Infiltrators and the next update

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Burdman, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Kevorkian

    Did they even confirm Infiltrators are getting access to SMG? I see alot of people just blindly assuming.
  2. Intolerant

    Because all other classes can't use stealth.

    Seriously though, I can't wait for SMG's! I hope everybody gets to use them.

    But I'd bet money that they won't use the pistol slot.
  3. iller

    Not at all.... Sniping contributes next-to nothing towards Progress on most objectives and it's not even in the top 10 methods of farming certs unless you're a Crack shot who camps the Crown all day. SOE measures "power" by more than just KDR you know...
  4. lordofhell

    honestly i prefer the CQC bolt actions like the SAS-R an smg would be nice though for any class.
  5. Slyguy65

    Says the vanu infiltrator...get outa here.
  6. Brickwalker

    all other classes cant heal others and yourself,all other classes cant use shield,all other classes cant use jetpacks,all other classes cant provide ammo and a turret...
  7. Brickwalker

    how about you get out of here...

    your constant whining about VS is way passed old.
  8. Xocolatl

    Kinda why I said you shouldn't have to option to be a killing machine. Scratch that--you should have to choose between being a killing machine, or capping base. I'm the last to shy away from having absolutely crappy KDR--anything to help defend/cap, I would do, even at the expense of any and all XP (like going as a lone Burster MAX to cover our armor column which nets zero XP per hour since everyone flies away faster than you can shoot them down, etc).

    Being a killing machine doesn't have anything to do with Cert farming to me though. You take out that Medic, and suddenly you won't have him ressing 10 other people who just got blown up. The key to taking out prime targets as snipers is you have to flank. Any snipers who turtles next to their Sunderer is a ****** who doesn't contribute to the team. Ones who sneak behind the enemy line and snipe an Engy repairing his tank is a man amongst men.
  9. TheArchetype

    I never don't see an infiltrator. Cloak is beyond useless.
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  10. Nikushimi

    The problem with the nyx is it's out performed by the semi auto snipers in every way.
  11. iller

    What are ya talking about... I do this all the time. Then I just STARE at the stupid tank mashing the 'Q' button and yelling at my squadmates to POD the damn thing before its owner get back from spawn and laughs at me. Up until a few days ago, Zypher spam that kept people locked INSIDE their spawns were considered balanced enough and here you are trying to tell me that a guy who can only headshot targets that are standing still at long range.... will be totally "OP" if he gets some kind of EQUALIZER against spray and pray baddies in CQC?

    I'm sorry, but you're just wrong. The the bad kind of wrong, the Oblivious or trolling kind of wrong where it's apparent as **** to everyone else how badly you're exaggerating a tiny little advantage that every other class completely takes for granted and then trying to say it's OP when even the most agreed upon "Overpowered" things in this game have barely even been nudged so far by this Dev team. You're just trolling and I fell for it. MY BAD.
  12. Intolerant

    Invisibility is not even comparable to those other things. It is on a whole different level.
  13. Brickwalker

    If it was complete invisibility I'd agree..

    but as it stands all those other skills are better than PS2's take on invisibility.
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  14. Good_Kitty

    I hope SMG stands for Shotgun machine gun!
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  15. UrMom306

    I'd be interested in the smg depending on its stats. I just recently started playing infiltrator (i roll with a small 3 man squad and we usually take smaller bases, squad vs squad type fights) to hack terminals and such. I've always felt completely unarmed with just the pistol and it's sucked. I just recently picked up the automatic scout rifle (SOAS-20) and man I love this thing. Got my cloak at lvl 5. Man thats a fast paced class, cloak around enemies backs, uncloak and blast him away. The small ammo kinda sucks but i've managed many double kills. If the smg has better stats than the scout rifle (or close) i'd def be on board for that.
  16. Revanmug

    Infiltrator have 100 less shield than anybody. Everybody can have Nanoweave. You can't fire with cloak on. You are obviously stupid.

    Case close
  17. Intolerant

    Agreed. They need to come up with some means of rendering a cloaked infiltrator that doesn't involve alpha blending.
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  18. Xocolatl

    I'm not trolling. I can't make you understand high level of play, nor teamwork, so I will just stand by my word. I get that INF still won't be overpowered even if they have both sniper rifle and an SMG at the same time, but only because most people won't be able to put them to good use, not because the class is underpowered.
    It's all about looking at things from the big picture. A lone HA will never bring down a tank--that doesn't mean that HA should be buffed, or tanks should be nerfed. You just need 2 or 3 people there helping you. That's the mentality behind the game's design, and that will always be the case.

    1. Having an SMG does not boost your utility to the team if you can't already put it to good use. Marching up to try to hack a shield gen will still result in your death if a)you don't have escort, and b) the enemy's base is not entirely idle. Hence, status quo. Having an extra SMG won't help you survive 3 LA and an Engy in a densely populated base.

    2. If you fancy supporting your troops from mid range/close range, it is entirely possible with the semi-automatic rifle, or even bolt action. Granted it doesn't feel anything like PS (much more like CS), but it works perfectly fine. Pistol is also a very effective weapon if you avoid running into someone right at the corridor. You'll be surprised how quick it kills in a fire fight if you know what you're doing. Double tap headshot = gg.

    3. Bolt action and scout rifles are actually pretty decent unscoped in CQC, believe it or not. Give it a try--you'll be surprised how often it hits (and it deals a LOT of damage). But beyond anything, please run with your pistol out.
  19. Isila

    Personally, I'm looking forward to all the "nerf invisible bastards" threads and "don't nerf me bro" threads that are going to come about when bases are suddenly full of invisible people with great CQC weapons and prox mines.

    Shotguns were removed from infiltrators for a reason. Replacing shotguns with a different good-CQC weapon is going to create the exact same problem. The answer to what is wrong with Infiltrators is not to give them guns so that they can duke it out with the other classes, it's to give them more tools and/or more things to do to help their team while they're infiltrating, and give them a cloak option that is better for actual infiltration that limits them to weak, last-ditch weapons.
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