Infiltrator whaaat?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Antich, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Antich

    "The cloak effect on low graphics settings will no longer make the infiltrator completely invisible."

    I think that the SOE employes had mistaken the image in the mirror for the real deal cause as every player knows infiltrators are MORE visible at lower graphics settings. What i don´t get it is how do you plan to make them more visible while cloaked. They already have lightsaber stripes all over their armor and look like Casper the friendly ghost. What are you gonna give them next, dual flashlights?

    Later edit: "infiltrator the red-nosed infantry, had a very shiny nose, and if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows"
  2. GSZenith

    Inf needed more nerfs, being allowed to almost go through my first shield as HA before i killed them wasn't very fun for me.

    Meanwhile pump and flying around coming form 1412412 angels is fine, cos, nope dosen't make sense at all.
  3. Zaik

    It depended on your graphics card. It either made them literally invisible or made them smoke people.

    With my graphics card(AMD Radeon 6670) and settings on low, cloaked infiltrators are literally invisible. I guess "were" would be more accurate now, anyway.
    • Up x 1
  4. insane2170

    You still have no idea where I am hiding, my bullet reaches out n touches you like never before...

    ..You like it.
  5. Agent 47

    Feel my 2-shot lasers to the head!
  6. Antich

    So basicly they actually had the ability to infiltrate due to some ppl graphic setting. Never noticed that, probably cause of the other ppl around that were seeing me from 100m. Now they fixed it. We are left with a LA without jetpack, shotgun, 100shield and c4. But omg, it has(buggy and less effective then a flash radar) darts... i know, let´s make those look like a flare gun.
    But yeah, is just us that like the ideea of infiltrators, we want them all ......
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  7. GSZenith

    but we can hack terms!.. if the 241421 player around it are blind.
  8. Nocturnal7x

    So did SOE fix anything that was an issue? Or did they only change crap no one ever talked about?
  9. Antich

    Oh damn, i forgot about that ... probably cause they were all destroyed lately.
  10. xNPCx

    241420 usually are, it's the 1 that is paying attention that gets you.