firing positions. Leaving guns that require less shots like the semi-auto Nyx or fast bolt Ghost much more effective at firing while hiding yourself at medium. You're not suddenly going to be effective in cqc against the other classes with access to shotguns, better rifles, heals, shields or jetpacks. I find it hard to justify using this weapon despite liking automatic rifles.

    Nyx - Experience 13 hrs (used mods: reflex x1, lazer 3.4, vanilla scope 3.4, suppressor)
    At medium range this feels pretty good to me but not as effective as a ghost at hiding yourself or killing high HP targets. At close range the stock hip fire spread is too high to make me want to use it over handguns which can be headshot machines with their accurate hip fire. I feel like the dmg reduction for long range targets on top of the weapons reduced dmg when compared to a spectre gets a little extreme when using a suppressor requiring you to land 5 body shots to kill a heavy with shield makes the weapon ineffective at long range. I didn't feel like I did that great with this weapon. Although I really want to love this weapon. I'm going to try a compensator later to see if I can make better use of it.

    Ghost - Experience around 5 hrs (used mods: lazer dot 3.4)
    This is the weapon I find myself drawn to atm. It feels fairly-versatile and is the weapon I do with the best at medium range. I find It's much easier to remain hidden using a bolt action like this and cloaking between shots then trying to lay someone out with a Nyx or Artemis which is pretty much a kill-me beacon at medium range.
    At medium-close range I find this weapon to be the most effective in tandum with a manticore handgun for follow up shots when opening with a bodyshot. In melee range you can do an unscoped gut shot to a knife to put out effective burst dmg. This is my personal weapon of choice despite not being a fantastic shot I can still land headshots here and there. This weapon when married with my handgun is my favorite style despite lacking mad headshot skills.

    Spectre - Experience 3 hrs, and used TR's equivalent during beta 15+ (used mods: none)
    Not much to say about this gun. The higher dmg then a Nyx makes this better for medium range shots, which it probably shouldn't but it does despite using the over zoomed scope. The close range dmg nerfs along with it's inaccuracy makes it less useful then a manticore at close range. It's a decent weapon but being a medium-close range player I'd rather have my Ghost in most situations.

    Emp Gernade - Experience 30+ combat uses
    The radius is massive and it seems that it goes through walls as well. This means I'm hitting myself and allies with this most of the time I want to use this (like tossing it into a room). This leaves me and my team shieldless--myself against classes with more effective weapons for qcq. If I could use this without blasting off my own shield in more situations I think it would be highly effective with an Artemis or team mates for room clearing. As it stands I generally stick with baiting targets onto mines or classic grenades to clear out dug in targets.