If infiltrators are op then why aren't people who cry about them trying to get good at infiltrating? Joke aside, Infiltrators suffer from a balancing problem similar to air: The best counter is the same, e.g. playing infiltrator.
About the only thing Infiltrator related I can recall is discussions about the Wraith Fury Flash being cheesy (and as the main argument against the Flash getting passive Turbo. My desire for fabulous rocket assisted suicide still wants this). Only thing I can faintly remember about Infiltrators being called OP outside of the Wraith Flash was wasn't there a time that they had perfect invisibility for people with low graphic settings? Otherwise I don't see it, I've played enough AvP that the cloak distortion + all of the fart noises from toggling the cloak don't really keep them hidden for long. Also I've found that a Scout Radar Flash does a pretty good job of ruining any Stalker Infi's day. Kind of get a chuckle pulling one and watching the ally mini-map dots start closing in.
My main is infiltrator and if u are good you can take many down but that requires skill, I am not talking about camping i am talking about living up on the name "infiltrating" and that is possible with both sniper and smg its on the player. Best counter is another sniper or heavy classses
Back in Beta when shotguns were introduced as a non-class specific CQC option, Shotgun Infils were labeled as OP. That said, as infils exist now I don't think they are anywhere near OP; and personally, I don't even think that would be the case even if Stalker Infils could use SMGs. Heck, the only thing "OP" Stalker would have would be for snipers and it isn't even OP - just obnoxious. A bolt action sniper with Stalker would be able to loiter around in deep cloak until people stopped looking for them. ... and quite honestly, I don't think the majority of players have the patience for that style of play - and for the ones who do, they will get discovered by one of the many built-in radars and then spammed to death with some sort of explosive. If they are actually bothering anyone. Also; darklight. Already a hard counter. The only problem I even had with shotgun Infils in beta were clientside issues. They have to de-cloak to fire, and sometimes a player good with their timings (or macro writing) could make it so that they de-cloaked, fired, and re-cloaked so quickly your client only ever registered them as cloaked. This could be fixed by adding a longer re-cloak time. Then shotgun Infils could vaporize one poor sap, and then be gunned down by all his angry friends.
People cry because they cant play them for them selves and they cant understand how the other person does it
My only issue with the infiltrator is that their stealth flashes and their ability to roadkill MAXes, but they can be easily shot off when you see them. Infils are in a good spot, it takes a great deal of skill to pull off head shots from far away. Cloak isn't op and is a class for the patient.
If X is OP then why aren't people who cry about it trying to get good at using it? Insert: ESF Tanks Libs Sniper Rifles HAs C4 Medics Orion NS-15M2 Vanguard Shotguns Lolpods AI noseguns Claymores Medkits AV Manas TankBuster Dalton Sunderrer Rocket Launchers Skyguard Jackhammer ... ... ... Spitfire (Yes, someone actualy complained about it being OP)
The only time I really get frustrated vs infils is when one is camping a vehicle spawn from a distance. It's really not hard to counter, though. If they play stalker and are close, just bring a shotgun. If they are sniping, I bring my Warden and just ADADAD countersnipe them with the 3.4x optic while they miss your head.
Yeah. That madman wanted them to cost nanites. I think he even through out 450 as a number and equated the power level to that of a MAX.
The best counter to snipers is playing infiltrator, mainly also sniper. That, and not standing still. Or abusing aircraft thermals to find snipers 300m away (I've done this enough myself that I have the right to call it OP). Or using LA to hunt them down. SMG infiltrators don't need a unique counter other than awareness. They're basically just regular infantry, and anything that works on an engi or medic will work on them. The cloak helps SMG infils approach engagement range, but you can see them before they're close enough to hurt you. Stalker infiltrators are countered by the darklight flashlight, especially on a Commissioner. Anyone can carry this at all times with very little drawback, and it's a hard counter to indoor/short-range stalkers.
When it comes to CQC infs, I find the best counter is a good pair of headphones, and a set of eyes. Sometimes though it seems like many players are too busy blasting music to listen to audio ques and be aware.
Yeah, I don't see anyone saying that infiltrators are OP. They could use some help honestly. Cloak is far too unreliable and easy to notice these days. Even when cloak was tougher to spot, I never saw people complaining that the class was overpowered; only that it was unfair that players had an advantage for using specific graphical settings.
yeah Infil is typically worse than light assults when it comes to cqc and ambushing as the light assults ability to fly can put him outside of windows on roofs ect not to mention the shotgun access and if you need it C4 for tanks and maxes its weird that people dont play them more than infiltrator or some people just like a nice relaxing sniping run.
Yes, this... Got "Reported" for hearing a infil cloaking and immediately shot the place I thought he would be and he was there... Even though I used like 20 bullets to "Scan" the tree Place was in the tree above the vehicle terminal @ Ti Alloys
I agree they don't have enought hp, 900 hp make us really weak, don't see why infiltrator is the only class who need a downside for using his capacity. Just need to see how many people complain about infiltrator... and now let's see how many people complain about HA, oh yeah that's better.
I think the Infiltrator is definitely not OP. But I do believe they should more important tasks. With Planetside 1, a lot of infiltrators were some of the best hackers you could find. A good infiltrator could cause havoc to enemy forces...for instance, think about an infiltrator being have to hack a sunderer and convert it to their faction. Or perhaps some silly Vanguard driver parks his Vanguard to repair/or leave it alone, only to have an infiltrator hack it and use it against them. I would LOVE for infiltrators to be able to hack vehicles. NC Prowler? YES PLEASE That would be sooo awesome. A TR Magrider, hahahaha. Wow. That would be something.