Infiltratorside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SarahM, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. The Shermanator

    Because, while SoE does tend to follow release>nerf patterns to generate income, it doesn't always double-back on earlier decisions concerning class mechanics.
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  2. Divinorium

    Infiltrator can pick his fight and is the easiest class to kill ppl. I want to see how SOE will add him in teamfights without breaking an already questionable balance.
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  3. PapaPetro

    I'd just chalk this up to confirmation bias; you see what you want to see.
  4. Axehilt

    Cloak lets me create many 1v1 battles (or 2v1 battles where I kill the first guy and start on the next guy from behind before he can fully respond, kill him, cloak, reload, and do it again 2-8 secs later.) Darts enhance the ability to create these situations.

    Personally I think in a random pub fight infiltrators are perfectly fine, but in organized situations they're less well balanced and you end up just taking mere handful (possibly just 1) in a support role (darts) while your main force is overwhelmingly HA, Med, and MAX.

    It's a disappointing trait of the game's class balance that infiltrators are needed in such tiny quantities (and LAs even less!)
  5. y3ivan

    Depends on the area contested

    1. HA
    2. MAX - Fracture mostly
    3. Engineers
    4. Infiltrators-SMG/Medic/LA

    1. HA
    2. MAX -AI mostly
    3. Engineers/Medic
    4. LA/Infiltrators

    TR ground Battle:
    1. Prowler
    2. HA
    3. MAX - Fracture
    4. Engineers/medic

    1. HA
    2. MAX
    3. Engineers/Medic
    4. Infiltrators-SMG/LA

    1. HA
    2. Engineers/Medic
    3. Infiltrators-smg
    4. MAX

    NC ground Battle:
    1. BR1-infiltrator
    2. BR1-infiltrator
    3. HA
  6. Lagavulin

    Yes infils are on the rise without a doubt. Hardly surprising really - SMG infil in particular is pretty good fun, quite satisfying, and a little OP at the moment. With the introduction of stalker cloak, expect to see (or not see, to be more accurate ;)) even more! On the one hand I can't wait to try it myself, on the other it will be tears time for non infils, lol.
  7. gloowa

    It's called being pro these days. I remember when being pro required you to plant railgun headshot across map after trickjumping your own rocket(s). In molten lava.

    Today you get invisibility cheese.
  8. Being@RT

    Doom 1 had partial invisibility - Quite like low-settings cloak in PS2.

    Quake 1 had invisibility powerup - Only eyes visible.

    Fixed it for Miller status.
  9. gloowa

    Agreed. It's still cheese.

    Oh, and the Harasser being no.1 is slowly spreading to all factions. My VS outfit on Ceres now uses harassers over lightings (obviously duh. Harasser made Lightings redundant and completely worthless) and some prefer it over Magfailer due to Harassers ability to ACTUALLY doge incoming ordnance.
  10. Nobalification

    Problem is Miller have cheaters. LOTS OF CHEATERS on Terran Side. Please do something, creating anything to ban them.
  11. HellionX

    TR Max is what is what I see most of the time. The Connery TR he taken to pulling 80% maxes to 20% infantry at some places. 50% always. I don't get it.
  12. LordCreepy

    Fixed this for you

    Edit: VS Version:
    1.ZOE Blueshift Max
    2.ZOE Comets Max
    3.ZOE Mixed ai/av Max
    4.ZOE Burster Max
    5.Uncerted Max
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  13. Sworaven

    How does this have anything to do with the thread? And maybe they're not cheating, maybe you're just not very good and looking for excuses.
  14. JonboyX

    Remember Beta? Shotgun infiltrators? The uproar was sufficient to have shotguns forcibly removed from infiltrators. These were the original shotguns too, and iirc, it was at least a two shot even point blank.

    So. SMGs. Similar TTK? It's effectively the same thing, i.e. "cloaked assassins", just brought in to the game under a different guise. For less than a bullets health you get a cloaking shield. With the lag benefit, that easily offsets the first bullet imo. I think the rise in infiltrators is a rise in SMG users rather than sniper users. Who knows, maybe this is the preface to giving light assaults the sniper rifle instead :rolleyes: .

    Plus, sensor darts are one of the best 'weapons' in the game, if not on your own then at least in a squad. Instant radar that can't be avoided? Yes please!
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  15. Van Dax

    forget infiltrators, miller is like 60% ubgl these days
  16. ChipMHazard

    Meh. Why wouldn't you see infils in most battles? Darts, flanking, surprise. Don't think I've seen more lately, as you always see some low BRs trying to be sneaky, sneaky, snipey, snipey.
  17. CNR4806

    If you see an infil he's pretty much going around not doing his job, unless you "see" him under some aid like a scout radar or recon dart.

    As a Skyguard driver with maxed out prox. radar I'll say there are plenty of infils in areas that I lurk. Annoyingly so because I installed that radar to catch C4 fairies, not to play hide and seek with some sniper-wannabe.

    Which brings up an interesting point - this game, in its current state, is all about blowing up tanks and Sunderers to stop an assault/zerg/whatever you call them, and infil, being completely useless at taking out vehicles, isn't that powerful at all.

    And if you're talking about infantry-on-infantry, that I-win button on the HA sounds like a bigger problem to me than an SMG infil.
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  18. Mustarde

    I play infil almost exclusively so allow me to weigh in here.

    SMG's were given to ALL classes, including infiltrators in December. There have been no direct buffs to the infiltrator class since then - some would argue about low settings cloak (which for many players was an exploit to see infils EASIER for most of this game's lifetime). How some of you seem to think that SMG's on an infiltrator is only now starting to become a little OP is confusing to me. Why now, 10 months after SMG's were released?

    If you spend any substantial amount of time as an infiltrator, you know that the cloak is very UNRELIABLE. Most players will see and shoot you while cloaked if you are in their line of sight. A trip to the infiltrator subforum here will show you that most of us treat it as camouflage - nothing more. It lets you sneak from cover to cover, but will not magically allow you to teleport into that perfect location to flank everyone. That is where skill, luck and abuse of drop pods/ejection seat come in :)

    It is rare, the infiltrator who properly uses recon darts. Most players lack situational awareness, and many of the infiltrators I run across will breach a room, defend an objective or move about without dart coverage. It remains the most under-utilized and under-appreciated ability in our class, although there are some who have mastered its use (drankthekoolaid comes to mind).

    You can take a LA, or any other class and equip an SMG and accomplish almost the same thing as an infiltrator. It's a close range CQC bullethose and if you know how to flank your enemies (does not require cloak), you will enjoy similar results. The reality is that many non-infiltrator classes have reasons to NOT use an SMG - in close quarters the rest of you can use a fully automatic shotgun for example. And many HA's would not want to trade in the versatility of their better LMG's for a more narrow SMG that has a shorter TTK up close with substantially less range.

    So really, the reason for seeing so many SMG infiltrators is because:

    1. The rest of you have options that are arguably better, or more versatile for your class. Only a handful of non-infils chose to use SMG.
    2. SMG's allow us to live up to our namesake and infiltrate hostile bases, hack turrets/terminals and not be a free kill. That was the biggest problem when the game released - our scout rifles were terrible and entering an enemy base was practically suicide. SMG's liberated us from the hills and let us trade in our sniper rifles (if you know me, you know that I never gave my sniper rifle up though :) )
    3. Nanoweave has substantially weakened the sniper (who already required a high level of skill to be remotely useful in battle) to the point where many of us feel compelled to spend more time using high ROF weapons that are much less punished by NW. You know that attitude we see all over these boards about sniper hate? Well this is your alternative.
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  19. Liewec123

    on higher graphics settings infiltrators becoming hilariously easy to spot so i love them, free certs!
    by the time they can unstealth and open fire they're an inch from death.
  20. SarahM

    They made infiltrators harder to see on low? Damn, that explains a lot. I hope I'll be able to turn up graphics once "OMFG" is done.

    That's the reason I opened this thread... to find out whether I'm biased or there's really more infiltrators.